Is Humanity having a crisis of hope?

“Tomorrow! It begins tomorrow!” I set the intention to start getting up earlier and drop into new practices that have been calling me. And. Getting up with the sun was a practice that I lived for 7 months at Standing Rock that drew me closer to Nature, and my true self.

But I do LOVE my sleep! AND, I am quite the night owl when it comes to creating and being with the stars, but I have a desire to greet the sun rise and begin my days in more intentional connection with nature. So, I set the intention and got into bed at 8:30 last night!

And there I laid. Not at all tired.

8:30, 9:30, 10, 11, 12:15, 1:30…

And there I cried.

Setting the intention for deeper connection with my beloved Nature, I felt myself daydreaming back to moments when I felt closest to Her.

My mind journeyed to those sun rises at Standing Rock. To waking up with my eye lashes frozen, my breath warming my cheeks under the layers of covers. 20 degrees below zero, snow falling outside, the perfect excuse to stay exactly as I am, under the covers, and drift back to sleep. And yet, my heart launched me out of bed every morning, earlier and earlier even. I rose with the dark night sky and stars still glowing to pull on all my layers, gloves, hats, jackets, boots…. and out the tent to first stop at the fire, still burning. There I would be greeted by the face of a loving relative. We’d pray. Catch up on the nights happenings. Then I’d be on my way to the kitchen to start the fires, thaw the water to make coffee and begin the preparations to feed the family.

As I journeyed back in my mind last night, to those mornings on the Cannon Ball River, all the feelings flowed through me. I find myself seeking the feeling I felt on those morning. I find myself missing a time, a place, people…

I felt ALL of them. ALL the ones I love who have left Earth in the past 6 years. And. All the ones I love who are hurting, grieving, lost and yes HOPELESS in this moment.

I began to see each of their faces in the darkness of my room. I could feel them and remember their voices, their laughs. The tears started to fall and I couldn’t stop them. For hours I lay there allowing myself to FEEL, to remember, to let them all into my heart where they belong.

I felt myself sink into the heaviness. My weight of my body could have pulled me into the earth if I let go.

So many humans are heavy with grief, suffering, struggling with scarcity, battling childhood wounds, battling their fears, wrestling with God, desperate for something to change but not sure of what or how to change things. And worst of all, so many have lost hope.

Perhaps, many are seeking what they are most afraid to believe in.

In the old ways, the ways that kept us in good relations with nature, with God, with one another and ourselves, we were guided by rites of passages, traditions, ceremonies and practices where nature was experienced as a presence to guide us and commune with. This Presence was one in the same with the Divine/ God/ Creator/ YahWeh.

Today we can feel humanities disconnection from nature and the Divine. Most of the collective feel lost, they are searching for meaning, for purpose, for direction. The ways of soul initiation are all but lost. “Although we know more about the Universe, we have less intimate presence to the Universe than any people ever have.” -Thomas Berry

Loosing our sense of soul and our intimate relationship with Nature, we loose our sense of self, of meaning, of purpose.

This human life is without joy or meaning when you have forgotten who you TRULY are.

There will always be a feeling of lack when you have neglected your soul essence.

And THIS is the crisis of HOPE that I feel in many. A crisis made worse by fear driven media, power driven humans… wounded adult children running away from the shadows they need to face head on.

If you have forgotten nature and God, you have abandoned yourself. But the greatest hope of all is that God can and will never abandon you. YahWeh IS LIFE. YahWeh is the very BREATH of life. Every time you take a breath in, you breathe Life into your cells. Every time a tree pulls oxygen and sunlight into itself, God is alive and present.


There may be a crisis of Hope in the collective field, but HOPE is not lost! In fact, it is this crisis of Hope that will drag humanity into the Hell they are most afraid of, and in such, they will be invited, inspired even, on hands and knees, with tear soak faces and faith all but lost, to remember the LIGHT once again!

As the tears began to slowly stop falling, I felt a warmth of HOPE spring from within me. In the faces of those that have passed on I saw myself and remembered that I carry their light with me now. Inspiration and Light flooded my heart. They are here with me now. And I am still here, in my body, capable and ready to carry on. I keep HOPE ALIVE by sharing my medicine, by loving more deeply, by living my Truth and walking the path that I am on.

If there is a crisis of Hope, there is also a REVIVAL of Hope awaiting us in the mirror. And its up to us to carry the torch.

When you do the thing, live the dream, gift your purpose, transform yourself…. YOU CREATE HOPE. And hope breathes life my friends.

I HOPE you remember who you truly are. And I HOPE you know you are loved.

I see you

I love you

Come as you are.


~Join us on a journey of HOPE, PURPOSE & PEACE~


Blood Moon Eclipse in Aries - an invitation to LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS


Come stand on the edge with me and let's leap !!