New Moon in Cancer

This New Moon in Cancer invites us deep into the divine feminine, into your Sacred Heart.

The moon is strengthen when she moves with cancer. She is ruled by cancer in represents the sacred feminine. This new moon in Cancer transits gate 62 in Human Design and the 62nd Gene Key ~ The Language of Light.

You are invited to go inward to listen to your heart, but first, pay attention to your thoughts, your beliefs, your worry’s.

At the shadow we get stuck in our thoughts, held prisoner by the need to be right, obsessed by details, by work, by success, the need to control…. Or you use your intellect to manipulate or attack others. You may even force your opinions or beliefs on others, judging out loud or in your mind.

This New Moon activates the Genetic memory of Awakening or Remembering as I like to call it.

As your heart awakens you begin to question the narratives (in your mind and in the world). What narratives are being used to divide?! To divide us from each other, from ourselves, from the Divine?! What narrative is running in your mind that gives you the illusion that you are separate from the Divine?!

The Kingdom of God is within and all around!

The Gift of Precision begins to active your natural intelligence l, divine + human, masculine + feminine, heart + mind.

The Sacred heart (feminine) is given control and the mind (masculine ~ thinking/ action) moves into service of the feminine principle ( intuition, listening, receiving)

Heart first always!

Imagine the freedom and flow that comes from choosing with your heart and trusting each choice, each word, each action from a knowing that God moves from the heart.

Your Sacred Heart is your magnetic monopole (your identity center in human design). Your heart is a compass where God is given authority to guide your life. God is LOVE. Source is Love! Creator is LOVE.

Surrender into your heart my loves!!


Love mirrored from the inside out


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