Lady Josephine... Miracles in Radical Faith

Do you believe in miracles?

WE DO!!! And we would love to share a little peak into our families miracle, Josephine Poe.

RADICAL FAITH looks a whole lot like TRUSTING, LETTING GO and allowing God to move in miracles and magick. And this is just what we were called to do almost 3 years ago when we received the news that my niece Josephine, just a few months old, was diagnosed with a rare and “incurable” dis-ease.

PVS or Pulmonary Vein Stenosis is a is a rare and aggressive dis-ease in which there is a blockage in the blood vessels that bring blood from the lungs back to the heart. This blockage is caused by an abnormal thickening of the walls of the veins. The veins become “dis-eased” and collapse, eventually the child will loose the veins one by one. When we got the diagnosis we were warned not to google it. I chose NOT to google it. I had been in a transformation of radical faith in my life and I felt the call to step even deeper into my faith.

I chose to BELIEVE in her MIRACLE and to surrender to the Divine. I remember praying for her to be fully healed and also praying for grace to accept whatever the path was for her life. Our whole family and community came together in prayer and faith.

During this journey we came together as a family in ways that have healed and strengthened our relationships and deepened our faith. Where we were given no hope, God and Josephine had some very different plans.

Josephine has had two open heart surgeries, 13 heart caths and lots of stays in the hospital. As many of you know, Monet and I were living with my brothers family (Ben, Liz and my nieces Naomi and Mabel) when Josephine was born. God called us to live there after Standing Rock and when little Josephine got sick, it all made sense somehow. Why God had brought us there and how we could be used to love and support our family.

The first heart surgery Josephine had was in Boston. Ben and Liz we’re gone with her for a few months while my other brother Steve and Monet and I stayed in Georgia with her sisters. Those days are forever etched on my heart. Spirit moved in miracles and drew us all closer to one another and to our own Faith. Every time we received GOOD NEWS we celebrated in gratitude and allowed our faith to stretch even further.

My family is very private (well not Monet and I as you know) but my brother and sister-in-love are quite private so this is the first time I’m sharing her story in this way. You see, sometimes a child is born who alters your reality because they have a story to write that is here to shake things up and inspire hope. I’d like to share that I believe EVERY soul is here to write a story that will inspire hope and heart.

Josephines miraculous journey is paving the way for all the children who are born with PVS and so, her parents have been inspired to create THE LADY JOSEPHINE FOUNDATION to love and support families as well as raise awareness and further the research into this dis-ease.

Josephine recently had her feeding tube (g-tube) taken out and the time between her heart-caths has greatly expanded. We have much to give thanks for! She’s fierce and full of life and LOVE and she has taught us to slow down, savour each and every moment and to live in radical faith! My own heart and faith have multiplied in ways that have me in awe of the infinite possibilities lies that are here for us all.

GOD IS PRESENT IN ALL. Pray without ceasing. Make your life a ceremony!

Meet Lady Jospephine!

We just completed the first annual Lady Josephine Golf Tournament on my birthday and we were overjoyed at the amount of love and support we received. This is just the beginning of the story she is here to write.

In honor of our JUNE BIRTHDAY (Josephine, Monet and I all born in June) …..

ALL MONTH OF JUNE we are gifting 20% of all sessions, group mentorship and 1:1 mentorship to support Lady Josephine Foundation! And remember Poes for Peace now operates under our Sacred Souls Ministries Trust SO that means 100% of every session, mentorship, group course, art commission, class or donation is 100% Tax Deductible for you!


For those of you who have been our prayer warriors during these years, THANK YOU! Our prayers are the seeds of miracles.

If you would like to join us as PRAYER WARRIORS for Josephine and other children with PVS please message us. We are devoted to Radical Love and Faith and we believe in the good things coming.

In love and faith and gratitude

Sarah and Monet


Come stand on the edge with me and let's leap !!


All works of LOVE are works of PEACE