Dawning a new World

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How will you remember this time?

Aaaa yes, how do we face the changes in life, the storms of life, the unknown and most importantly our fears?

I wish you grace and courage to rise up stronger through whatever challenges you are facing.

I wish you moments of pure, ridiculous humor that remind you of how creative and capable we all are.

I pray you grow deeper roots with the ones you love during this time.

I pray you are released from any chains that no longer serve your highest purpose and joy.

I pray you fall more deeply in love with nature than ever before and I especially pray you fall deeper in love with yourself, giving yourself patience, grace, acceptance, encouragement and knowing that you are capable of

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So how are you doing really? Are you doing the deepest spring cleaning of your lives? (My mom is staying with us and let's just say, you'll be able to eat of the shower floor and any surface of our apartment within no time!) ... and I'm grateful mom if you're reading this!!! Are you're kids driving you crazy or are you loving this time you get to be together? Gosh, we all face things differently for sure!

Are you finding joy in the hard places? Are you doing your best to "dance in the storms"? Are you maybe struggling with staying still? Have you had dance parties in the kitchen yet? (because these should be as socially normal as brushing your teeth!)

 As I have been checking in on my community the past few weeks, I see that clearly, everyone is effected in some way during this time. Many facing fears of the unknown, many who have lost their jobs or their job is on pause, many who have worked their asses off to build their dreams and it all lies in the balance now, many fearing this illness and their own death or fearing the illness or loss of people they love. It's time of transformation for us all. 

I hear a lot of worry and also a lot of hope and love. AND I also see SO many people coming together in a good way and making the best out of this time. That brings me a lot of joy and hope! AND  I want you to know I am here to support you, to listen, to share and to love you! 

When we moved up here to Georgia after Standing Rock, we went into our own reclusive period without knowing that was happening. We just felt Spirit calling us to come here to be with our family so we followed the call. It was a challenging adjustment to go from being around our community, being able to walk across the street and get our music fix, drive 10 minutes to the beach or walk down the street to share a meal with friends... to being alone A LOT. 

Then everything started to become clear as to why God had moved us here with our family when my niece Josephine was diagnosed with PVS this past summer. Pulmonary Vein Stenosis is very rare heart/ lung illness where the cells attack the veins and they collapse. This past summer Josephine went in for open heart surgery at 3 months old and things shifted even more deeply for our family. 

We quarantined here on the Poe farm even more to protect our sweet Josephine. So we've got this social distancing down now.  Over the past few years here, I've been cocooned with myself and Monet and family ( yeah so if you didn't know by now... Monet and I have been living in a house, on 12 acres an hour outside of Atlanta, with my 2 brothers, my sisters-in-love and 3 awesome nieces, Naomi, Miss Mabel and Josephine... oh and our 2 dogs, Rocky and Luna).

Being fully cocooned here has given me time and space to dive into even more transformation as I've had time to focus on who I really am and who I want to be in the world without the distractions of what others wanted me to be or who I was trying to be for others. I’ve feel more free in my body than every before. I am remembering who I am again. And its EVERYTHING.

I've been able to face some childhood wounds that I had shoved under the ol’ family rug, and then work through those one by one. I grieved so much in this stillness,  processed my traumas and abuse in new ways, unpackaged Standing Rock and sat with my grief more intentionally. I got still long enough to unravel some unhealthy chains that have had me bound for too long. As as I look back I give thanks for it all. 

I have still struggled deeply with finances, as its very hard for me just work in the world the same way anymore, especially after Standing Rock. I couldn't just go back to the way things were before. My wild heart was all sorts of broken these past few years and I just want to be in this place and allow it to bring me closer to God, to a more faithful -loving version of Sarah.

I also found it difficult to make friends after Standing Rock because I was this ball of passion and fire ready to wake up the world and bring us all together to buy big pieces of land, build communities and gardens and healing centers. I’ve been nudging friends and family to quit their jobs and follow their real creative dreams. Lets all become co-creators and homesteaders. Let’s ban fast food and build a longer table for real family suppers. Lets circle up in prayer, and not just to bless the food and say Amen, but to really listen and let Spirit move in us together in a good way.

I want to tell every church what it means to truly live the dream that Yeshua and Mary set out to create. What does love truly look like? Why doesn’t every church build organic gardens and give home to the homeless? When will the “church” stop evangelising through dogmatic agendas that divide and create more harm in the world? When will the church see the damage that still ripples from grandmother to daughter from the violence of colonization and residential schools in this country? I have been a ball of firey crazy love, a bleeding heart with a willpower that wouldn't let me be anything but who I am. 

And, in this stillness I am learning how to integrate my warriors heart with the heart of God in more love and patience. And its hard work for me. I had to go through some prayer and quiet to find my voice and my path to help the world in the way I wanted. I had to humble myself and quiet the angry warrior within and find a way to channel my wild heart into something tangible and purposeful… I was looking for SOUL-UTIONS!.


We’ve all been sold the story that to deal with trauma or painful emotions, we can take a pill, push it under the rug, hide it, suppress it, drink it away, smoke it away…. It’s become completely socially normal to NOT FEEL.

And after years of being taught this, it can take a lot of reschooling to learn how to just sit with our emotions and feel them. Have you ever sat with a suffering person and just let them share? Without wanting to fix it or deflect it or ignore it… but to sit with it and feel it?

To truly know ourselves, we have to sit with our traumas.

To truly know the world we live in, we have to sit with the traumas of this world.

We cannot heal ourselves or this world until we face the truth and stop pushing it all under the “family rug”. We’re hurting each other and the planet running around with our open wounds, bleeding on each other, casting our fears and hate on each other.

We each have our own wounds to face and trust me, I know it hurts, the road less traveled is thorny, but OH SO WORTH IT!

Imagine a world where we each do the work to heal our generational traumas and the trauma of our planet??

I have a feeling when this storm passes we may all find ourselves a lot more grateful and present!  

Right now I see a lot of trauma symptoms arising in the people I love and I want to offer any support I can. As the world is called into a collective “time out” we can look at it through the victim or the student. We can blame and fight and fear OR we can surrender, lean in, listen and trust. Can you allow this time of so much unknown to be an opportunity for FAITH, LOVE and transformation?

Will you feed the fear agenda or will rise up stronger in your FAITH?

Will you bend to the fears or rise together in love and faith and hope?!

I can see this time ahead where humanity is forced into quiet and in this collective quarantine its going to be natural for the real wounds you’ve been numbing and trying to hide from to come to the surface. Humanity has been so busy that its almost impossible for humans to slow down, get still and do the real work of transformation and healing.

Trauma healing takes time and patience and guidance and tools. What I've learned over the years to face my trauma and triggers and walk towards healing... is what I call my trauma tool belt. This belt hold tools in foods as medicine, herbs, prayer, breath work, retraining the brain with frequency, somatic, soul journeys, soul blueprint and more. There is magic and miracles in the deep, sacred wilderness of our being.

I've been in deep contemplation with the stars, Human Design and the Gene Keys which weave together to give us our Souls Blueprint. This feels so alive in me and I’m excited to share this as it moves through me.

I feel the world going through collective trauma as you probably feel as well. I have had many visions and dreams of all of this time and I know that the unknown can be scary but what is a fear anyways?











Awakening to more Truth over the next few days and weeks could trigger more trauma but I see so many good things happening behind the scenes. As the world receives news of these things it may be shocking and confusing but know that our Creator is ALL LOVE and when we face the darkest places its an opportunity for more faith, magic and miracles in our world! There are good things coming! It’s already happening! It’s a great time to TUNE IN and start a practice of meditation and making time every day to be barefoot and quiet in nature.


It’s a good time to learn discernment as the algorithms will be unlocked and information will be free and flowing. TUNE IN and get connected with our INNER GUIDE. Ask for truth and take time to listen for it.

One of the things I experienced this past year was a huge shift from victim consciousness into creator consciousness. I was grieving the slavery and abuse and suffering of this world and of myself, so deeply that it had me paralyzed. It had me stuck and living in the hamster wheel of reliving trauma over and over. 

I had my face to the sun and was asking God to save me and believing that it was ALL possible and I was trusting and I was serving and loving and giving and pouring myself out into the world.... BUT I was missing something important.... 

“It’s up to me”

I AM. 

I AM. 

I AM. 

Last year I realized and welcomed my divine birthright of original blessing. I allowed myself to step out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness. I AM the one responsible for me. I AM the only one who can forgive those who have hurt me. I AM the only one who can heal my body. I AM the only one who can follow my dreams. I AM the only one who can forgive myself..... GOD in and through me is the IAM.

I AM an expression of Source, of God, of Creator. WOW! Think about that for a second. My creative gifts and expressions are a direct gift from and to the Divine. My creative offering are not separate from God, but in and through God. I AM energy and Spirit and LOVE. This human body is my temple in this life and its highly advanced! 

I believe that the power that makes the body heals the body. 

I am grateful for this time and I am here to support you in your healing, your rising into your purpose and power to live your truth!

Believe in the good things coming!

I see you. I love you. Come as you are.


Love will always win


Loving our Bodies!