All works of LOVE are works of PEACE

You came into this world as LOVE. Every single one of us. We are created in and through LOVE and it is through this same LOVE we were created in, that we are transformed!

Monet and I use the word RADICAL before the words LOVE AND FAITH because we believe these two practices have the power to radically shift our inner and outer worlds. Practicing Radical Love and Radical Faith opens and clears a pathway for you to find your way HOME to your True authentic BEing, which IS … LOVE!

Over the past few years, since our time at Standing Rock, our frontline has shifted in ways that we didn’t expect. Many of you know that we were planning on moving to the reservation to live and work with the youth. We had our hearts fully set on the plan, but Spirit began to reveal a different path before us.

When our Lakota relative told us to “Go home and love our family” our hearts felt torn between two worlds. But as it happens when you are surrendered to the Divine, Spirit will show up in ways that literally clear the path before you. And with surrendered, faithful hearts, we shifted out plans and said yes to the invitation from my brother to live with them for a while.

Holy hearts of faith and fire! The ways that God has moved in our lives to heal, to mend hearts, to move in our family and each of us…. lets just say I’m finally writing the book that has been aching to get out of me for a while. Arvol Lookinghorse was right… the greatest work we would do was at the heart and soul of our family! And from here we get to choose what comes next.

All works of Love ARE works of Peace!!

The faithful work of asking “What does love look like?’ will alter your life in ways that break down walls and open hearts to receive and create miracles!!


RADICAL LOVE AND RADICAL FAITH are the foundation of our offerings with Divine Alchemy, Family Alchemy, our intuitive readings, art classes, group mentorship… all of it!!

We can show you your Souls Blueprint and point you in the direction of your Souls Purpose but what matters most is HOW WELL DO YOU LOVE? Are you fully, authentically, unapologetically, RADICALLY loving your own self??

Peace within me creates Peace in the world.

Radical Love is how we create the Peace in the world that we are all seeking.





Your inner world is reflected in your outer world.

So let me ask you…

How well are you loving? Do you look in the mirror and LOVE the one you see?

Maybe start loving more radically today by writing yourself a love letter? What would you say to that beautifully divine soul you see in the mirror? What does she/he/they need to hear?

Monet and I want to remind you that you are LOVED, you are DIVINE, you are Sacred.

We see you. We love you. Come as you are.

In love and gratitude

Sarah and Monet


Lady Josephine... Miracles in Radical Faith


What Be-Lie-f s are blocking your Soul's alignment ?