A Million Moms changing the world

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The Vision

1000 Moms in 100 communities committing to spread health, well-being and an economic opportunity around organic, superfood nutrition with 10 families each.

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Last summer, my dear sister Katrina whom I met at Standing Rock, introduced me to the Million Mom Movement, an amazing movement of mamas, just like me, who are really passionate about keeping our people and planet healthy through organic foods and farming … and spreading LOVE of coarse!

The Million Mom Movement was formed when a group of mamas came together with the dream of inspiring and educating other mamas to change the standard American diet in order to support healthy families. This sounded like music to my ears, as this is part of my dream too!

Katrina knew my passionate for food sovereignty and so she nominated me for the Million Mom Movement Scholarship…… and a month later I found out I was chosen!!


Do you believe in Divine Timing?

We do! And Purium came into our lives at the perfect moment.

In August we found out that my newborn niece was going to have open heart surgery and would have to travel to Boston for a month or two. My brother and sister-in-love would need to leave my other 2 nieces with us while they went to Boston.

Since returning from Standing Rock, my finances had been a struggle as I was seeking for my new Truth and purpose, praying about how to use my gifts and still be supported in the mission that was on my heart. We moved in with my brother to help him with his dream of starting an organic permaculture farm in Georgia. Now that Josephine needed all our support, everything was tabled to focus on the family. It became crystal clear why we had been called to live with my brother at this point.

Spirit told me to TRUST and that we did. I believe in miracles and know we are abundantly loved and provided for.

A day after we found out that Josephine needed to be in Boston ASAP, I opened up my email and read that we had been chosen for the Million Mom Scholarship!

MIRACLE AND MAGIC EXIST! ALL things are possible!

Our scholarship not only provided our family with our superfoods needs for the past 6 months but gave me the opportunity to provide an income for us while we took care of our family full time. Getting to share superfood medicine with people I love, teaching superfoods classes and hosting healthy happy hours aligns with our purpose and Purium is a gift I am honored to share!

We are divine beings and if we choose to believe in miracles, life begins to unfold in ways that will blow our hearts wide open!

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A little about us…

We grow through our experiences and yes, our suffering. My drive and passion for healing the planet and healing the collective comes from my own experience of healing my body and mind through plant medicine and reconnecting my Spirit with the medicine of Nature and the Divine.

Like many sisters and brothers, I experienced abuse in my early life from a boyfriend. I kept it a secret from family for over 15 years. But in my early 20’s, I shared my story with my doctors, who diagnosed with a “mental illness”. I was medicated by my doctors with an insane amount of pharmaceuticals that literally destroyed my body and rewired my brain. I suffered from the physical side affects of the drugs for over ten years while I was under my doctors care. In their attempt to “heal” me with medications, they sent me deeper into a living hell. (I’m not putting all doctors in a box here, just sharing my personal experience.)

I suffered not only with deep depression, suicidal battles, eating disorders, paralyzing anxieties that kept me from leaving my house for long periods of time or even leaving my bed, but also with exhausting physical pain… I had nausea, vomiting, headaches, physical pain, anxiety attacks… It was a living hell.

I share more of my story on my blog, but eventually I had a “God moment” and I threw out all my pills and God~Goddess and I made a pact. That day began my healing journey. I always wanted to heal so I promised to stay on the planet if my guides would lead the way and when I got better I would use my life to help others however I was led to use my gifts.


The road to heal our traumas, our dis-ease, our brains, our guts, our illnesses… is not easy or simple but its absolutely possible and absolutely worth every step of the journey!! I am so grateful for my suffering and the teachers and knowledge that have healed my body~mind~spirit!

I protect Mother Nature because She nurtured me back to myself! Her medicine not only healed my gut and my body… Her medicine helped balance my mind. Food is medicine. Walking barefoot on the earth and sitting in meditation under a tree is better medicine that any pill or therapy session I ever had.

We are Divine Beings, each of us born from Love. Call “it” God, Allah, Goddess, Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Source, Divine, Creator… “It” is LOVE and all life comes from this LOVE. The earth has medicine for those that choose to listen.

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My Papaw Poe was a farmer and a preacher, as was his dad, his granddad and so on.. I spent my childhood in the woods, in papaws garden, mamaws kitchen or at the church. And I guess you could say I grew up to be a “preacher for farmers”. If my Papaw was alive today and I asked him about organic farming I can tell you exactly what he’d say….

“Organic? why that’s just the way we farmed!”

Yep, many, many farmers farmed “organically” before there were chemicals and pesticides used on our food. It has been done, it can be done and its how its meant to be.

My daughter and I are passionate about organic farming and foods and creating a world without chemicals that are causing the planet and people we love to be very ill. This is why we created an organic farmers market!

We’re passionate about this because we love the planet SO MUCH and we understand that our disconnection to the natural ecosystem is causing great dis-ease in both people and planet. AND we know that the solution is not only possible but necessary. It’s vital that we as mamas use our loving voices to create these changes.

We are in an important time on our planet. We know that processed food is chemically altered and poisoned with pesticides. Glyphosate is in our food, our soil and our water. Everyone we know is affected in some way. Type 2 diabetes is growing at staggering amounts and is not only preventable but reversible. 80% of the earth’s soil is “dead” and industrial agriculture is leading down a path of destruction…

I am an eternal optimist and I know that as we heal our connection to the Sacred we will heal both planet and people. All things are possible. Our bodies create an entirely new set of cells every 7 years. Food is medicine and Mother Nature knows how to take care of herself. Are WE ready to take care of HER and give thanks for the medicine She provides?

This is our hope, our work, our path. We are love ambassadors and protectors of the planet. Monet and I are both studying plant medicine, star knowledge and working on ways to support the collective with our gifts.

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My Sweet Pea!!

This is my Sweet Pea! My Papaw Poe gave her that nickname, as each of his grandchildren got their own fruit or veggie nickname. Our Sweet Pea, Monet, is my sidekick on this journey to spread peace through healing and connecting to the Sacred.

We are actively using our hearts, our voices and our gifts the best we can to help spread education on natural ways to heal and lift the body-mind -soul connection to its highest vibration.

Monet is studying plant medicine and essential oils. She and I host “Healthy Happy Hours”, Superfood socials, Sacred Sister Circles and we are working on creating immersions for Mamas.

We are happy to set up a wellness call with you to support you and your family in healing the gut, aligning your bodies with superfoods, boosting your health with superfoods or helping you with recipes and ways to switch your families diet to include organic healthy foods!


We believe in the sacred art of consuming. Every being is unique.

Each of us with a unique, divine purpose and gifts that support our purpose.

And in our uniqueness, we each consume differently.

There’s no one diet for every being and so we prefer to have a one-on-one call

to go over your unique BEing.

We are so honored and grateful to be chosen for the Million Moms Movement!! We are grateful to be representing a company that is aligned with our hearts and mission for both people and planet!

When I won the scholarship I was still skeptical because, as a consumer, integrity is of most importance. And I can say, the more I learn about Purium, the more I love them and the more excited I am to share this plant medicine with the collective!

There are a LOT of companies out there pushing “natural” products BUT “natural” doesn’t mean anything any more. You can eat veggies and take “green” supplements and protein shakes all day… and if they aren’t organic , you are consuming chemicals and pesticides.

This is why is it vital to support, grow and consume organic foods and products. We vote for change with our dollars and we love our bodies with how we choose to nourish ourselves. Purium is an organic superfoods company that uses solar power to run its warehouse and by the end of this year… we will be 100% plastic free with all compostable packaging! If you know me, you know, this is part of my criteria for companies I support.

Purium = Pure + Premium~!!

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Monet and I have both gone through Purium’s 30 day Detox for Parasites and gut health. I have never felt my body radiating at this level!! Consuming live raw superfoods and supplements in addition to my already organic diet has given me more energy, better rest and most importantly, my mood has been more balanced through some really challenging times this year. We’re hooked!!


Monet and I are so grateful to be aligned in this heart mission!

We’d love to chat with you about your health journey and offer any support we can!

Connect here to set up a call



Loving our Bodies!


40 Day Transformation