Access your True Self which is always connected to God.

Your Soul Blueprint is a Map for the Soul,

your Soul which bridges your Inner and Outer world.

As you drew your first breath, at the very moment of your birth,

a celestial pattern of planets impressed itself into every cell of your body.

The positions of the planets upon this breath became points of sensitivity gifting you with

a Soul Map, a diagram, a composition that reflects your Unique Divine Design.

Contemplating your Soul Map guides you home to know yourself, and from here,

to cultivate a life that nourishes your soul so you can

thrive energetically and share your unique gifts with the world.


Who am I?

What is my purpose?

Why am I here?

These are the questions we are all seeking on a soul level.

Your Soul Blueprint is a permission slip to


& Embody your True Self!

Imagine Creator gifting you a template at your birth to contemplate on your journey to BECOMING who you are created to be!

This is your Souls Blueprint~ one of many ways to guide you home to your highest calling through The Way of LOVE.

What is your Soul calling forward within you that is ready to be brought into the Light?

Creator made no mistakes when you were created.

Creator created you both Human & Divine.

Your Soul is an Ambassador for God.

Creator created you to create!

This is your invitation to remember your True Self and “take up your cross” (take responsibility for who you are here to be).

Your Soul Blueprint guides you on a journey of self-exploration and self-illumination to know yourself and rise into your potential through awareness, contemplation, integration and LOVE.

Where fear binds and constricts 

L O V E  E X P A N D S

and LOVE is the field we play in here!!

Hi loves! Thank you for being YOU!

I’m Sarah and I am honoured to be your guide on the journey of your Soul…

Imagine becoming the person you prayed to have beside you when you were going through your darkest nights and your most blissful moments of life. This is my devotion to love. I have walked through hell and tasted heaven to be here now holding all this love in my heart to share with you now. I see through my heart and want you to know that your heart, broken or not, is your True HOME. Holy Spirit waits for you here, in your heart.

ALL of you is welcome here.

I am a Mother, a Soul Guide in the Magdalene Way of Love, a Love Alchemist, Intuitive and a Master Teacher of the Sacred Sciences of Astrosophy, Gene Keys, Anthroposophy and Human Design.

I am devoted to Love in service of YHWH ~ The Good.

I see you. I love you. Come as you are.


Join me on a journey into the luminous realms of the Divine;

an invitation to know yourself as both Human & Divine, to love deeper,

and become The Alchemist and co-creator of your life.

~ Soul Blueprint Offerings ~


(Star Wisdom aligned with Sophia Christ)

Monet and Sarah hand write your Human Design and Gene Keys charts through Astrosophy alignments.

Each reading is a living transmission guided by Sarahs intuition and wisdom to translate your Souls Blueprint as an oracle of the Divine.

Step One: Immerse yourself into all three charts in your first reading or begin with an introductory reading.

Step Two: Integration and Embodiment through mentorship and soul work.

Advanced Readings ~ Understanding your Rites of Passage in Life

Solar Return Sessions (each birthday), Birth/ Childhood Reading, 1st True Node around age 18, 1st Saturn Cycle – 27 to 33, Uranus Opposition – 38 to 42, Chiron Return – approx. age 50

Astrosophy + Human Design

In this INTRO Soul Session you will be guided through the FOUNDATIONS and most resonant aspects of your Astrosophy Natal Chart and your Human Design Template to support you to innerstand yourself and move forward with more clarity and flow empowered by knowing your True Self.

You’ll receive: One 60 minute session & guidance on…

~ Your light and purpose path

~ Where you have been and the direction you are growing into

~ Innerstanding your unique energetic design and how to live in your natural power and flow.

~ This session will be intuitively guided for you in this moment in your life to support your highest good~

Investment (sliding scale)


Astrosophy + Gene Keys + Human Design

In this IMMERSIVE Soul Session we will dive into the FOUNDATIONS and most resonant aspects of your Astrosophy Natal Chart, Human Design Template and your Gene Keys Activation Sequence to support you to innerstand yourself and transform your shadows into gifts.

You’ll receive: One 2 Hour session, ALL THREE CHARTS & guidance on…

~ Everything included in the Intro Session plus~

~ Activation into the highest Soul potential through your Gene Keys.

~ Clarity and awakening into your Souls Genius

~ Connect with your Souls highest calling

~ How to embrace your shadows and transform them into gifts.

Investment (sliding scale)

$333 - $444

Rewire & Transform your Heart and Mind

After you have received your initial reading(s) its time to journey into Integration and Embodiment. There is so much value in these Sacred Charts that is meant to be contemplated and integrated over time.

In these sessions you will be guided deeper into the aspects of your charts. You’ll be guided in the art of alchemy to transform your shadows into gifts, to embody the highest heart of who you are here to be and to rise in Love.

Let go of the things that you used to define your so-called Separate Self and come home to the heart of who you are created to be.

Choose a bundle of Integration sessions or

apply for 1:1 Soul Mentorship with Sarah

(Sliding Scale)

$333- $444 ~ Three 1:1 sessions (one hour each)

Add a 1:1 Personal Soul Retreats and Embodied Photography ..

Soul Blueprint + Integration + The Book!

Three 1:1 Sessions to guide you on a deep journey through your Souls Blueprint to receive intuitive messages and wisdom translated all three of your charts.

PLUS... The Book ~ a 50+ page guide book written specifically for you with all three charts, interpretation and prompts to use as a transformational guidebook throughout your life. This is a gift that you will receive over and over again on your journey in this life. Truly transformative.

Investment (sliding scale)

$999 - $1222

For the love of your Child

Imagine God gave each parent a guidebook to deeply understand the unique gifts, challenges and energetic expression of your child. This is a gift for you and your child, one that we all wish we had.

You will be guided through your childs astrosophy and human design charts to focus on ways to emotionally and spiritually support your child to BE who they are created to BE.

You’ll receive: 1 Hour session

~ Support your childs emotional health

~ Understand your childs unique gifts and challenges

~ Support your child to feel secure in WHO THEY ARE and to LOVE who they are.

~ Ways to honor the Soul of your child and more…

Investment (sliding scale)

$188 - $222

For the LOVE of your family!

“The Family Unit is the most powerful crucible of Love through which humanity will be transformed.” -Richard Rudd

If you are devoted to a new vision for your family and all of humanity. This is for you! Receive an intuitive translation of your families Human Design + Astrosophy. From a place of deeper understanding of each persons unique design you have an opportunity to create an environment that nurtures and supports one another and the family unit.

You’ll receive: Two 2 hour sessions + each family members charts (astrosophy + human design)

Investment (sliding scale)


up to 4 family members (each additional member $111)

* Reach our for pricing for smaller family

Rites of Passage ~ Soul Sessions

16-21 years of age

This is your “coming of age” time in life. This session will support you to know yourself and move into this next stage of your life deeply connected to your own Souls compass.

You’ll receive: 1 Hour session to guide you to…

~ Reflect on your last cycle and where you are on now

~ Open the heart to deep gratitude

~ Release what is no longer aligned or serving your highest good

~ Intuitive guidance with your Soul Blueprint to realign and open your heart for the highest good now and moving forward.

*prerequisite ~ you have already had an intro or immersive Soul Blueprint reading with Sarah

Investment (sliding scale)


Unlock your Souls Divine Potential!

The Gene Keys is a living transmission that connects to the hidden potential in your DNA. As a mystical teaching the Gene Keys are meant to be contemplated to explore your True Self, embrace your shadows, rise into your Gifts and embody your Souls higher purpose.

You’ll receive: A 2 Hour session with Sarah to guide you through your Activation Sequence

~ Remove your armour, embrace your whole self and open your heart to your True Self.

~ Unlock your Souls Genius, Life’s Work & Purpose

~ Awaken the higher aspects of your Soul

*Also available… mentorship through your Venus Sequence and your Prosperity / Pearl Path

Investment (sliding scale)

$333- $444

Your Yearly Birthday Session

This is your yearly “check in”! Your Solar Return each year is a ceremony of the Soul. This is a time for reflection and celebration in preparation for who you now and who you are becoming.

You’ll receive: 1 Hour session to guide you to…

~ Reflect on your last cycle and where you are on now

~ Open the heart to deep gratitude

~ Release what is no longer aligned or serving your highest good

~ Intuitive guidance with your Soul Blueprint to realign and open your heart for the highest good now and moving forward.

*prerequisite ~ you have already had an intro or immersive Soul Blueprint reading with Sarah

Investment (sliding scale)


Saturn Return ~ 27-33 years of age

Your Saturn. Return is not to be feared, but to be honoured and celebrated. This is your invitation to rise into the “Story you are here to write”. The foundation of your life can be shaken during this time in order for you to release and realign. In this session we will look into all three charts with a focus on knowing who you are and who are called to be now.

You’ll receive: 90 minute session to guide you to…

~ How to move from chaos to Creation

~ Deep dive into your South Node and North Node

~ Unveil and Release what is no longer aligned and move into soul alignment.

~ Open your heart to step into your power

*prerequisite ~ you have already had an intro or immersive Soul Blueprint reading with Sarah. OR, you can book a combination session ($444- $555)

Investment (sliding scale)

$222 - $333

Uranus Opposition ~ 38 - 42 years of age

What might feel life a mid-life crisis is a deep calling within your soul for more purpose and ease. You are seeking for Truth and meaning in your life. Uranus calls you to take an evolutionary leap forward.

This session will support you to see this time as an opportunity to open your heart and rise into your purpose.

You’ll receive: 90 minute session to guide you to…

~ Awaken your Sacred Rebel

~ Open your creative channel to play and create more

~ Open your heart and connect with your Souls unique genius

(This is also a great time to move into your Venus Sequence… message me to learn more)

*prerequisite ~ you have already had an intro or immersive Soul Blueprint reading with Sarah. OR, you can book a combination session ($444-$555)

Investment (sliding scale)

$222 - $333

Chiron Return ~ around 50 years of age

Chiron guides us to embody the “wounded healer”. Around 50 years of age Chiron returns to witness and invite you to transform your suffering through grace and come into wholeness. Your core wounds become the foundation for your highest calling.

You’ll receive: 90 minute session to guide you to…

~ Choose LOVE as your compass

~ Face your deepest shadows with love and faith

~ Transform your core wounds and suffering through Grace and alignment with your higher calling

~ Release what is no longer aligned or serving your highest good

~ Intuitive guidance with your Soul Blueprint to realign and open your heart for the highest good now and moving forward.

*prerequisite ~ you have already had an intro or immersive Soul Blueprint reading with Sarah. OR, you can book a combination session.

Investment (sliding scale)

$222- $333

“The purpose of Alchemy

is to transform one substance into another.

It does this by burning off the dross, or the negativity of a substance

so that the pure substance remains, or is created.” -Judi Sion

Journey begins July 22nd ~ Mary Magdalene Feast Day

“The heights to which this climb will take you are in direct ratio to the depths to which you have the courage to delve.”-The Seer

What would you transform in 40 days?

If you knew that anything was possible, that you couldn’t fail, or that you might fall but it would be absoulutely worth it because you would be doing that thing that lights you up… what you be doing?

Who would you BEcome?

Dive into this journey of love that will break your heart open to living with more PEACE, PURPOSE, PRAYER, PROSPERITY and POSSIBILITY!


Souls Blueprint Readings + Mentorship

Whether you desire to have your Souls Blueprint translated and simplified for you, or you are ready to take the deep dive and be guided on your journey of the Soul…. I am here to love and walk along side you.

I offer several sessions to meet you where you are and walk you through your Souls Blueprint, but most importantly to give you a safe and loving space to remove your armour and open your beautiful heart.

I also offer several group memberships, group masterhearts and 1:1 Soul Mentorship with Sarah.


Family Alchemy

One generation full of deeply loving aware parents will change the story of the next generation and with that, The world.


This is a journey to understand your Self and nurture the unique soul of your family. To truly, GO HOME AND LOVE YOUR FAMILY.


Love Alchemy

A Heart Immersive 1:1 journey to activate and embody LOVE in life, home & business. Designed to nourish your Unique Soul.

Sacred Mentorship may include…

Soul Blueprint Deep Dive

Soul Branding / Embodied Photography

1:1 Retreat

Personal Training in Soul Initiation/ Soul Blueprint…

AS ABOVE SO BELOW~The stars above reflected and mirrored in your very Being.

YahWeh translates to Breath Of Life. As YahWeh Breathes Life into you,

you are also gifted with a Divine Composition scripted in the stars.

Reach out to explore your Soul Blueprint and begin the journey HOME to knowing yourself, as both Human and Divine.

I see you

I love you

Come as you are ,
