Solstice Magick ~ Welcome the LIGHT

And today, the Sun appears to stand still, for just a moment. A pause, a moment to reflect on this transitional moment in our cycle around the Sun. Oh sweet solstice, half of us welcome the summer Light on this, our longest day, while half of us welcome the stillness of winter. Shadow and Light forever dancing together in the magick of creation.

Monet and I have been in a practice of going to the beach every morning to be with the Sunrise leading up to her 23rd birthday this Saturday. This medicine of the Sun has been so healing and expansive. I’ll write more on it when the words find me. Her birthday is mine as well. Its the day I was reborn and invited into the most magical journey I could have dreamed.

For now, my heart breathes in both shadow and light today as my toes dig themselves into sand and salt. Sun light warming my skin, I close my eyes and see my sister on the other side of the Earth, cozying up by a fire preparing for the winter ahead. And I remember , both are here now. Both are part of me.  

On this sweet solstice its MAGICK on my heart.

Last night Monet hosted another incredibly inspiring, heart opening night of Art Alchemy. We were invited to reconnect with the parts of ourselves that know how to play and create… my little Sarah is feeling all the giddy creative sparks today, and I’m also feeling the awe of how confirming and supportive our Soul Blueprint is. I got to share some mini readings last night and each one (as always) brings me closer to God!  

And so, I’m choosing to answer the call for play and faith and magick!  

I’m answering the call of little Sarah. She’s been pleading for me to play, to see the world once again through Her eyes. I see her, not but 7 or 8, barefoot in the woods behind the house, exploring and building forts with Steve and Ben. Its our world and we create it new every morning. Long days where time is never a thought, only the imagination given the power to create whatever our innocent heart desires. Lying under a patch of ferns on the forest floor, we are home.  

Magick is on my heart. The infinite possibilities of Creator right here, right now. If only I answer the call to play and remember who I am created to be.  

Creator calls to me on this Solstice reminding me that its up to me to choose this Sacred Partnership and here I’ll live always in a world of magick. The Magi knew magick! I follow their lead, looking up in awe and contemplation, listening to the Cosmos   

Mother God, Father God, Divine Mother, Divine Father. They are the voice of my Soul calling me home in each moment.  

You are here to co-create your world in union and sacred partnership with Creator. Have you forgotten? 

Have you become lost in the seriousness of adulting? Have you grown up too fast and forgotten your magick? Have you stopped playing? Have you dared to say you aren’t creative?!!! Have you been trying to control life? Have you stopped co-creating with God? 

Stop right now. Stop and breathe. Look up. Look down. Look around you. Breath it all in. Creator is here reminding you to BE IN AWE and REMEMBER MAGICK!!  

Look around you. How can we not believe when we breathe in the magick of all of nature?!!! The stars know our names, they hold our history, sacred storytellers, marking time and calling us to co-create. The Sun, rising again every day. The roots of trees, weaved together in unison, family! The fingerprints of God are everywhere!!!  

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE... beautiful divine creation here to co-create, given the gift of this Earth to share in relationship. This remembering changes everything.  

~THY WILL BE DONE~ Whoooooosh ! Here is where the real magick starts to happen!  

The part of your consciousness connected to Source is CHRIST ~ Christ Consciousness is your power to co-create with God ~ to BE an ALCHEMIST ~ to BE a co-create with God ~ You are both Human + Divine!  

Its up to you TO DREAM , have FAITH and let go in sweet surrender. Watch for synchronicities and miracles! Its all here.  

I got stuck in seriousness, trying to control things and I stopped creating art. And as soon as I answered the call of little 7-year-old Sarah and said YES to Magick, Yes to Creator, YES to PLAY... a shift happened for me.  

Since my birthday I have been redesigning my life to infuse more MAGICK and CREATIVITY into everything.  

I’m taking my ART to the next level with Creator! Photography and music were my first creative passions and I need more, more, MORE!  


Infuse ALL your creative passions into your life.  

Make your life a work of ART!  

I’m integrating my Photography with my Soul work and this adventure is about to be wilder and more magical than ever before! As soon as I said yes to co-creating with God, I received a whole new vision for my medicine and the path ahead.  

Ya’ll MAGICK IS REAL! God IS the SOURCE of MAGICK. Creator IS CREATION and Creation is magick!  

Open yourself up to this Sacred Partnership and take some time today to imagine your sweet inner child. Invite the awe and curiosity of your child like self. The way to enter Heaven is through the eyes of a child. Its all here for us now.  

I love you 

I see you  

Come as you are  


Holy vulnerability hangover~ How do we release shame?


Oceans of Gratitude as I begin my 47th journey around the Sun