Fall 2024

For the LOVE of the FAMILY

I believe the greatest work we can do for humanity starts with famil..

…and it begins with YOU.

If you know you are here to break and transform generational patterns for the highest good of all..


You desire to know yourself, to realign with your True Self.

You are reparenting yourself.

You are a parent desiring to understand yourself, your children and partner on a deeper soul level.

You have always felt “misunderstood” in your family and you are ready to understand and love yourself.

You believe that the Love of the Family has the power to ripple and change the world that we all desire.

You are devoted to a new vision for your family and all of humanity..

Imagine how it would be to feel safe as a child, safe to BE exactly WHO you are, who you came here to BE. 

Imagine being able to deeply innerstand your children, their gifts, challenges, intuitive sensitivities and ways of BEing the world in order to guide, support and lift them up.

Imagine being given a parenting guide written for YOUR unique family,  to support you in guiding your child to radiate the Truth of who they came to be. 

Imagine being able to innerstand your partner on a deeper soul level and how this innerstanding supports the whole family.

Imagine the peace of KNOWING WHO YOU ARE.

This is where we will journey together THIS FALL.

Journey begins September. Reserve your space.

What to expect in FAMILY ALCHEMY?

Transforming the world through the love of the Family

~ Contemplate your Unique Soul Design through Astrosophy, Human Design and the Gene Keys

~ Understanding and connecting with the Body as a vehicle/ temple for the Soul

~ Reparenting yourSelf as the greatest act of LOVE.

~ Ways to regulate the nervous system for you and your children

~ Understanding Family dynamics, stages of development and energetic templates.

~ Learning to focus on our Soul Gifts

You are not broken!

You are a child of God, created in the image of LOVE

Join us on a journey to reclaim the Truth of who you are as a unique Soul ~ Divinely Designed! Unbind yourself from the conditioning of who were told to be and rise into the loving awareness of who you are created to be.

We will set out on a journey of wholeness to transform family patterns that have caused harm in order to cultivate love, understanding, compassion, forgiveness and celebrate who we are truly created to be…. LOVE.

10 Live calls + Q&A + Telegram

Sliding Scale $555 - $777

Includes 2 Soul Blueprint charts ($40 each additional family members chart ~ all charts are hand written)

Add On: 1 on 1 Soul BLUEPRINT readings with Sarah start at $200


Add a 1:1 Soul Blueprint Reading for you or your family NOW to book your session before we begin.




One on one session to unlock a deeper understanding of your family.

Imagine being able to parent by design! There is a Divine Map encoded at the moment of your birth and this is an invitation to receive your families Soul Blueprint aligned in sidereal ~ soul astrology and Human Design.


1:1 Family Alchemy Mentorship

The most intimate, loving support we offer families.

An alternative to family therapy, this is an invitation to gain the tools and wisdom to know yourself and your family through Soul - led parenting.