Love will always win

“Love is both who we are and who we are becoming… “ -Richard Rhor

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The path of transformation requires us to dive into the depths of the unknown in order to KNOW. To know ourselves, to know Truth, to know our purpose…

If we stay in a comfort zone, how are we to transform into our highest expression? The experience of transformation has also been referred to as the “dark night of the soul”, and as you know, this time usually involves darkness and pain as we face our shadows and traumas. But also, in this place there is an even more powerful energy and that is LOVE and the potential to realize ourselves as Conscious Creators.

“Love is both who we are and who we are still becoming, like a sunflower seed that becomes its own sunflower.” _Richard Rhor

The way of creation is FREEDOM and no other way but this.

“Love cannot happen any other way. Love flourishes inside freedom and then increases that freedom even more.”

Creator does not force a seed to grow, just as we are not forced to grow or change. We are FREE to grow. FREE to transform. FREE to choose how we grow. Free to choose how we experience this life.

How do you choose to life?

Personally, I ask, “What would LOVE do? What does LOVE look like?”


”The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience. Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around…Throughout history, ‘tender loving care’ has uniformly been .png

When you think about being reborn or being resurrected, what feeling comes up for you? For me, I get excited and filled with anticipation. I have been through many a “dark night of the soul” in this lifetime already. I have grieved and processed, felt loss and felt lost at many points in my life. And through every storm, I peeled away another layer of masks and broke free from more of the imagined chains that kept in enslaved into a reality that wasn’t meant for my highest expression.

When faced with a challenge I’m reminded that this is part of my great and wonderful transformation… that ultimately I am meant to feel the feelings and do the work to free myself and heal my trauma. That healing my trauma is THE greatest gift I can give myself, my daughter, my family and the WORLD!! That if my greatest dream is truly PEACE… I have to cultivate the greatest PEACE within myself and then I get to create PEACE IN THE WORLD!

I LOVE change! I LOVE the Great Mystery! I welcome the gift of Universal Love to come into every challenge I face.

Could it be that Spirit has been calling us to this place for a long time and that we’ve not listened? Could Mother Nature be crying for us to listen and come home to her? Could this be a beautiful opportunity to transform darkness into Light, to free ourselves and the planet from enslavement?

I believe it is time to make the changes in our bodies, our temple, in our lives and on this planet. Changes that have been calling us for a long time. Changes that are happening whether you want to receive and participate or not.

Love is stronger than death!

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Love also says, we have the FREEDOM to choose to evolve or resist the change, to surrender to the cocoon of the butterfly and let it TRANSFORM us or fight it.

Have you been seeking your truth?

Have you been unhappy in your “work” or just working a job to survive?

This is not how we are meant to live at our highest expression.

We are here with a purpose and we will continue to be nudged, shoved OR have the rug pulled from underneath us to remember why we’re here and what we’re meant to do.

When we are living in alignment with our Truth and Purpose… aaaaaaa the feeling is pure LOVE and JOY and excitement!! This is when we can say, “I love what I do so much I can’t call it work!”

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Will you allow LOVE to over power every fear you have? Will you open up the window to allow the LIGHT to pour over and through you?

Imagine this: Love has finally overcome fear, and your house is being rebuilt on a new and solid foundation. This foundation was always there, but it takes us a long time to find it.

“It is love alone that lasts” (1 Corinthians 13:13). All you have loved in your life and been loved by are eternal and true.” _Richard Rhor

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Fear not…

You were born to CREATE!

You get to choose how you want to use this life and how you want to create.

Connect with us here to learn how we can support you into your “REMEMBERING” and diving into your Souls Purpose.


You are Divine and born to SHINE!

We love you,

Sarah and Monet

Poes for Peace


The journey ahead...


Dawning a new World