The journey ahead...

You are a Conscious Creator (8).png

Aaaa yes, I couldn’t go back to sleep even if I wanted to. Once my eyes are open to truth, theres no turning back. So where does the journey lead us now?

Monet and I created Poes for Peace in 2016 spontaneously. We were creating a name for our Instagram account and this is what came up for us. And in the past 4 years, our guides have helped us understand the deeper purpose behind these words and the intention of what we are here to create.

Guided clearly by our ancestors, we set out on a journey to cultivate peace in the world.

What we have found in these past 4 years, is that in order to create PEACE in the world…. we must first cultivate PEACE in our own Spirit Body. This led me to devote this past year to “deep dive” into my healing and ultimately my rising.

So where does the journey lead us now as POES FOR PEACE?

Currently we are stationed in Georgia on my brothers farm, living with both my brothers, my sister-in-love, my three nieces and my Mom has been with us for the past 2 months. They have a beautiful dream to turn these 12 acres into an organic permaculture farm, to connect their community to “food as medicine”, to nurture their community in how to grow their own food, to be in communion and harmony with the land beneath our feet. And if you know us, you know that this aligns with our purpose, so we were called here to help get this dream started.

Then, as Spirit knows what lies ahead, my youngest niece was born with a rare heart~lung illness last June and we’ve been able to support and love my family during this precious time. This is where I’m grateful for listening to the whispers (sometimes screams) of my heart. Our guides knew what was coming for our family and brought us here in purpose.

During this time, Monet and I have cared for our family and the land, and we’ve had time to dive deep into our studies that have been calling us. I have been studying astrology, Human Design and The Gene Keys in order to dive into a new gift to share… Destiny Mapping. I have always been someone who sees the “Light” in others. I have always enjoyed inspiring others to “follow their dreams” and to step into their Soul’s purpose. This training came to me last fall a day after asking my guides to help me activate more people into their purpose. MAGIC and MIRACLES !

Monet felt so inspired by this healing modality that she has decided to join this years class and she begins her 8 month journey to be a Destiny Mapping facilitator. Her intention is to share reading with parents in order to help them understand their children on a more soulful level, in order to help nurture their souls gifts and purpose starting in childhood.

We are both still deep into our studies of plant based medicines, essential oils, herbs and understanding alternative healing modalities. One thing I can say about “homeschooling” or “wild-schooling” as we like to call it….. when you have no boundaries on how or what you are “suppose” to learn… when you are set free to study and learn what your heart leads you to…. you are more likely to be a seeker… to LOVE learning and see all of life as the opportunity to grow and learn. At least, this has been our experience. Monet LOVES to learn and sees a life of learning ahead of her, a list a mile long of all the things she wishes to study. I am in awe and inspired and grateful to be on this journey with her!

SOoooo Poes for Peace is evolving to include Farmacy Farms ( my brothers family farm), Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit holistic wellness with Destiny Mapping readings, Soul Guidance as well as supporting detoxing, immunity boosting and overall plant based health with Purium and alternative healing modalities. We’ve been building an amazing team of like minded family who also want to support their communities through plant based health. We have an amazing Nurse Practitioner on our team and some amazing mamas! We are excited to be teaching about whole body health and how toxins and parasites are effecting our physical and mental health… We are in love with life and what we’re learning and sharing.

And we’re about to introduce some exciting news about Poes for Peace future and how we’re going to be co-creating with our Indigenous relatives and youth change makers on the planet! We’ve had a project on the side burner for a while. One of things that came through powerfully years ago and then it just wasn’t ever the right timing. And now… its time.

Think positive, think hopeful, think soul-ution based co-creation!

Monet is collaborating with some AMAZING youth artists, activists, change makers, dreamers and writers who are preparing to create a youth led media…. positive, SOUL-ution based story telling through the voice of our youth!

We never know where the journey will lead us… CLEARLY… right now, on a collective, global level we are experiencing just this. All together, the world is experiencing a mass shift.

In Human Design, we are in Gate of Blessings which invites us the blessings of the struggles.

We are not meant to stay in fear, in slavery… we are not meant to stay small. We are able to step out of “victim consciousness” into “Creator consciousness”, to step from fear into faith, to take responsibility for our own path of healing and purpose… AND when we create peace within ourselves… we then cultivate PEACE IN THE WORLD as we can’t help but radiate love and create the ripple effect, igniting the LIGHTS in everyone we meet.

So here in lies the journey ahead for Poes for Peace.

We stepped back from full time activism to take the deep dive within.

I chose to look in the mirror to “start with the woman in the mirror, to ask her to change her ways…

and no message was ever clearer…

If you wanna make the world a better place.. take a look at yourself and


Thanks Micheal

All I have to say is… “Don’t go back to sleep.”

There is only forward and so many good things coming when we choose to awaken our Soul’s into our purpose and power, our LIGHT and Divine Love!

Loving you always in every way



Forgiveness create Miracles ~ Gene Key Four


Love will always win