Sarah Poe Sarah Poe

Resolving to natures cycles in FAITH

TIME ISN’T RUNNING OUT. You’re exactly where you are. And it is good.  

If you don’t feel that “New Years Resolution” vibe maybe you’re just more attuned with Nature Herself!  

What if our resolution was this?... 

“I resolve to surrender to the natural cycles of my souls unique path here on Earth in absoulute FAITH” 

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Sarah Poe Sarah Poe

Winter Solstice ~ Descent of the Soul


The Solstice is an invitation into the dark, depths of the Soul. A time to let die what is ready to die. An invitation into radical responsibility. What needs to die in order for you to create rich and fertile soil for the seeds of your Soul to be nourished?

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Sarah Poe Sarah Poe

Come stand on the edge with me and let's leap !!

Yes, life is always going to present us with struggle. We’re made to struggle. Its just up to you how you face the struggles of life. You can’t either let them drown you in fear, lock you in a frozen state or you can use every obstacle as an opportunity to act with faith. You are capable of alchemizing your biggest fears into your greatest leaps of expansion!

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Sarah Poe Sarah Poe

Lady Josephine... Miracles in Radical Faith

RADICAL FAITH looks a whole lot like TRUSTING, LETTING GO and allowing God to move in miracles and magick. And this is just what we were called to do almost 3 years ago when we received the news that my niece Josephine, just a few months old, was diagnosed with a rare and “incurable” dis-ease.

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Sarah Poe Sarah Poe

All works of LOVE are works of PEACE

“Monet and I use the word RADICAL before the words LOVE AND FAITH because we believe these two practices have the power to radically shift our inner and outer worlds. Practicing Radical Love and Radical Faith opens and clears a pathway for you to find your way HOME to your True authentic BEing, which IS … LOVE!”

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