Come stand on the edge with me and let's leap !!

I see you. Standing on the edge of, “what comes next?” Maybe you’re even questioning, “am I always going to struggle?”

Yes, life is always going to present us with struggle. We’re made to struggle. Its just up to you how you face the struggles of life. You can’t either let them drown you in fear, lock you in a frozen state or you can use every obstacle as an opportunity to act with faith. You are capable of alchemizing your biggest fears into your greatest leaps of expansion!


I have faced my abundant share of struggles in this life. I’ve been face in the mud, sliding down the mountain with no idea of how I would get myself out of the obstacles I was experiencing. I have felt lost and trapped. In my past, I numbed my pain, ran from my struggles and even hid in my room. It wasn’t until I learned how to face my fears that I began to release a lifetime of trapped emotions and trauma locked in my body.

And what came next for me was expansive and transformative!!

Now I know, that every time I face an obstacle in life, its an opportunity given to me for my highest good. I don’t hide or numb or run anymore! I do my best to surrender, to let go. I let the fear all the way in. And, I do my best to get out of my own way and allow the Divine to flow through me. I’ve learned that every time I invite in a new dream, or I desire to expand my life, life will present me with the opportunity to stand on the edge and leap into some fear or belief that is holding me back.

And so, I cycle through the changes and find myself on this edge again and again in life. Always being invited to witness myself deeper and deeper, to uncover all the fears, the old beliefs and stories that have trapped me in ways and held me back from my highest good.

I’m not sure if you can relate, but I’ve been standing once again on this ledge.

And today, I wanted to share with you how we can face obstacles and fears with more faith!

We’ve been transiting through the Gene Key and Human Design Gate 39. The sun is currently in Cancer and remains there until August 16. In Astrosophy (the wisdom of the stars aligned with Christ) Cancer represents the ribcage that holds the heart of Christ. It is a season of our inward journey. A time to nurture our inner worlds as your inner world effects your outer world. And the 39th code brings us to contemplate how we face obstacles and become aware of the blockages in our lives.

Gene Key 39, The Tension of Transcendence is associated with the Myth of the Warrior.

The Shadow is Provocation. The Gift is Dynamism. The Siddhi is LIBERATION.

The energy of this gate in the season of Cancer is provocation that pushes us towards abundance. In order to experience liberation and abundance we must move through our blockages and obstacles. At the highest expression this is the invitation to restore the awareness of true prosperity and abundance as our divine birthright.

God does not know lack. God is abundant, infinite Source of All.

At the Shadow frequency you remain blocked The shadow of Provocation for you is about feeling trapped or afraid of loosing you're freedom. Think of what a caged animal feels like and this is the primal fear here in our human DNA. Provocation means "pushing buttons'. Let be honest, tone never lies. At the shadow frequency this energy can be experienced as "emotional violence", that sassy tone that is felt no matter what the words are. But as you raise your vibration or change your attitude you have the gift to push and persuade people in a good way.

As your attitude shifts, your frequency shifts.

Focus on the negative aspects of a situation and your frequency drops (and everyone in your field feels it). AND focusing on the positive aspects and your frequency raises and everyone in your field feels it.

Check in with yourself, if you are easily provoked then you are under the influence of the 39th shadow. Likely there are fears or beliefs or emotions trapped that are blocking you and lowering your frequency. The key is to create awareness to tune out the lower frequencies and tune into the higher ones and step into the Warrior of Light.

This shadow takes things personally and internalises that acoustic violence which creates fatigue in the body. When this shadow is repressed the fear is expressed as anger but what is really trapped is your infinite capacity to CREATE. Its as if your full potential is lying dormant or asleep and of coarse you would feel angry.

When this shadow is expressed reactively it wreaks havoc as your anger and fears are projected onto those around you, usually your family or relationship closest to you. When what you are truly seeking is love and an outlet for purpose and creativity. You are craving creativity! Your life force wants to flow freely! So lets talk about the ways this shadow blocks you from living a more peaceful, joyful, prosperous, healthy life.

Where are you blocked? What obstacles do you need to move through?

This Gene Key is all about clearing the blockages in your life, in your body, in your way.

You cannot reach your goals or heal or truly prosper or reach the higher frequencies until you move through the shadow of this genetic code. You have to face your obstacles and blocks with awareness and faithfully move through them.

This is the Warrior Spirit we all carry within us. To leap through your fears with FAITH!

At the highest expression this energy pushes you out of negative thought patterns and habits that block you from living in the abundance of Spirit. You are enough and there is enough. There always has been.

God is in all equally.

The next part is to become aware of your obstacles, some of which are internal and some that are external. You see, we are all born with natural obstacles wound into our very DNA. You can see this is your Soul's Blueprint or just in the experience of being in your body. Theres also the obstacles we carry from ancestral wounds and the imprint of our parents /family. These obstacles are out of our control, they are internal. And we can absoulutely overcome them. Theres also the external obstacles of your experiences, the things that unexpectedly happen in your life that you aren't responsible for. Internal and external blockages. Become aware of yours.

Most people are so blocked up they aren't even aware of the spiritual world and the possibilities that are here for us.

So how do I clear the blocks and obstacles both internally and externally?

Here's the thing, the more you are willing to go deeper into your suffering, the more aware you will become of your blocks. Then its up to you as to how you choose to act. Will you succumb to the fears and stay trapped or will you take radical responsibility and leap into faithful action?

There are blockages in your physical body, blocks in your meridians, emotional blocks and all the beliefs and the unconscious attitude that trap you through fear. Remember that all health issues are rooted in the subtle bodies. And remember that blocks are bad, they are simply an area of focus for transformation. With honesty, courage and faith and love you will transform them.

Stop running from the things that terrify you. Stop running from those negative beliefs you're holding onto. Its time to unlock those patterns through breath, through movement, through awareness, through action.

When you shift out of this shadow into the gift this is where quantum leaps happen.

The gift of dynamism is part of our divine make up, which is the pure, blissful, creative expression of a child! And I believe this is how we are all meant to live. When you want raise yourself out of the shadow of this genetic code, you must become like a child again. I seem to remember Yeshua teaching something similar, To enter heaven is to become like a child.

As you raise your vibration into this gift your raw primal energy is channeled into creativity and the pure force of the child like spirit. The Gift of Dynamism is all about optimism and enthusiasm. This is an uplifting, inspiring energy!

It is so important to note that a child be given the freedom, time and space in the first 7 years of life to PLAY and explore nature and just BE.


You are here to play and create and exude dynamic joy which inspires those around you.

You are here to learn how to dance through storms, just as a child loves to play in the rain!


The key to this gift is BREATH.

So lets define breath... Yah Weh... the Breath of Life.

All blockages connect to the physical manifestations that concern breath. Do you ever find yourself holding your breath? "The place where the deepest repression takes place involving the breath is along the length of the diaphragm. Tightness develops due to blockages..." that can only be release through physically moving your breath and body. The physical release will bring the inner blocks (emotional, mental...) to the surface. Then its up to you to become fully aware of them so you can change the patterns and truly clear this obstacle.

Your genius is simply your natural intelligence without any interference. It may support you to go back into your childhood and gain awareness around experiences that stifled your creative free spirit. Your sadness may have been internalized into anger. Allowing yourself to feel that sadness and to forgive yourself or any relationships will support you to release and transform those wounds into your warrior spirit.

One of the quickest ways to raise your frequency is to DO WHAT YOU LOVE!

The more you choose to do what YOU love, the more creativity, prosperity and joy you receive.

As you rise into this Gift you become a magnetic force and you begin to draw in the relationships, experiences and prosperity you desire. Life becomes an infinite canvas for creativity and play! Living in alignment unleashes a tidal wave of creativity everywhere you go.

The other aspect of this gift is that you become fearless when you activate the gift of this Gene Key. THIS is the true spirit of the warrior. This is the hero or hero's journey. You are able to control of direct your anger when provoked. BREATH IS THE KEY. You master the pause and are able to "defeat" those who cannot control their anger, bringing them LOVE instead.

Here is it, the same raw primal energy that provokes violence in the world is the potential for raw primal creative action! God ~ Yah Weh ~ The Breath of Life is invited to flow in and through you in each breath, word and action for the highest good of all.

As you activate this gift you will begin to touch other peoples spirits in a way that helps them break free from their fears and limitations to love and create. When you take the pause to listen inwardly you are going to remember your Spirit, your Inner Child... and you'll remember that you were born with this gift. If you are exhausted all the time its time to contemplate this gene key and nurture your wild, free, inner child home. You are here to be joyous. Your joy is what inspires and leads others to God!! Thats how you change the world... by activating your own dynamic fire for life, for God, for love!!!

Dynamism is creative life force energy that feeds upon itself. When you are living and expressing this gift, you create more and more possibilities and serve your community through your vibration. Until one day you reach the crux point. Mystics describe this as a death and rebirth that is undeniably experienced as divine ecstasy. You move through suffering and agony until it all turns into ecstasy. There are really no words to describe liberation but we can use the metaphor of the warrior death to represent it.

The Warriors life is one of preparation, adversity, energy and finally death (usually in battle). Here the warrior is you and your battlefield is the world and the war is life. The warrior isn't afraid to 'die' for the highest cause just as Christ dies. And there is always, always, the REBIRTH, the Resurrection. The rebirth for you is liberation.

Liberation is similar but different that freedom. It tests and challenges those who are drawn to it. The person that manifests this Siddhi is dangerous to be around. This is not a person that treads lightly around you. This is a force that bores into the heart of your lower frequency patterns and strips you to the bones of your true being.

Imagine this, at this frequency nothing and no one can provoke you.

What if we all took this invitation to become aware of what is blocking us all from embodying this dynamic liberation? I know that I have been taking this time to go inward and listen. I’ve been journaling more and using my breath and dance to move through the blocks in my being.

I hope this inspires you to tune into your own inner child and create space for that child within to play and create! Its all here for us.

In love and joy



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