Forgiveness create Miracles ~ Gene Key Four

Forgiveness creates Miracles


Is our destiny written inside our very DNA? Richard Rudd suggests that humanity is on the verge of a major shift in consciousness rooted in a new understanding of how our genes operate. He introduces this fantastic possibility, showing how the “gene keys” are an inner language designed to transform our core beliefs about ourselves and raise us to a higher level of awareness in The Gene Keys.

The Gene Keys are a living wisdom. True wisdom is about dissolving illusory barriers between individuals, cultures and ideologies. The Gene Keys are teachings to contemplate and apply in your daily life. As you allow them to percolate inside you, one by one your troubles will begin to fall away, and you will find yourself inhabiting a new and brighter life. Each Gene correlates to a Gate in Human Design and a principle hexagram in the IChing.

In each Gene there is found the Shadow (the lowest frequency of the Gene), the Gift (how we transform the Shadow) and the Siddhi (the highest frequency of the Gene). Each of carries these 64 genes in our DNA. And there is a Divine blueprint that is a road map of our destiny, our purpose, our gifts….that is written and encoded in our individual DNA. Each of us has a unique encoding and Golden Path.

Over the past week I have been contemplating the 4th Gene Key after it came through in one of my Destiny Mapping reading with a client. I couldn’t get it out of my heart all week. FORGIVENESS being the great miracle that will transform the collective!

Shadow ~ Intolerance Gift ~ Understanding Siddhi ~ Forgiveness

The Shadow of Intolerance

The 4th Gene carries a transformational message for the collective.

It carries a key that unlocks our harmony through forgiveness. When this gene is mutated it miraculously clears karmic debt, and generational trauma that has been added on through our bloodlines and leads us to Truth.

The shadow of Intolerance is rooted in the mind’s habit of becoming tangled up in human emotions. As humans are governed by their emotions, the state of the collective is unstable and chaotic. When we act on our emotions instead of attuning to our inner guidance within each of us, we tend to make decisions based on how we feel and we let our mind believe this is truth.

The Shadow is a misuse of one of the greatest gifts of the human mind~~ LOGIC.

The HUman has the power to read and solve logical patterns and can lead us to understanding BUT at the low frequency humans make decisions based on their emotional reactions or over-reactions. It uses distorted logic to uphold a volatile nature.

In others words, say you have a really bad day and you make a decision based on how you are feeling… the Shadow will find a whole list of reasons to support its dislike instead of tuning inward. This is what intolerance looks like.

Intolerance sees what it wants to see to justify its emotions, rather that looked at both sides, or even more so a third “side”.

Intolerance rationalizes emotions into a version of truth created in the mind , not in the heart.

All opinions are rooted in a fear of something. What fears create the intolerance and division on the planet?

And more importantly, how do we shift and pivot and transform this shadow frequency into a higher frequency based in love instead of fear?

The way to mutate this shadow frequency is through the GIFT of UNDERSTANDING..

Gift of Understanding

Real Understanding is not based in fear but in love. It sees beyond all viewpoints and doesn’t take a side. All opinions are rooted in a fear of something.

The body can only feel true safety when it surrenders into the present moment without want for anything.

Understanding comes when you realize that you’re mine can never truly understand anything.

The gift of understanding has nothing whatsoever to do with knowledge. Your mind thinks it needs knowledge to feel safe but knowledge never brings peace. Only true understanding that comes from the heart, from Divine Source and faith gives us peace.

The True Gift is awakened through the heart!!

Remember.. the law of the land is written on the heart! ♥️

When this gift is freed from having to solve your existence, it finally comes into its real genius, to play with patterns and arrange them in new in original ways. When you have faith, you no longer need to defend your viewpoint or pick a side and a higher frequency of this gift gives you the urge to be of service to the world! All of a sudden you begin to understand our oneness and witness the patterns of life and you gain the ability to understand people!

We are mutating this Gene on the planet and one day our children will not be emotionally polarized from birth. There is a social revolution based on ONEness, Unity and Heart that is our highest timeline. This revolution ends the search for knowledge and the need to be right.

Logic will no longer be used to defend prejudices or fears for personal gain. Then we leap into the frequency of forgiveness beyond understanding!

Revolutions have never truly changed the world. Maybe for a moment, but only briefly. We must end karmic patterns based on shadow frequencies to truly evolve into our highest expressions!

Our highest timeline is REbirth which always awakens beside forgiveness.

Siddhi ~ Forgiveness

Forgiveness is miraculous!

Forgiveness represents absolute transcendence. Forgiveness is a thunderbolt that is released when a being attains Christ-consciousness.

It melts the borders and boundaries within the world of form and allows the Truth behind all form to be seen and it become ONE with Truth.

Forgiveness lays it’s hand upon all of humanity and moves down the ancestral bloodlines dissolving genetic blocks and lifting karmic curses wherever it travels.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!!

We can heal this Gene within ourselves and then ripple it’s energy into the Collective!

The only thing that freed me from the slavery of my trauma and abuse, was forgiveness! I saw my abusers as innocent babies born in and through the Divine... before they experienced a disconnection from Source. I saw the Light in them, even if it was so dim.

I forgave them and stepped out of victim consciousness. And in this forgiveness I became free!!

Forgiveness is capable of miracles. It is a divine agent of change. It releases a karmic debt that has been stagnated for generations.

The more we bring this energy into form the more we all play our part in releasing humanity’s collective karma. We hold onto nothing in life because we have moved beyond understanding into pure Truth &Love

When all is forgiven then forgiveness doesn’t exist, only Truth.

Are there people in your life you are ready to forgive?

Are there ways you still need to forgive yourself?

Is there anything you are holding onto that is holding you back from peace and freedom?

Are you taking sides in anything that is adding to division on the planet?

Are you ready to truly FORGIVE???


I choose to CREATE...


The journey ahead...