September 14th + 15th

Eye of The Heart

Mini ~ Day Retreat

Charleston Sc ~ Platform Consciousness Studios


This is your RESET friends!

This experience is a journey of LOVE to guide you back home to your heart.

Every once in a while YOUR HEART NEEDS A RESET and this is it!

Remove your armour. Open your devotional heart.

Connect with the voice of your Soul.

~Remember Who You are~


Sarah and Monet will guide you on a journey to open your heart and connect with the voice of your soul.

You’ll receive a mini Soul Blueprint Reading and experience the soulful energetics of Human Design as well as Astrosophy.

If you have already had a reading with Sarah, we’ll be diving deeper into your Souls Purpose and Integration for this season of your life. If this is your first experience with Human Design, you’ll receive your charts and an introduction to your Divine Souls Blueprint! Its a heart opener!!!

Then we’ll move through somatics and drop into connection with your Inner Child to open your creativity and create.

Bring your Journal and prepare to open your heart to innerstand your vision and purpose more clearly.

~Restore. Rewire. Create~.


Superglow Breathwork Journey with Brian and Annie Piergrossi

plus Art Alchemy to tap into your Inner Child and open your creative channel.

You are being called forward.

In this moment and all the moments to come, your Soul is calling you ever forward. 

Your Soul is always calling, sometimes it comes in a whisper, other times a shout. This voice is speaking to you from within your very own heart.

Are you listening?

Broken or not, your Heart is your True Home and


Its time to listen to the voice of your Soul calling and to see with a new perspective through THE EYE OF YOUR HEART. 

If you are feeling the call to move into alignment with your Soul, to give and receive more love, to serve with a fully open heart and cultivate more creativity, we are creating more opportunities just for you. 

About Sundays Journey…..

Super Glow Breathwork is a powerful journey that’s brought healing & transformation to thousands of people around the world since 2017.

This is rejuvenative, regenerative space to fully relax, mentally, emotionally, physically,  & spiritually, and unlock a deeper layer of your innate innocence

On this journey we will be utilizing the scientifically proven, potent, and effective modality of breathwork to unveil and release stagnancy lingering in the body, mind, and spirit.

By opening ourselves to the power of breath we are able to naturally remove these energetic blockages, making available a clearer psyche and creative life force.

This practice is transformational, insightful, a pathway for infinite possibility, and heightened consciousness, & communion with the Higher Power (God).

Breathwork’s natural benefits:

🍃Heal physical ailments

🍃Heal trauma

🍃Rewire your emotional default settings

🍃Stimulate your immune system

🍃Open up to more life force energy

🍃Clear patterns of anxiety/depression/addiction

🍃Improve sleep

🍃Detoxify your mind/body/spirit

🍃Gain access to a greater sense of aliveness, peace & connection

🍃Connect you to self-knowledge/intuition/higher wisdom

🍃Awaken your authentic & embodied self

🍃Discover your innate authenticity, freedom & joy

🍃Help access your creativity

🍃Open your heart to deep gratitude & self-love

Breathwork is a safe & simple experiential process. This practice is available to everyone regardless of ability, age or experience.

We will use a connected & conscious breathing rhythm called “circular breath” to flood the body with oxygen. 

In addition, you will be supported with our renowned, hands on healing during the session.

A curated musical playlist will also help to support your journey. 

This breathwork journey will last for approximately one hour.

There will be an opening & closing circle, before and after, to share intentions, guidance, reflections & answer questions. 

Brian & Annie Piergrossi reside in Southwest Virginia and have been leading breathwork journeys, personal sessions & retreats around the world for over 7 years together.


“One breathing session was more powerful and beneficial to me than months of talk therapy!

You all are amazing!” -Stephanie F.

“Powerful work last night. I have not felt so safe and relaxed anytime in recent memory. The energy work that you two provided throughout the breathing process was exactly what I needed at those moments.” -Patrick C

Benefits of Art Alchemy:

🎨 Open your creative channel

🎨 Bring your Inner Child home

🎨 Create a deeper sense of trust in your own intuition

🎨 Stop being so serious and create a life of more playfulness

🎨 Reclaim your creative power

🎨Express yourself through creative outlet

🎨Connect with your Divine Channel to Creator

🎨Embody your feminine nature in flow and creativity

🎨Let go and surrender into who you are

and more…..

You are created to CREATE!

Art Alchemy is a journey of creativity and play!

Monet guides you back home to connect with your Soul through nurturing your Inner Child.

Saturday ~ Soul Blueprint

Access your True Self which is always connected to God.

Your Soul Blueprint is a Map for the Soul,

your Soul which bridges your Inner and Outer world.

As you drew your first breath, at the very moment of your birth,

a celestial pattern of planets impressed itself into every cell of your body.

The positions of the planets upon this breath became points of sensitivity gifting you with

a Soul Map, a diagram, a composition that reflects your Unique Divine Design.

Contemplating your Soul Map guides you home to know yourself, and from here,

to cultivate a life that nourishes your soul so you can

thrive energetically and share your unique gifts with the world.

Who am I?

What is my purpose?

Why am I here?

These are the questions we are all seeking on a soul level.

Your Soul Blueprint is a permission slip to


& Embody your True Self!

Imagine Creator gifting you a template at your birth to contemplate on your journey to BECOMING who you are created to be!

This is your Souls Blueprint~ one of many ways to guide you home to your highest calling through The Way of LOVE.

Join us for One Day or BOTH!

We are so excited to share retreats with our community! This mini retreat is designed to spark your heart and reset you as we walk into fall season.

Stay tuned for the details on our next full Eye of the Heart retreat coming next!