Loving our Bodies!

How are you LOVING your body?

“Within my body are all the sacred places of the world and the most profound pilgrimage that I can ever make is within my own body..png

Have you ever heard the saying… YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE ?

Aaaa yes! I grew up hearing this from my parents and my grandparents. Whether we were talking about what we were eating or why we shouldn’t smoke or get drunk… my family really imprinted me with this idea that my body was a temple when I was a child.

Now fast forward to my teenage years and the rebellious Sarah emerged. If you’ve read my blog, you know my story and how I sabotaged my body after my abuse in highschool. I numbed out with alcohol and anything I could. I took on the diagnoses of “bi-polar” and took all the drugs the Doctors prescribed me, and I tried to escape my reality through disconnecting. Ironically, I was always intentional about eating organic and being a vegan and supporting companies that were earth conscious… I never lost my deep love of nature and the powerful urge in me to protect Her. So on one hand I was consuming in a sacred way, and on another I was poisoning my body. This was reflective of the battle raging within my Spirit, the battle between fear and love… the battle between wanting to save the planet and leave the planet.

But… there were these words always whispering to me… calling me home to my Divine Purpose. Calling me to honor and protect my Divine Temple. “Your body is a temple Sarah”

In 2009 I threw out all of the big pharma bottles and starting my sacred path of truth.

The journey has led me today and I hope that my story and my heart song can help others to step fully into honoring and protecting their Sacred Temples and in doing so, protecting and honoring this Sacred planet we love.

”The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience. Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around…Throughout history, ‘tender loving care’ has uniformly been  (1).png

“Fear is the manifestation of unprocessed trauma. It cannot be rationalized away, the trauma must be addressed. As it stands today, the fear that is running wild is due to the collective human body and the trauma the human body’s immune system has endured. ” -Ahaumna

I speak of LOVE as a powerful medicine because true healing (of ourselves, the collective and the planet) will only come from fully loving ourselves and the planet! When we make choices out of LOVE we naturally want to feed our bodies and minds well.

I call this the art of Sacred consumption.

When I am making choices on what to feed my body (and my mind). I ask my Spirit if this is for the highest good of MY BEing and for the planet.

From this space of LOVE, I can make decisions that are not only healing to my BEing (healing my trauma and my Spirit body, my gut, my brain…) but also healing to the planet. Therefore, I am reconnecting my Spirit in alignment with the highest vibration of the Divine. Mind~ Body ~ Spirit.

_Don't try to lose weight. Take delight in gaining fitness._.png

Building a strong healthy immune system is my goal and so I want to share the Purium superfoods that I have been using that have been supporting me to feel so very awesome and ways that I keep my Spirit Body vibrating high!

To protect your immune system from illness:

Wash your hands and practice general health practices

Eat organic whole foods

Stay away from sugars (which can cultivate an internal environment in your body for viruses & bacteria)

Drink water (please avoid water in plastic bottles always)

Get restful sleep

Integrate a practice or meditation~prayer into your daily lives

Breath of Fire cleanses the blood and purifies the lungs

Walk barefoot on the earth

Spend time in nature

Get at least 10 hugs a day… heart to heart !

Purium Superfoods

Purium is an ORGANIC superfoods company that grows their foods in rich soil and harvests at the peak of the plants nutrition. Plants are then solar dehydrated so that we are receiving RAW LIVE FOODS with shelf life of 2 YEARS!

Owner Dave Sandavol suggests the following to help support a healthy immune system:

Pure Vitamin C from Nature

* most vitamin C you buy at the store is NOT vitamin C so be sure to check and make sure you are getting Vitamin C from nature not from chemicals. ;)


Immune Shield (for kids and grown ups)


Epi Genius Kids (superfoods and biome medic in a kids chocolate shake)

For Daily Superfood Support… The CORE 4 (below…)


If you are interested in learning more about Purium…. let’s schedule a call so I can learn more about your unique needs.


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Have you heard of Cellular Silver?

“Far more advanced in both safety and efficacy than Colloidal Silvers, Silver Sols or Nanosilvers, Advanced Cellular Silver (ACS) 200 Extra Strength is effective against an enormous array of disease causing organisms; literally oxidizing the cell wall of gram positive and gram negative without harming healthy flora or damaging human tissue.”

This product is often suggested by naturopaths in effectively treated diseases including cancer, pneumonia, lymes…

This is a great product to have on deck at all times to support a healthy immune system!

ACS Cellular Silver

Your body is the temple that houses your Soul.

Your Soul is always connected with you, not fully present, it simply lives at a vibration you might not always be tuned into.

This resource, from my teacher Ahaumna, is to support your body in maintaining a harmonic vibration with Soul.

It's a practice she created and share within the LET's Vibrate Higher Community

”Of the dozens of practices within the community, this practice is the one I get the most feedback

from years after people leave that they are still using it regularly because it helps them
Stay in their Body 
Feel Connected 
Experience their Energy & 
Expanded Nature 
Keeps them Healthy 
Moves stuck Energy”


Essential Oils

Monet has been studying herbal medicine and essential oils…

She’s happy to set up a call to share more about how to use oils to build a healthy immunity, how to destress, focus and clean our homes using essential oils!

She recommends Bergamont Oil for anxiety and stress.

She also uses the blends below along with thyme for purifying and protecting immunity.

She also burns sage to clean the air.

You can reach Monet at bluphox.24@gmail.com

She will be placing oil orders every Friday if you need to place an order she’s happy to help !

Let us know how we can support you!

If your Spirit is calling to dive in a little deeper into healthy livin’ we are happy to support you in any way we can!


If you are a wellness advocate, a wellness mama, a naturopath, a health coach or just feeling called to join the movement

We would love to invite your join POES FOR PEACE WELLNESS ADVOCATES TEAM!


Fear not, YOU ARE LOVE!

Above all… FOCUS your heart and mind on LOVE!

We love you SOOOOO MUCH and we’re here to support you in any way we can.

Be well

Shine on!


Sarah and Monet


Dawning a new World


A Million Moms changing the world