Take a look in the mirror and "Make that Change"

Inauguration Day January 20, 2021

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Let’s take a look at the stars…

and to our Celestial guides to seek wisdom today.

Did you know we always have the Sun in the 10th house on Inauguration day? 

And today, in the 1st house of Aries, Mars is exactly conjunct with Uranus. 

So what does this mean?

Mars is at home in Aries for one thing, which expands this energy. And the moon is also at 4 degrees of Aries (look up tonight with your star app). 

Mars is masculine energy, and yes, it can bring to the surface the more fiery energies of anger and hatred and Mars also shows us where we are brave and strong. It can show us our triggers and where we have room to grow. It represents the “Warrior” archetype as well as the engineer and strategist archetype. Mars is not bad or good. Its a planet that is in pain. 

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, the head of the zodiac… which signifies a pioneer of change. But how that change happens depends on the heart behind this energy. Aries isn’t afraid to fight for its beliefs. This is a “ping” for me, when theres so much division right now based on “I’m right, you’re wrong”… all based on what you choose to believe and holding onto that belief with all that fire within. 

Consider this today, how many are gloating with a deep belief that they are right, that they “won”, that their side is the right side? How deeply are your beliefs holding you back from truth?

Real truth cannot  reveal itself when you are not afraid to shed your beliefs and listen with an open heart. Real Truth cannot reveal itself until you are ready to be true with yourself. 

So on a collective aspect, where is humanity still holding on to “I’m right, you’re wrong”

And on an individual level, where are you not being truthful with yourself?

Mars and Uranus in Aries signifies a place where the words “war” and “violence” automatically come up. 

As we each play a part in the collective consciousness, we must each look at the war within ourselves first. Are you living with inner peace? 

Your inner peace is the greatest gift you can share right now. 

Are you able to love your neighbor when they have a completely different belief that you? 

Now lets look at Uranus who just moved into conjunction with Mars in Aries today… 

Uranus is a luminary planet and the archetype of the “Freedom Fighter”. It shows up as the voice that wants to take huge evolutionary leaps forward to break us free from patterns  and help us align with our divinity. It is the EVOLUTIONARY in our chart. It shocks us into change and its in the 10th house (ruled by Capricorn) which rules government. 

Let’s look how many planets are in Capricorn.

The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are all in Capricorn. AND the Midheaven is also in Capricorn. 

Mercury is in the 10th house and the Sun, Saturn and Jupiter are all in the 9th house. (and Pluto is about to join the party)

When Jupiter and Saturn are together, it creates quite the party. Saturn constricts where Jupiter expands. Saturn represents the Lords of Karma. A good time to spend time clearing karma and wounds of the past. Think about your Saturn return, what does that mean? Saturn return realigns you towards your destiny and shifts you into the energy of your North node. The story you are here to write. Saturn also share abundance with those who are willing to surrender and be devoted to their highest purpose. Saturn returns aren’t a walk in the park by the way. Saturn will come in and shake things up. You may loose a job that isn’t serving your highest purpose or a relationship… SO ponder how does this effect humanity as a whole right now.

Jupiter expands. She expands and illuminates as the archetype of the visionary and teacher. She holds up the mirror. It could be she holds up the mirror to things that are difficult to see, maybe things you haven’ wanted to see. 

Now lets look at Neptune. which is at 24 degrees of Aquarius (the exact midpoint between Rahu and K2). Neptune shows us where we are delusional. Any lies or deceit can be brought to the surface here to show us where we’ve been in a fantasy world. She is the archetype of the illusionist.  Something is going to be revealed. This is a sign of massive transformational change. 

And Pluto is about to be at 0 degrees of Capricorn, which is the sign of government. And pluto teaches us about generational wisdom. When Pluto comes around, there are huge energetic shifts. Pluto it the archetype of the “transformer”. 

So this is some guidance from our celestial guides today. This is for you to ponder. And I inspire you to invite in a practice of shedding what you “know”, to welcome in Truth. To look in the mirror and see where you may be lying to yourself, or where you need to “make that change”

Because the only way we ever truly evolve into Peace and Freedom is through creating the changes within our own energetic beings… and remembering who you are. Getting out of the head and into the heart, you tune into your sacred heart for guidance and illumination. And when you Trust and open to the Divine to flow in and through you, there are no sides, no division… only..


Mitakuye Oyasin.


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