What Be-Lie-f s are blocking your Soul's alignment ?

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What does alignment mean for you? 

For me alignment means living in radiance with the Truth that my Soul knows, because Truth is written on our hearts. 

In order to live in alignment we must first look at where we are out of alignment… 

What is blocking your alignment with Divine Truth?  


Be-lie-f : the lies you end up becoming. 

You’ve all heard of limiting beliefs I’m sure.. the be-LIE-f s that you are conditioned in that hold you back from living in your divine sovereignty, prosperity, peace, purpose… 

These Be-lie-f s are all around and within you, they come from the media, from church, from school, from peers, from family… and it can be hard to get clear on what is TRUE until your get still, TUNE IN and listen. 

BUT FIRST… you must be willing to LET GO OF YOUR BE-LIE-F S! 


Are you willing to UNLEARN??

Humans get wrapped up in IDENTITY and BELIEFS. 

You start to be-lie-ve you are “this” or “that” and not “WHO YOU ARE AS A DIVINE BEING”

I recognized the lies in the church growing up as they did not resonate with the God I communicated with. But the conditioning of be-lie-fs I had already been programmed in made for a very difficult and painful journey to shed all the shame and beliefs I was taught. 

When I followed Spirit to the wisdom of the Cosmos, I was led by the Magi of the past, by Yeshua and Mariam of Magdalene, Micheal and Rafael,  who I call in as my guides. I knew there was so much there waiting for me. 

And what I discovered was a system of be-lie-fs in astrology that is OUT OF ALIGNMENT with Divine Truth. Pope Gregory created a fixed calendar system (the Gregorian calendar) and also fixed (locked) astrology into what we call the Tropical or Western astrological system (which most astrologers in the US use. We have moved 1 degree out of alignment with tropical astrology every 72 years since this time. We are now around 24 degrees OUT OF ALIGNMENT with tropical astrology. 

When this conversation comes up I receive a lot of triggered humans and I hear a lot of reasons why this system is the correct. I’ve even heard that tropical is the feminine and sidereal is the masculine and that is simply not aligned in Truth. 

I will be honest, I don’t understand how this misalignment in astrology has gone on for so long. If you want to teach or embody anything, do you not long to understand all that there is to learn? If you want to share astrology, would you then be drawn to sit with the stars and planets and learn from them? That is after all, what our ancestors did.

If anything, tropical serves a purpose in revealing our Souls conditioning in the “System”, the “Matrix” which is a fallen system used to keep humanity out of alignment with their Divine Souls Template. 

At first I was shocked (to find out the Sun was in Taurus when I was born and not in Gemini) and then my entire body, mind and spirit shifted into a deep inner peace as I came to SEE MYSELF as I AM. I experienced a deep shift that came through another dark night of the soul, but this time is was a short trip into the darkness… because I know now how to surrender and allow my guides to take every step with me.  

I honor and give thanks for our Celestial guides, the planets and Sun. They are energetic beings, just like you and me and all life. And they have much to teach and share with us. And this is why, if you choose to allow them in as guides, its soul important to be in alignment with them. 

If you want to be guided and learn more about yourself through the stars and planets, the first step is to GAZE AT THE STARS. Sit with them. Listen. Pray. Here, in the first step, is where I received the understanding of mis-alignment in the western astrological system.

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If you have a DESTINY-ation you are here to seek, I sure would like to have the correct map to guide me. 

For example lets look at TODAY’S Planetary alignments (in Sidereal~ Vedic)

Six planets and the moon in Capricorn. And Mars and Uranus in Aries. 

The Sun is still in Capricorn preparing to move into Aquarius but we’re not there yet. We have SIX planets in Capricorn relatives (NOT Aquarius)

And this Truth is important if you are ready to step into alignment with your Purpose and Peace NOW. 

Jupiter and Saturn are in Capricorn inviting you to expand to integrate ALL that you are… WITH boundaries. 

Boundaries speak NO FEAR. Saturn has been at home in Capricorn constricting us and bringing all our Karma and shadows (including our deepest fears and be-lie-fs) to the surface… in order for us to TRANSFORM and Create new stories, new pathways in and through FAITH and LOVE. 

Jupiter expands and invites us to play. Jupiter and Rahu in alignment are creating an expansion. We’re seeing a rise in the stock market and in coin currency… And Jupiter also shows us our mirrors. She is the archetype of the Sage. 

Mercury rules communication and governs how time appears to us on Earth. I use the guidance of Mercury to get out of my head and into my heart and to honor how I use my words and communicate. Is my communication in alignment with my Truth?

Venus shows us where our Heart Lies… the dreams of our heart. And in Capricorn we are being invited to CREATE the dreams of our heart, To trust. To create structures to support our dreams. Venus is the archetype of the Artist and the Muse. 

And Pluto reveals our generational wisdom. Right now we are going through a MASSIVE ENERGETIC SHIFT, an awakening. An invitation for the whole to transform. Pluto also represent the deep abyss of your emotions. 

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We’ve all been feeling the emotions rise within… and guess what… 


Emotions are energy just like you and me. And they get trapped in the body based on your be-lie-fs and how you process emotions.

You can release them and they desire to be released. ALL energy simply wants to FLOW… emotions, money, love, joy… LET IT FLOW! 

~* The Emotion Code is a powerful tool (book) to use that guides you to release trapped emotions, including breaking down the emotional heart wall your subconscious may have built.

Part of my joy is taking you on the journey to shift our of your conditioning and be-lie-fs, to UNPLUG you from the Matrix and walk with you on the journey into ALIGNMENT with the Truth of your Divine Soul! I see it with my hearts eye. And I have some magical tools that will support you in unlocking your higher heart, your Souls purpose, your freedom, your abundance, your radiance, your magnetic bliss. 

What be-lie-fs are blocking you from the Truth that is written on your Heart? 

Contemplate that and know that you are DIVINE, you are LOVED, you are NOT a Victim, you are a powerful infinite Sacred Creator who came here to Light up the world with your Truth and purpose. 

I love you  

What Be-Lie-F s are blocking you from Truth and alignment?

What Be-Lie-F s are trapping you in a false identity?

What Be-Lie-F s are keeping your from living in abundance?

What Be-Lie-F s are holding you back from Soul’s Purpose?

What Be-Lie-F s are you ready to release to live in alignment with the Divine within?


All works of LOVE are works of PEACE


Take a look in the mirror and "Make that Change"