Dr. Chelsea Rae and Dr. Brian Thomas

"Our favorite part about working with Sarah is that she is SO GOOD at loving and seeing people in their brightest light-- WOW and thank you. It is such a gift to be seen and witnessed in this way, to have someone help you see yourself almost from God's perspective. She is an angel on Earth. 

Sarah helped us see the codes of ourselves and our divine union that we could feel inside and didn’t have words for yet. 

We were able to recognize certain gifts we have such as my ability to anticipate the future and Brian's sense of divine timing. This was an area where our leadership would clash, and now we remember who's gifts to lean on and when.

Thank you for this and the many other areas where we dove into our special co-creating powers. 

We so so love the way you carry this wisdom, Sarah."

In Gratitude, 

Dr. Chelsea Rae & Dr. Brian Thomas (Genius Frequency)

Beki Little Bear

I felt like I was being mothered by the Universe working with you.

Who knew that unveiling my soul's blueprint would be so awakening, motivating or enriching?!Working with you has been a sincerely eye opening experience with overtones of truth and love that felt like an embrace from source and from my higher self. It felt like coming home to a place I had forgotten in a sense. There seemed to be things I knew to be true but could never quite grasp or articulate or embody until the activations that occurred working together. Since then it has been like being catapulted into quantum leaps for me and not always in the most comfortable ways but you’ve shown up for me to talk in those times.

Working with you I have felt more seen, understood, guided, accepted, nurtured, loved, held and met. I say “mothered by the Universe” because I feel that if I could puzzle together the parent and the relationship my soul needed right now, I received that feeling with you as if it were channeled through you. We were connected to each other and everything working together. The more aligned I have become with myself and MY truth, the more spirit guides me towards light and love.

I'm am so grateful that I crossed paths with this beautiful love alchemist and that I said yes to getting to know myself on a deeper spiritual level. Thank you Sarah, for seeing me and guiding me. Aho, mitakuye oyasin.


Sierra Rogers

“Sarah is a cosmic mother with a heart that swallows you whole and makes you feel so loved. The work she does is healing the planet! She is a teacher in that she gives you the keys, but reminds you of your divinity by seeing you for all that you are! And reminding you, constantly! It’s truly inspiring!!! Working with Human Design and the Gene Keys aligned in sidereal have pointed me inward and helped me realise where I was holding myself back and brought to light the unconscious pieces of myself and now I’m working through it all. I am so thankful for the tools she shared with me to help me step into my sacred heart.”

My session with Sarah was life affirming. It’s like someone saw me for the first time. A version of myself that I did not even know existed until that moment. I often felt that I was misunderstood—even to myself.

I went in knowing full well that my life was about to shift in a profound way. I was looking for a blueprint and a guidance system and I found it. Afterwards I had more clarity than ever about my purpose on the planet in this lifetime.

Sarah leads with her heart with pure devotion to the divine in YOU.

I walked away with such insight to my path and the synergy in the call was amplifying and so affirming.

Sarah offers an incredible comprehensive two hours on astrology, human design and gene keys.

We are all well aware of the fact that the key to any change first begins with awareness of self. Sara is incredibly generous with her energy as she tunes in and delivers these three modalities as they uniquely relate to you. If you’d like to glean some insight into your destiny, I highly recommend working one on one with Sara she will guide you there with detail effectively and efficiently.”

Truly the best gift you could ever give yourself.

I feel this is the first and last session you'd ever need because its full of so much value. Sarah's beautiful vibrant energy drew me in and she put it in a significant amount of work to truly understand my unique souls blueprint and allowed me to understand how to live in alignment with my truest self according to astrology, human design and the gene keys. I'll be referring back to the session literally forever.

To begin to describe my experience with Sarah there is only one word that comes to mind and it’s TRANSFORMATION.

I feel like until the reading I was following my spirit and she helped me open doors to my soul. Let me start this journey of understanding my purpose and connecting back to my divine feminine and what it means for me. I’m able to not only connect to my higher expression on mind level but start to embody her step by step every day. I am begging to understand what environment and support I need to flourish in my creative expression and through that I started to heal my broken spirit or wounded masculine energy that’s there to create that environment to support my soul. For the first time in my life I’m really beginning to feel whole and like I’m coming back home to myself. I’m feeling so much gratitude towards Sarah for offering me this space and her knowledge and support along my journey. To help me on my journey to transmute from a caterpillar to beautiful butterfly.

I received this on a cellular level. It feels so good to feel what its like to shed a million skins. This Soul Divine Alchemy affirmation is a covenant witnessing. Sarah holds space to show you the structure, the blueprint of how God made you a unique and facited beam of light on this full spectrum Light house / Body of Christ. Where we fall into that anatomy of the Body of Christ is important to knowing and sharing your unique spiritual gifts.”

I am so grateful to Sarah for her insights and her compassionate, selfless and joyous approach. She is so supportive and genuine and has a true gift for what she does. Learning about my sidereal astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys brought me so much clarity into how I work and why this is my strength and gift. She saw things in me that I didn't se in myself, and helped to bring them to light. I highly recommend booking a session with her!!


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