Oceans of Gratitude as I begin my 47th journey around the Sun

As I begin my 47th journey around the sun I am overwhelmed with gratitude for each of you who have chosen to share your hearts with me over the years. I love the ways I get to LOVE each of you. Thank you for being a part of my community! Loving you calls me to open my heart to serve even more, so thank you for being here with me.  


I am once again reminded of the power of our BIRTH DATES.  


Clearly, I am curiously fascinated with the script of the stars and how our relationship with the Cosmos and Christ is connected. As a student, I am continuously in awe! I continue to witness Creators fingerprint on every aspect of creation, the stars and planets literally being historians, holding the stories of our past.  


Do you have a personal practice that supports you to move into your next cycle each birthday?


Do you get excited to celebrate your birthday or do you dread it?


Do you feel an invitation of death and rebirth around your birth day? 


The more I experience the pure miracles around your birthdays and my own, and the connections that I have witnessed around our souls blueprints in general, the more I have been drawn to create practices that allow me to utilize the medicine here for us around our birth day or Solar Return each year.  


This cycle has revealed God to me in ways that have me in complete surrender today!  


Last year my prayer was to move towards more Radical Faith, Radical LOVE and Radical Responsibility. 


I set the intention on my birthday last year after deep reflection and contemplation of my own souls blueprint and where I felt God was inviting me to grow.  


Let me speak some truth.... the path of the Soul is not all rainbows. There are storms we all must face and I have been in a cocoon of grief, traversing my own storms, facing my shadows moving into this 47th journey around the Sun.  


Whooooosh… be wise to your prayers because you are calling in that which you ask for. 

I asked for more radical faith, love and responsibility... and I have been given every opportunity to CHOOSE RADICAL FAITH, RADICAL LOVE THROUGH RADICAL REPSONSIBILITY.  


My 46th cycle brought me closer to myself and God as I faced all the parts of Sarah I had abandoned in order to feel loved, accepted, safe... Suzie sunshine-people pleasing Sarah needed to take responsisbility for herself.  


I'm curious...  


Are there parts of yourself you have abandoned as a child or teenager in order for you to feel safe or worthy of love?


If so, I inspire you to sit with that version of yourself and witness how you can nurture that part of yourself. 


What needs to be released? What parts of you did you abandon? Are you ready to call back those parts of your Soul?  





This is the phrase that came to me a few weeks ago. I heard these words and felt their meaning in my life. As I faced the storms raging in my own life and in those around me, I recognised this background of grief that seems to be our shared story. And what better way to bring us together, that our struggles and shared grief? 


This year I spent so much time with Mama Ocean. She holds such medicine for me and I needed her wisdom and love more so in this season of my life. 


I traveled many storms on the ocean this year and at times I thought I would drown, water up my nose, my body so, so, so exhausted from the waves and treading water. In this last month leading up to June 6th I had moments where I wanted to let go and just let the water carry to the ocean floor. I started practicing a prayer of “falling into Gods lap”. I envisioned Divine Mother / Divine Father just holding me so sweetly, stroking my hair, gazing into their eyes where I saw OCEANS OF LOVE and felt OCEANS OF GRATITUDE. 

And on my birth day, it was as if every angel I have ever played with invited every angel they knew and they all showed up in my room as I slept, waiting for me to open my eyes and see myself through their eyes. 


And I did. 


All my earthly troubles fell away as I saw myself as I am. Created by God. Created in pure love. My Soul one with the heart of the sky, a force of love that IS creation. 






The moment I got out of my own limited way, God gets to move in miracles and possibility. 


God WANTS to create through you!  


And so, 

This years prayer is simple. 

Creator, Thy Will Be Done. 

May my will and Thy will be ONE, 

For the highest good of all.  

OCEANS OF GRATITUDE fill me and I pray that in receiving my experience you too will be more open to receive. Your Soul is always calling you. Your Soul wants to create! Invite it all in!  


I see you 

I love you 

Come as you are   



Ps… as I write this letter a song with the phrase OCEANS OF GRATITUDE comes on my random spotify shuffle. Life is an unfolding miracle! I'm laughing and crying and its all perfect! 






Solstice Magick ~ Welcome the LIGHT


Are you willing to burn it to the ground to live in alignment?