Are you willing to burn it to the ground to live in alignment?


Loves, you have got to be willing to burn it all to the ground every once in a while if you want to live life in alignment with your SOUL.

You've got to get comfortable with dying if you want to truly LIVE!

You've got to be willing to get your heart utterly broken if you want to learn how to LOVE!

I would not be this version of Sarah had I not had my heart completely shattered over and over again, or if I hadn't died this many deaths. And I'll stay this version if I don't keep this heart open and stay open to letting go again when the call comes.

Its part of the path of being an ALCHEMIST. And you are here to remember the path of the Alchemist!

I would never have discovered the Soul Blueprint work or the Alchemy work I share unless I was willing to question, and ultimately go against, most of what I have been taught. And, I wouldn't have the love and faith and tools to guide others through the storms of life, unless I had faced my own dark shadows, traumas and storms.

Everything I thought I knew has been transformed because I surrendered my identity and beliefs to "let go and let God".

I would still be locked in a prison of hell on earth if I wasn't willing to risk everything for heaven on earth!!

So allow me to inspire you to GET CURIOUS, QUESTION EVERYTHING you've been taught or you think you know about yourself and this world. Stop defining yourself by your past, your traumas, your diagnosis, your bank account, what others think of you or your current situation.... AND, maybe stop using Human Design, or enneagrams or astrology or religion to limit and constrict yourself, or your clients. Its all here to expand us!!


We need more LOVE LEADERS who are empowering humanity to shed all the masks and REMEMBER WHO YOU TRULY ARE!

There are so many ways and for my soul path I've been guided to the Sacred Sciences as powerful tools of CONTEMPLATION ( not to lock you into another identity).

Working in these Sacred Sciences, I witness how humans can take anything and create an identity around it, AND, how we humans get so attached to our beliefs and identities. So much so that you become trapped and constricted by the idea of your identity.

Its the same dualistic mentality that keeps us divided from the truth of who we truly are.

And also, these Sacred Sciences have so much wisdom to share with us but like most systems on earth, they have been corrupted just like religion. (I'll share a post on this next)

If I didn't find God in this map of the Soul that has slowly been revealed to me, I would have walked away a long time ago. But I have grown so much from the contemplation of this journey of the Souls Bluerprint and witnessed God moving in such miracles in my life.

The more I let go of what I think I know and choose to listen instead, the more God continues to reveal miracles and guide me to new places within myself. I would not be free to be myself without going against everything I was taught and being willing to let it all go when asked.

My spiritual business has gone through 4 complete death and rebirth cycles in the past 5 years. I've allowed God to build it up and burn it to the ground over and over. And its really frightening and heart breaking. But that is where the real ALCHEMY comes in my loves!

When I was first introduced to Human Design I received my tropical design just how most people do. You can go online, put in your birth info and Bam! Your chart is there! I remember reading about the Manifestor Design and feeling so seen for the first time. I've always felt so misunderstood by most of the world and just in knowing how I operate differently than 91% of the world gave me this peace.

This was my first contemplation into the Sacred Sciences...

Then, as it goes with the Souls path in life, God began to shake my foundation and give my that nudge I now know so well....


The CALL that would lead me to question tropical Human Design and why the calculations didn't match my true sidereal calculations. The CALL that would ask me to pivot and shift just when I was getting financial flow. And then the CALL that would lead me to hand writing charts and contemplating the stars and the Sacred Sciences through the lens of Christ.

THE CALL is what I use to describe the part of our journey where God either rips the rug out, pulls us into the underworld or loudly calls us to the next stage of our evolution.

I heard the CALL and set out on a journey with these Sacred Sciences that has brought me closer to God and myself. It has not been easy. It never is ya'll! But change is inevitable and the path of the Soul is the wildest, holy rewarding path you must take!

When you choose the journey of the Soul you are invited to get really comfortable with being uncomfortable, being alone, letting go, and dying. Its what we are all called to. So many of you are struggling and part of your struggle is that you are clinging so tight to your old identity and your Soul is calling you to leap into the next evolution of your soul because that is what we all need right now.

If you've read this far, then maybe you feel the constriction in your life, tighting your heart and squeezing the life from you. You know theres a call but you don't know what it is or where it will take you. Or you know what the Call is asking of you but you want some guidance on the journey. You never have to go it alone! I see you.

Working with me is kinda like working with a death doula and birth doula combined. You will be guided to die to that which no longer serves your highest good, maybe it never did. You will be nourished, loved and inspired on your journey to the underworld and to rise into your true essence. Reborn. Renewed. Reinspired. You will be empowered to rise above the limitations you perceive are holding you back. You will be guided to shed the masks and be seen from the lens of your Soul.

I can't do the work for you. I can't take away your pain though I wish I could. But I can carry it with you. And I can share all the tools that I've found to help me on my own journey of the Soul.

If you are called to the Journey of Soul Initiation I am so grateful to walk along side you.

I offer several ways to love on you!

1:1 Offerings include

Soul Blueprint readings weaving together your Sidereal Astrology ~ Soul Human Design and Gene Keys.

Family Alchemy Sessions

Sacred Partnership Sessions

1:1 Soul Mentorship 6 month or 1 year

Group Offerings include

Luminary Love Leaders monthly membership

Living Stars Monthly Membership

Divine Alchemy waitlist (next group begins soooooon)

Art Alchemy (in person group experience)

Whatever it is you are facing, you are never alone. The more you choose FAITH and LOVE, the more miracles and magick this life will present for you!

If you have something stirring on your heart that you'd like me to hold with you in prayer. I am here.

I see you I love you Come as you are!

10% off all Soul Offerings and Embodied Photography until Saturday may 6th! RECEIVE and OPEN THE DOOR to the heart of who you came here to be!


Oceans of Gratitude as I begin my 47th journey around the Sun


The Fight for LOVE always wins over fear