What is Lions Gate really?

Every day is an invitation into the miraculous!!

There is no perfect day/ moment/ time (or magical portal) to co-create with God.

Your prosperity is Sourced through your relationship/ acceptance of the Divine.

Lets talk about Lions Gate. You’ve likely seen a lot of Lions Gate posts lately. Maybe you’ve signed up for a Lions Gate ritual or manifestation ceremony or even hosted one. But do you know what Lions Gate actually is ? or How Lions Gate began?

Lets dive into this 8/8 mystery of the Lions Gate in the hope of understanding more.

Physically on Earth, Lions Gate is an actual Gate that is one of 8 gates in the wall of Jerusalem. The present walls of Jerusalem were built by the Ottomans in 1538. (Have you watched The Kingdom of Heaven with Orlando Bloom? ) Whooosh! He says it all in the last few minutes… the Kingdom of Heaven is within. But I’ll get back to that!!

The more I researched and contemplated the actual Lions Gate in Jerusalem, the more I could feel a greater invitation here for us than a “manifestation and wealth portal” which is the main narrative surrounding Lions Gate in the spiritual community.

Perhaps there is a greater message here for us. The message the Eagle gives soaring above all the choas. A REAL INVITATION INTO ABUNDANCE! And I’m not talking 10k or 100k launches. I’m speaking of the real meaning of Prosperity and the gift of the Kingdom within and around.

The “holy land” of Jerusalem is a grail site that has been fought over in holy wars for eons. Christian, Jews and Muslims fighting violent wars over this land that marks the “middle of the Earth”. What are they fighting for? Their need to be right? Their need for power and authority? The need to claim “their God is the right God?” Or perhaps the war over power and money ? Its something to contemplate when we think of those two lions guarding a gate into the Holy City.

The star Betelgeuse plays a part in a beautiful starry script connecting to Solomons Temple, the Pyramid of Giza and more. I’ll be sharing more on this is Living Stars when we talk about mega stars and how they teach us as much as planets and constellations!

Lions Gate as the Gate in the Wall of Jerusalem holds a deeper meaning than just manifesting wealth during an 8/8 portal. But humans do love a good simple answer to their problems and we tend to be easily manipulated from a place of survival wounds. I’ve signed up for my share of miracle money courses that gave me nothing but less money in my account and honestly a sense of failure and confusion. HA! I can laugh at it all now. Now that I see through a different lens. Laughing at yourself is the medicine of alchemy!!

So is there a message here and if so, what?!

Sha’ar Ha’Arayot : Hebrew for Lions Gate

The gate is located on the north-east walls of the old city of Jerusalem, leading to the Via Dolorosa. The road that Yeshua walked to the hill of Golgotha.

Two lions guard the gate, marking both sides. In Astrosophy, Leo represents the heart of God.

Ishtar is the Queen of the Night is also associated with Lions Gate 888. Dating back over 4,000 years to ancient Babylon (located in present day Iraq) She is a bird with wings and talon, flanked by owls and lions. She represents freedom and the art of letting go. Renewal from suffering.

More on this on Mondays Love Leaders Masterheart (bonus class for Living Stars Living Christ)

There is also The Lions Gate in the Cyclopean walls of the citadel of Mycenae entering into Greece.

So, what does the Lions Gate have to do with the Stars and Astrology?

The ancient Egyptians held rituals around the alignment of Sirius when the sun was in Leo. During the summer the sun would move with Sirius across the sky and this ceremony was a prayer to give thanks for the flooding of the Nile which of coarse, provided the people with abundance of food. Money at its core is related to food and shelter.

The Lion’s Gate Portal occurs when the star Fixed Star Sirius, Earth and the Orion constellation are all aligned in the sky.  This was the alignment the Egyptians looked for. There are links to other temples, pyramids and sacred places on earth that were created to honor this alignment. AND, every 72 years, many of these ancient civilisations would create a new temple, to REALIGN to sirius.

So in our current sky, is August 8th a day when these alignments in the Stars happen?


The Sun is not yet in Leo on August 8th. Sirius is not in alignment, nor regulus. But this day has become a day that many spiritual businesses use to make a lot of money. This is the reason I wanted to write about this.

We are always held accountable for our actions. Using and manipulating peoples fears is not ok and yet, commercialism uses fear and FOMA as tactics for making money.

We all have a choice to use discernment when we make choices where to put our energy (time and money).

That said, I believe there is a powerful teaching in Lions Gate, and it has to do with the Kingdom of Heaven.

Outside the Lions Gate of Jerusalem there are two muslim cemeteries that bring muslims to the area today. Theres is so much shared history here, stories written and a story yet to be written.

I wonder what would happen if humanity could put away our greed, our need to be right? What would happen if we could meet in our humanness and our shared divinity. I started to visualise the walls of Jerusalem and how many humans have died fighting for this piece of earth and what it stands for to them. This war between religions has never made sense to me because I see humanity as ONE HOLY TRIBE.

Perhaps the TRUE ABUNDANCE comes from this REMEMBERING that all nations are ONE, that true PROSPERITY serves the highest good of all!

Mitakuye Oyasin. We are all related. One family. All my relations.

I believe there is a great message for us now, as we move from Cancer in to Leo and the North Node shifts to Pisces. Maybe you feel it? An invitation into more co-creation, more inspired action, living a life with more purpose, doing the things you love, creating more community, spending more time in nature…

What is your heaven on earth? How are you creating it? Are yours dreams aligned with the Divine?

I will say that there are, and will be greater distractions and opportunities for us to overcome our greatest fears. One of THE greatest fears / wounds on earth is the fear of LACK, scarcity, survival.

If anything, let this be an invitation to know what true Prosperity is and what is distracting you from the true Kingdom of Heaven.

Wealth consciousness is about accumulating more for me.

Prosperity consciousness is aligned with Christ Consciousness where me turns to WE!

Every day is an invitation into the miraculous!!

There is no perfect day/ moment/ time (or magical portal) to co-create with God. Your prosperity is Sourced through your relationship/ acceptance of the Divine.

Nothing can be taken from you that is divinely yours. Today is no more or less special than yesterday or tomorrow. It’s all a gift! It’s all an invitation to co-create with God!

If you hold a belief that there are moments (like the Lions Gate ) that are more powerful, YOU ARE GIVING YOUR POWER AWAY.

This belief can create fomo (fear of missing out) .. this belief creates the reality where you either have to wait until this “special day” to “create abundance” or “manifest your dreams” , OR , if you miss this “special day” you’ve somehow missed out.

Either way, you are giving your divine power away.

Faith is the power to co-create with God.

The real Truth is so simple we miss it.

Faith & Love are here in every breath.

YahWeh Breath of Life co-create with me for the highest good of all in this and all moments!

If you feel inspired to create a living relationship with the stars (watching the night sky and learning about the Cosmic Christ) Living Stars Living Christ is for you! We begin August 28th~ Bonus class August 21st

If you are inspired to study the Sacred Sciences as as Initiate of this Soulwork… The Grail is for you. 12 Souls will journey together for a year in the contemplations of the Cosmic Christ and so much more. Message me if this sparks your heart.

And, I am always here to share Soul Blueprint readings with you.

I see you. I love you. Come as you are.

Oceans of love and gratitude,



New Moon in Cancer


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