What will you transform in 40 days?

What will you decide to create over these 40 days?

Who will you BE in 40 days?


TRANSFORMATION is not accomplished by tentative wading on the edge.

Alchemy IS Transformation

and Alchemy requires Faith, Action, Surrender, Devotion and Prayer!


This is me. 4 years ago…

This is me, moments before another initiation into death and rebirth.

My soul had been calling me forward, as our souls are ALWAYS calling us forward. I had been devoted to “healing” for over 20 years. I had died 1000 deaths and been reborn again and again, and yet my bones we’re still heavy with the weight of all that I carried. All that wasn’t ME.

My soul was calling me into the deepest descent of the Soul yet. We were about to set out to excavate the trauma and lies buried in my bones so that I could be free to become the LOVE I KNEW I WAS HERE FOR!

Moments after I took this image, Monet and I went to the field by the creek on my brothers farm and we set the space for ceremony. There with the water, the earth, the sky, hawks and deer and butterflys, I LET GO and fell into the lap of The Mother.

Each strand of hair had served its purpose in holding my story, all the way back to my abuse as a teenager when my first gray hairs sprung up over night. Its not normal to have grey hair at 16 but then again what happened to me as a teenager isn’t normal either.

I was ready to release the weight of the past and all the masks I had been wearing, all the shame and the guilt and the perfectionism, the people pleaser, the lies that we’re holding me back from my Souls TRUTH!

And so, Monet took the scissors and within moments my hair fell to meet the earth, just as I was falling into the lap of Mother God. There we lay, my old hair, the old Sarah and all the versions of me before and yet to come. There we cried, laughed and rested in the sweet remembering that was just beginning.

Soul freedom!

You can see it in her eyes… freedom! Liberation! WILDNESS!

Our Soul is wild. Her nature is freedom and love and creativity!

My Soul was setting out on a new adventure and the miracles that have unfolded in my life in the past 4 years continue to call me forward.

I was being initiated into my path as a Soul Guide and I had no idea what God was going to call me to do, but I was listening and ready to leap!

The day after we shaved my head, I received an email that I had been nominated for the Million Moms Movement. Monet and I were selected to receive $2500 worth of superfoods! And the first thing they suggested was for us to do a 40 day cleanse.

Make it stand out

The following night I was sitting by a fire and felt the waves of inspiration sparking within my heart. 40 DAYS. 40 DAYS. 40 DAYS. 40 DAYS.

What is the meaning of 40 Days?

Why did Jesus go to the Wilderness for 40 days?

I felt the call to host my first group experience.

40 Days of Peace, Purpose and Transformation.

I had never done anything like this and I was terrified, but I leaped and said yes! And in those 40 days, over the holydays between Thanksgiving and the New Year, I experienced miracles and transformed into the next version of who I am here to be!

I don’t know what part of your soul is calling you forward

but I promise you that your soul is calling!

Your Soul is the most wild and natural thing within you.

Your Soul calls you to towards the most unique aspects of who you are.

Your Soul calls you into the WILD, into the WILDERNESS, into the UNKNOWN

You are invited to join me for 40 Days of Peace, Purpose, Prayer, Possibility and Prosperity!

Over these 40 days you are invited to let go and create space to hear the voice of your Wild Soul calling.

You are invited into the wilderness to open your heart and make room for love to grow, for your Soul to spread her wings, for your Inner Child to come out and play!

Imagine what is possible for you over the next 40 days?!!!

And. Imagine how your peace, your love, your purpose, your willingness to live with an open heart… Imagine how your inner world will effect your outer world and the whole.

The world is in a Great Remembering and we are being called to

Remember who we are and rise in love.

What to expect…

Every morning you will receive a love note for the day.

These morning love notes will include a journal prompt and a message to inspire and open your heart. I will be listening for what to share and we will be moving with the Gene Keys that we are collectively transitting. The first GK will be inviting us to transform our pain into purpose!

You’ll be invited into the 40 Days telegram group where we can share our experiences and invite others to hold prayers with us.

I will host a few live calls (dates to come… recordings available after)

You are invited to LET GO of something during this period (and maybe for good). What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you ask the question…

What do I need to release to serve my highest good?

Remembering The Mother

I’ll be honest, I have no idea what She is going to be sharing with us, but I am surrendered and fully open. I said yes!

I had no idea what the 1st 40 Day experience would be but I said yes and I stayed consistent.

I do know that The Mother is calling to us. It is her voice that speaks to me now as I write you and lean into these 40 days together.

I can’t tell you what will happen over these 40 days, but I promise to show up every day to listen, to let my heart break open, to share my heart and to hold us all in loving prayer.

I long for peace in the world with every cell in my being. And I know that this peace starts with my own devotion to love, radical faith and cultivating peace in my self first.

I look forward to loving on you all.

We being this Wednesday, November 22nd.

Yes! I choose 40 days of Alchemy!

40 Days is my Gift to share. I feel this is a way for me to love on my soul family over the holydays. It lights me up to give!!

And I am open to receiving any love offerings towards our ministry. You can share an offering now or at the completion of our 40 days.

All love offerings are 100% tax deductible. Every session, every reading, all courses, even my 1:1 year long mentorship and photography is all tax deductible as a donation towards our Ministry.