Holy ~ to make Whole

Re-bell ~ to change/align the frequency (through Love)

Your Soul is an Ambassador for God / The Good /for LOVE

Join us on a journey to contemplate The Way of Love beyond religion or dogma as we enter into an ERA OF GRACE.

Its time to REMEMBER who we are as Love, as both Human and Divine.

Yeshua and Mary bring us the wisdom of the Sacred Heart and guide us to rise into Love through The Law of Light and The Way of Grace.

~This LOVE is the Bridge~

~SUMMER 2024 Holy Rebels~


The Way of GRACE

Grace cannot be earned.

Grace is a Gift we freely receive.

Holy Rebels is an 

Initiation into the Magdalene Way of LOVE

Surrendering into An Era of Grace

We’re here to normalise MIRACLES through LOVE, FAITH and GRACE.

The seed of miracles is Faith, and Faith blooms through Grace.

Grace is The Way of Love.

~The Way / Yah Weh~

God is at work enlarging the boundaries of your heart.

This is an invitation to Remember The Way of LOVE through rediscovering





This is an invitation to Remember Who You Are, AS LOVE

In this time of Great Remembering there is a call to transform suffering through Grace.

Your soul is calling you forward, to die to the old you in order for your True Self to be reborn renewed.

Remember Who You Are, REALIGN and RECLAIM your Souls Truth.

This is the call of The Holy Rebel, to RISE IN RADICAL LOVE & FAITH

to become a vehicle of awakening for others through your own revolutionary heart as you remember The Way that IS LOVE.

When we open to receive and allow the higher states of Love to pour through us, the shadows within are illuminated and transformed through the LIGHT.

Love gives us everything we need to embrace our shadows, choose radical responsibility and alchemise our suffering into grace and compassion.

Awaken the flame of your heart and rise together in love and service of The Light!

This is for all the Holy Rebels who came before us, and for the Holy Rebel within.

This is for the LOVE OF SOPHIA, The Divine Feminine: Virgin, Mother, Crone.

Together we will contemplate The Way of Love & Grace to….

~Open to see with new eyes through the hearts eye.

~Widen the perspective, because perspective is everything.

~Contemplate the Stories we’ve been told and listen to the story we know on our hearts

~Accept the Gift of Grace

~Become a door for the Divine as a “Daughter of the Divine”

~Free yourself from shame and victimisation through Grace

~Reclaim your Radical Expression of Faith.

~Alchemise pain into purpose, grief into gratitude.

~Liberate your beautiful sacred heart!

The most radical gift you can offer the world right now is the Love you are and the LOVE you are becoming.


Together we will contemplate:

Mary Magdalene ~ Apostle, Essene, She of 1000 Angels, Beloved of Yeshua

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene ~ A Ministry of Love through The Law of Light

Mother Mary ~ The Fearless and Devoted Mother

The 7 Powers of the Ego

The core wounds of humanity

7 Sacred Seals / Gates to Heaven

Christ Consciousness, Sophia and The Divine Mother

Gene Keys 22 (Grace) and 55 (Freedom)

Intro to The Law of Light / Aramaic Prayers


Mary Magdalene Feast Day

A Journey into your Sacred Heart

The Way of Love

What is Holy Rebels?

Who am I? Why am I here?

What is my purpose?

How can I serve The Way of Love?

I grew up a preachers daughter who questioned everything I was taught, while also wanting to “do the right thing”. I was seeking a Truth that was grounded in LOVE. I knew a “God of Love” in my heart but what was reflected in the world around me was missing this Love.

I saw “spirits”, talked to angels, rejected most of the ways of the “church” and ultimately journeyed deep into the underworld to know the ways of darkness and Light, of death and birth.

Through every trial (abuse, addiction, mental illness diagnoses, divorce, homelessness, and rejection), I was given opportunities to invite and accept Love and Grace into every aspect of my broken heart. I have come to know the Truth in the 1st Power as Mary teaches us, that within the Darkness a form of vision becomes available to us. In the Darkness we are given an opportunity to access the Light that is always within waiting for us to REMEMBER. Over and over, in loss, heartache and my own utter aloneness, I was able to access the Light that has always lived in my own beautiful heart. It is this Light, the Christ Light that I believe we are here to birth from within, just as Yeshua and Mary taught us through living examples.

Every part of your journey has been divinely orchestrated to allow you to know The Way of Love. With every cell in your being and every breath this Love is here for you. God IS THE GOOD, as Mary so beautifully names our Creator. I AM THE LIGHT because I accept that I AM and choose it. The Way of Love is here to serve. Listening is one of the greatest gifts we can give and LOVE is here to make us WHOLE as we RE-BELL and raise the frequency!

When my father resigned as minister when I was teenager he opened the door for me and my brothers. He took a brave step into the unknown where his heart and curiosity to question led him. His faith in action as a Holy Rebel inspired me to listen to the voice of the Divine within me. He is now a “death doula” / Hospice Spiritual Mentor / Transformational Grief Guide… HOLY REBELS GROUP OFFERINGS honour all the Holy Rebels who humbly serve The Good, The Way of Love.

Holy Rebels is a space where ALL ARE WELCOME

to come together in contemplation, curiosity and openness.

Contemplate a radical shift in perspective that allows you to see with your Sacred Heart and follow the voice of your Soul.

What is the prayer of your heart?


Holy Rebels Offerings are a series of courses on everything from Mary Magdalene, Christ Consciousness, Gene Keys, Gnostic teachings, The Law of Light, The Way of Love, Aramaic language/ prayers, Gift Economy, Radical Faith, Radical Service, Divination as Spiritual Listening and more..

~The Way of Grace~

Summer Series ~Begins July 8th

A journey into the Heart of Grace

Gene Key 22~ Grace

7 Sacred Seals

6 Core wounds of humanity

Mary Magdalenes 7 powers of the ego

What is the prayer of my heart?

How can I alchemise my suffering through grace?

How may I/We serve The Way of Love?

How can my pain be transformed to purpose?


Session 2: July22nd through September 23rd

Every Monday 7:00 est

OPENING CEREMONY 🌹Mary Magdalene Feast Day Ceremony July 22nd🌹

All calls recorded and shared in the Holy Rebels Library of Resources

12 Live Masterhearts

Telegram Group to connect

A Journey into your Sacred Heart

12 Sessions/July 22nd-Sept 23rd

1/Opening Ceremony ~ Mary Magdalene Feast Day

Honoring Mary of Magdalene ~ Priestess, Apostle, Beloved of Yeshua, Daughter of the Divine.

2/The Way of Love

What is Christ Consciousness? Rise of the Divine Feminine. The Feminine Christ. The Great Mother. Holy Sophia.

Contemplate a radical shift in perspective that allows you to see with your Sacred Heart and follow the voice of your Soul.

What is the prayer of your heart?

3/ The First Power

~ Darkness ~

Darkness makes vision possible. We must descend before we ascend.

The 6 Core Wounds of Humanity

4/ The Second Power

~ Clinging ~

Letting go in order to allow the Soul to lead.

5/ The Third Power

~ Ignorance ~

What happens in the wilderness? Humble me so that I may see.

6/ The Fourth Power

~ Excess ~

I am beloved. I am worthy. I am enough.

7/ The Fifth Power

~ Forgetting ~

Remembering Who I Am ~ Human + Divine (Anthroposophy) The Cave of the Eggs

8/ The Sixth Power

~ The Body ~

The Body never lies. Love has already won.

9/ The Seventh power

~ Sacred Rage ~

What is my anger here to teach me?

The Alabaster Jar. The Language of Angels.

10/ Love and Grace ~ The Way and the Bridge

The 22nd Gene Key. True Alchemy transforms pain into purpose, grief into gratitude and suffering to grace.

Yeshua and Mary of Magdalene. Masculine and Feminine Christ. The Way and The Bridge.

11/ True Freedom In Service to Love

Gene Key 55. Moving from Victimisation to Freedom. Where can I be of service to the Divine?

Entering a phase of WE through Grace

12/ Closing Ceremony

What you are seeking was always right here, within your own Sacred Heart.

A total eclipse of The Heart. A New Heaven and A New Earth.

Holy Rebel~ Magdalene Bundle

Journey through the next 12 weeks in devotion to the LOVE you are now, and the LOVE you are becoming.

HOLY REBEL 12 week Course +

Soul Blueprint Reading +

Three 1:1 Integration Mentorship Sessions

Total Value $1,444

Share through Zelle at sacredsoulsministry@gmail.com