Blood Moon Eclipse in Aries - an invitation to LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS

Hows everyone feeling? How is your heart? How is your energy level?

This past weekend we experienced a Blood Moon Eclipse in Aries and I’ve been hearing so many similar stories of fatigue and those old fears and shadows coming up to witness. Anyone relate??

I continue to be in awe of how “collective transits” and energy effects us all, and this one had me wiped out energetically for over a week.

AND, I surrendered into it.

I surrendered into the invitation to rest and let go. And in the quiet space the night before the eclipse I felt inspired to pull out the Gene Keys and write up a current chart to see what the moon was transiting through in sidereal at this moment. Whoooooosh! There on the pages I saw the reflection of the shadows within me I was facing. LETTING GO!

Before I dive into the medicine of this Gene Key I want us to feel into how the moon (an ultimately the sun, planets and stars) truly effect us as sentient beings connected to the Great Mystery.

Living in the Low Country a few miles from the ocean, we can’t deny the effect of the moon. Think of the King Tides when the moon is full, causing the tides to rise higher, at times the water reaches so far that she dances up the beach over the marsh. To witness the moons effect on tides gives us a curiosity into how the moon effects humanity, as we are made of mostly water.

Imagine this….the percentage (total amount of water content) in the body by mass can range from 78% in infants to as little as 45% in the elderly with an average being around 60 %. This is one way that the moon effects our emotional body.

On the night of the eclipse the moon was moving through Aries and activating the DNA code of the

42nd Gene Key Letting Go of Living and Dying.

Siddhi : Celebration

Gift: Detachment

Shadow: Expectation

Aries activates the mind as the horns represent the left and right part of the brain. Aries begins our journey to innerstand the mind, to integrate the logical and visionary mind and to remember that we don’t lead from the mind but from the heart. Consider this as we contemplate this Gene Key.

How many of you are waiting at the Expectation Station??

“I’ll be happy when I am making X amount of money….”

“I’ll feel good when I meet the love of my life…”

“I’ll feel successful when I reached this next goal… “

“I’ll be at peace when…. “

“If I only had…… “

Holy set me up for disappointments ! The expectation station keeps us from actually LIVING!

“WHEN I FINALLY ARRIVE I’ll be satisfied.” Nope. No. You won’t. And you’ll look back and think of all the wasted energy of waiting for something to change in order to live in joy.

Now I’m not saying that having an expectation is wrong. Not at all. Dreams are expectations and we all have dreams. The dreams placed on our hearts by Creator are here for us to act upon in faith. AND. the real key is to LET GO OF THE HOW, THE WHEN, THE WAY.

If you have an optimistic expectation that something wonderful is about to happen to you… and it appears not to (or not yet) then you are probably missing out on a whole lot of wonderful that is in the journey and potentiality of the dream by being PRESENT.

If you have an expectation that something bad is going to happen or you are never going to XYZ… you’re going to miss out on all the good around you right now. AND, you’re likely going to create negative experiences because you’re mind is attached to the negative and thats the magnet you are setting yourself up to be.

Anytime you attach yourself to an expectation through the mind, you’re going to be disappointed.

You’re going to be LET DOWN unless you learn to LET GO!

Expectations remove you from THIS moment and THIS MOMENT IS THE GIFT.


Heres what detachment is NOT.

Detachment does NOT mean to not feel. In fact, when you truly let go of your expectations and detach from the outcomes you will likely experience more feeling.

You may even be able to enjoy disappointments. You read that right. You may even be able to smile at the disappointments in your life because you’ve LET GO AND LET GOD. And you know, through FAITH, that Spirit is on the move and its going to be exactly what you need in order to serve your highest purpose.

To rise into the Gift of Detachment requires a great faith, trust and love in life. In yourself. In your lifes path. In YahWeh….

I’ve been heartbroken, devastated, disappointed and felt like a complete and utter failure so many times in my life…. Because I expected something and life didn’t give me what I wanted.
AND guess what?

I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR EVERY TIME I’VE BEEN DISAPPOINTED… because God had better plans for me life and those times of disappointed were bridges to my future. I needed to experience those things in order to serve my medicine now. AND, somethings that I wanted and expected were not going to serve my highest good. I just couldn’t see it in the moment.

This is part of the lesson of living and dying. Our cells are constantly dying and being reborn. Life is a journey of death and rebirth.

The real question then is HOW ARE YOU LIVING?!?!?!

“You are a passage through which matter is endlessly converted into energy.” -Richard Rudd

How are you living?

Are you truly living in the present?

Are you willing to LET GO and allow Spirit to move in and through you?

I think this eclipse gave us an invitation to slow down and drop into the present moment. Whether you felt wiped out or got the flu or just had no energy for all the things you expected to do or accomplish.

Maybe you are feeling a part of yourself dying? Maybe you are loosing someone or something and it feels terrifying. Maybe you had a plan and its not turning out the way you hoped. Maybe you’re loosing hope.


You are not alone. We’ve all experienced the heartache of being let down.

I want to inspire us all to exhale and let go of all the worry and weight of what isn’t going our way right now.

AND, inhale Spirit. Yahweh means the Breath of Life. The living breath of God that moves through all life.

What if you LET GO on the exhale and on the inhale you allowed the Spirit to move through you in miracles.

What if instead of WHAT IF something bad happens?

you believed…


and then you just detached yourself from all if in full faith.

Its a practice. And a gift.

Most importantly, lets all remember this..


Arvol Lookinghorse taught me that one of the greatest gifts I could give the world was to feel all the things, the joy and the suffering, and to always find my way to Return to Joy. This is the joy and even laughter of the 42nd Siddhi Celebration. Celebrating ALL of life as a gift.

Sending you so much love as we journey together.

In joy,



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