
You’ve received your Soul Blueprint… now what?

After you have received your initial reading(s) its time to journey into Integration and Embodiment. There is so much value in these Sacred Charts that is meant to be contemplated and integrated over time.

Integration sessions are designed to guide you deeper into the aspects of your charts. You’ll be guided in the art of alchemy to transform your shadows into gifts, to embody the highest heart of who you are here to be and to rise in Love.

Let go of the things that you used to define your so-called Separate Self and come home to the heart of who you are created to be.

Rewire & Transform your Heart and Mind

Choose a bundle of Integration sessions or

Apply for 1:1 Soul Mentorship with Sarah for 3 month, 6 month or more.

(Sliding Scale)

$333- $444 ~ Three 1:1 sessions (one hour each)

Add a 1:1 Personal Soul Retreats and Embodied Photography ..