Winter Solstice ~ Descent of the Soul

On this, the longest night, its the Soul that calls out to us all. Your Soul calling you into the depths of Her womb, into the darkness, into the underworld, to listen and remember.

Do not fear. Nature remembers the Way. Surrender and let Her guide you to the place where She calls out your name and asks you to listen and remember.

Listening may be the hardest and easiest thing you’ll ever do. And, this is the invitation. In the busiest season in the Western world comes the hardest (and simplist) choice.

Slow down. Be Still. Surrender. LISTEN.

Let darkness bring her medicine and remind us of the power of the Light.

On this Solstice, the Sun has just moved from Scorpio and Orphicus into the starry family of Sagittarius. If you have been relating with the stars you may have experienced a depth of the underworld already over the past month. Scorpio season invites us to die to what no longer serves us to prepare us for the next part of the journey… Sagittarius, the season of integration and alignment.

But first, lets talk abut this Solstice and the Descent of the Soul.

We live in a world where most humans never reach True Adulthood. Im not speaking of physical age but of the phychospiritual life stage of True Adulthood. And if we’re being really honest, most never make it past early adolescence.

And why is that? I believe it is because humanity has become disconnected with Nature, with God, with Creation and Creator. We’ve been disconnected from cultural ways and distracted from our relationship with nature. We have generations of traumatised parents raising children without the tools to raise/heal/develop themselves.

You don’t just pass from one stage to the next because you’ve reached the next age. You’re not an adolescent because your age has a -teen at the end of it. You’re not a True adult because you’re at legal drinking age. And you’re definitely not an Elder because you are getting a senior discount.

You move from one stage to the next through development. Developing through our experience with Nature, through ceremonial ways, through healthy relating / relationship, through initiations of the Soul. And though our ways are all but forgotten by many, I see also, so many are intentionally REMEMBERING and rebirthing the ways of the Soul.

I see that we have so much to be hopeful for!


The Solstice is an invitation into the dark, depths of the Soul. A time to let die what is ready to die. An invitation into radical responsibility. What needs to die in order for you to create rich and fertile soil for the seeds of your Soul to be nourished?

It has to happen for Nature to develop and grow in a good way. Death must come in the cycle.

The last few years have been inviting us all to create a healthy relationship with DEATH. Yes, its possible and healthy to create a mutually respectful relationship with Death.

In the past few years (and in the years to follow) You are bein asked to face your greatest fear, the fear of death.

And let me tell you something that will change your whole perspective on death.


Once you face this fear, EVERYTHING will change and with new eyes, you will see the Truth.

Just as the Scorpion in Scorpio evolves to be the Eagle who soars above, you will see that Death is nothing to fear but instead, death is a part of the cycle where we Descent into the Soul.

And in the cycle of our Sun (Sol), this Solstice is the part of the cycle where you enter into the darkness, naked and willing to be emptied of all that no longer serves you.

We just moved through Gene Key 14 in Scorpio (and Orphicus) preparing us for GK 34 which we are moving through now under the starry guidance of Sagittarius.

Questions to contemplate (Gene Key 14):

Where have you been Compromising yourself?

Where are you leaking power?

Where are you giving your power away?

Where are you out of alignment?

The call to intentionally choose the Descent of the Soul right now is..

Choosing to open fully to Christ Presence (the true Present of this season).

Choosing to take responsibility for yourself.

Choosing to LIVE in alignment, from the heart, from integrity.

Choosing to embody your Authentic Power (energy) by becoming aware of the places within yourself, the people, beliefs, fears or habits that are using up your energy/power.

This is the Genetic Story that we are moving through right now with Gene Key / Gate 34. Moving from the Shadow of Force to the Gift of Strength and to the Siddhi of Majesty ~ the Authenic Soul of Nature!

Your strength is found, not in trying or forcing, but in letting go.

The Western world praises being busy while Nature is pleading with us to Listen and Remember Her! She knows that we will find joy, peace, harmony and ease when we choose the path of the Soul.

What are you willing to let go of that is holding you back from developing into the next evolution of your Authentic Soul?

THIS is the gift of a ceremonial/ intentional Solstice and Winter!

Can you see? Can you Remember why we lived in relationship with Her?

How many “winters” have you grown through? How many deaths? How many “dark nights of the soul”?

I have been reborn again and again and again until I was lifted by the Light and REMEMBERED my Souls Truth. And now I walk beside my fears, along side my suffering, knowing WHO I AM. And now I call death my beloved, because I remember Her name too.

Are you willing to continue to listen, to take responsibility for yourself, to question your beliefs and fears, to listen and let go, to die and be reborn? To even know Death by Her name?

On this night, however you choose to honour the invitation, I pray you feel the love, the magic and the majesty of the Light. Remembering that the darkest of times give us the opportunity to truly see and give thanks for the Light. Will you then learn to embrace the darkness when it comes naturally? Will you allow the shadows to serve their purpose?

I see you.

I love you.

Come as you are.

In joy and gratitude,


…and if you find yourself in the stillness of the night tonight, gazing at the night sky. I inspire you to just listen.

Just listen and remember who you truly are.


Resolving to natures cycles in FAITH


Blood Moon Eclipse in Aries - an invitation to LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS