Resolving to natures cycles in FAITH

Just popping on here to remind you that....  

TIME ISN’T RUNNING OUT. You’re exactly where you are. And it is good.  

If you don’t feel that “New Years Resolution” vibe maybe you’re just more attuned with Nature Herself!  

What if our resolution was this?... 

“I resolve to surrender to the natural cycles of my souls unique path here on Earth in absoulute FAITH” 

Reflecting on this “time” in our cycle around the sun, I don’t feel the pressure to make a resolution. I really don’t feel aligned to the calendar much anymore if I’m honest. Maybe that’s why I forget what day it is without referring to my dayplanner. And I’m all goood with that!  

My nature is to birth and vision out the next cycle around the middle of APRIL when the Sun begins her journey through transformational journey of the Stars with ARIES. Yes, the Sun moves through Aries in mid april, not march. And it is in this season that I tend my garden and hold ceremony for my next cycle around the Sun.  

Once I started following the stars, everything in my Being shifted. There are natural cycles, greater cycles than the Gregorian calendar. And these greater cycles are intertwined with our very being. When we choose to BE present with Nature and our Authentic Self, everything shifts to align with Nature, with God.  

You and I are made of STARS. We are a holy part of nature. She lives and breathes in and through us. We are meant to live in alignment with Her cycles and our own natural cycles.  

Just as the trees have shed their leaves to prepare for the winter, our bodies desire the same intention to prepare us for the cycle of winter.  

I find myself here, in the stillness and quiet preparation for winters great medicine.  

You may find yourself in a different space and that is beautiful as well.  

Over the Holydays this year I set the intention to slow down more than I ever have during this “time” to listen and be PRESENT (which is the greatest present). No social media, no pressure to make sales at the end of the year, no stressing over my business plan, no worry over missing out on anything.. Including sales or parties or money. Just BEING in whatever form that BEING wanted to take form in me.  

And my heart is full, my body is happy and I have received clarity in so many areas of my life, including how I want to create and serve.  

And I will continue to allow winter to settle into my bones and die to what no longer serves my souls purpose here now.  

The Sun, the Light, is halfway through the starry family of Sagittarius right now, the archetype of The Archer. The Centaur represent the process of transformation , as you integrate both the human and animal you expereince what it truly means to be human. This season can bring a deep inner longing to REMEMBER who you are and what your Soul is meant to be here now.  

It’s a time of reflection, grounding and getting into alignment with your SOUL, with your HEART.  

Where are you AIMING your arrows? Are you wasting energy shooting bent arrows into the wind with no direction, no focus, no structure, not knowing who you are or what you are meant to be creating? 

At the highest frequency, Sagittarius ignites a fire to expand through an open mind and desire to grow, to transform for good.  

We are moving through Gene Key 5 right now which inspires us to be PATIENT. But heres the thing, it takes Patience to learn Patience. HAHAHA! I should know. Patience is a lesson I’m here to learn in this life for sure!! The more you practice patience the more you will embody patience.  

Patience = TRUST = FAITH 

Theres something so magical about being attuned and in tune with the greater cycles of Nature, so mystical that I find myself in continuous AWE!  

I’ve been contemplating the Stars, the Gates and Gene Keys in alignment with where the planets and stars actually are (through True Sidereal / Galactic Center / Astrosophy) and its truly magical. I felt the whispers last year to share this with others and I’m hearing the same reflections from those I’ve been walking beside.  

That said, I’m creating a few ways to walk beside you in the greater cycles of Nature and the Stars. I’ll share when its time. I’m not rushing anything anymore. No pressure, no fear of missing out, simply present to the ways God desires to serve through me.  

I feel so much lighter, more ease and peace and joy in my system.  

FAITH.... try it out ya’ll!  

Let go of you need to have it all figured out.  

Give yourself some GRACE.  

Sure, set some goals, create more structure to allow Spirit to move more freely throuh you. But first, you must get to know who you truly are. And that takes letting go of who you aren’t.  

Winter is a great time to allow all that is not in alignment for your highest purpose to die away. Sagittarius prepares you for the descent of the soul that unites heaven and earth.  

Get outside and LOOK UP! The Stars are serving their purpose to guide and nurture us all HOME. Home to our True Self. Home to our Oneness with God. Home to our HEARTS. Home to our natural way of BEING. Home to LOVE.  

If you haven’t received your Souls Blueprint its definetly a powerful guide that will support your quest for alignment. And if its been a while since you had a session with me and you’d like to tune in and drop in deeper in your Souls Truth, I’m here.  

I love you.  

Come as you are. 

And remember Time isn’t running out, its just up to you how you choose to use your time. 


The Fight for LOVE always wins over fear


Winter Solstice ~ Descent of the Soul