1:1 Soul Work

I see you sister! You are ready to be seen in your raw, wild, primal, vulnerably beautiful self.

This is in invitation of devotion to embody the fullness of your Sacred Heart and activate your creativity and spiritual gifts by choosing who you are here to become. Its all within you already.

I feel you in your desire to meet the edges of your fears and leap into the unknown. Perhaps you are terrified, because it is both terrifying and exhilarating. Your expansion is in the alchemy of both ecstasy and suffering. Saying yes to this journey together is a leap into death and rebirth, and its a path I am devoted to because I have experience the miracles and possibility awaiting us through Soul Initiation!

My mirror inspires radical faith and love!

The medicine offered here is LOVE and Connection through The Mother, an opportunity to be seen and supported in a sacred way. I know the depths of suffering and the heights of Love. My path in this life has given me the opportunity to experience the full spectrum of being both Human and Divine.

I see you. I love you. Come as you are.

I have walked through hell on earth and tasted Heaven right here in my own Sacred Heart.

I have alchemised the suffering of abuse, abandonment, addiction, poverty and homelessness, and transformed all of it through the knowing of my own unique magick as a Medicine Woman and Priestess. Every moment when I thought I could no longer bear the weight of suffering, was a moment that allowed me to REMEMBER WHO I AM!

I see you. You are drawn to me because I have walked through the fires and I know both the underworld and heaven on earth. I will walk right beside you through your fires and fears and we’ll open that beautiful heart of yours wide open.

Together we’ll explore your sacred heart as you are guided to know and love your true self to embody the Sacred Gift that you are.

You’ll be guided through your Soul’s blueprint to understand your unique genius, to alchemize your shadows and fears and embody your beautifully wild heart!

Do you want to live with a fully open heart? Let’s LEAP together!

I am not your healer, you are your own teacher, your own healer. I am simply blessed to walk along side you, in love, to remind you how miraculous you truly are!!

Your suffering holds the keys to your greatest expansion, peace and prosperity, a magic mirror for alchemy and miracles. Its time to LOVE ALL the parts of yourself. Its time to stop fighting yourself and devote yourself to the Love you are and the Love you are becoming.

You have everything you need right now in this moment and you never have to walk alone.

I am here. I love you. Come as you are.

Soul Mentorship


Where do see yourself in 6 months? One year? Seven Years?

Imagine what is possible when you choose to take radical responsibility for the life you want to create?!

Imagine what is possible when you choose radical faith to embody a life of radical love!!

I am so grateful to be here now with a heart so full to share with you. I am here to inspire magick & miracles.

God wrote the dreams on your heart. They are woven into the fiber of your being and its up to you to leap and create in faith & embodied action.

This is an invitation to journey together in love, vulnerability and sisterhood to align, refine and co-create your vision.

Its your story! I’m here to witness, inspire, love and create with you!


Soul Work is an Act of Love your Gift Yourself

1 on 1 work is a Sacred and Holy experience.

This is a devotional space for you to be fully seen and to rise up into your own power.

I am a mirror and guide, you are going to bring forth all that is within. You are the Alchemist of your life. I am here to witness and guide you through the Initiation of your Soul.

Every Soul is unique and so every 1 on 1 experience is unique. We will play in the magick of your Souls Blueprint, including your Gene Keys, Human Design and Astrosophy.

We will create through Art Alchemy, creating your life as a Living Ceremony, guided meditations, channeled messages, breath work, movement…..

There is opportunity to create Embodied Photography, Sacred Branding and of coarse 1 on 1 Retreats!

Most importantly, we will weave our prayers together.




Make it stand out

“Our favorite part about working with Sarah is that she is SO GOOD at loving and seeing people in their brightest light— WOW and thank you.

It is such a gift to be seen and witnessed in this way, to have someone help you see yourself almost from God’s perspective.

She is an angel on Earth. 

Sarah helped us see the codes of ourselves and our divine union that we could feel inside and didn’t have words for yet. 

We were able to recognize certain gifts we have such as my ability to anticipate the future and Brian’s sense of divine timing. This was an area where our leadership would clash, and now we remember who’s gifts to lean on and when.

Thank you for this and the many other areas where we dove into our special co-creating powers. 

We so so love the way you carry this wisdom, Sarah.

In Gratitude, ”

-Dr. Chelsea Rae & Dr. Brian Thomas (Genius Frequency)

“I felt like I was being mothered by the Universe working with you. Being with you, working with you and being held by you I have felt more seen, understood, guided, accepted, nurtured, loved, held, met… the say mothered by the Universe is because I feel that if I could puzzle together the perfect parent and everything that my being needs and wants that relationship. I felt that feeling when I was working with you and it felt channeled through you. We were connected to each other and to everything working together.” Beki Hampton


1 on 1 Mentorship may include:

Weekly Calls

Ongoing support through telegram/ voice notes and text

Teacher training

Personal Retreat

Sacred Branding. Photography. Film.

Law of Light. Law of Love. Magdalen Mentorship.

Death and Birth Soul Initiation.

Message me to connect and feel into how I can fully support you now.