A Total Eclipse of the Heart (Part 1)

I felt the eclipses in my own body, especially my heart, weeks before it happened. I asked for my shadows and wounds to be shown clearly so that I could use these two eclipses to alchemise my pain into purpose and PEACE!

January 2023, I laid out the calendar of the Stars for the year, and this date, October 14th, was highlighted in gold with the words Sun of the Archangels of Peace bring forth all that is within!

The two eclipses we just moved through played a role in the transformation of our world, inner and outer, and I am a new woman today. Or perhaps, I am a re~newed woman today!

I’m curious how are you feeling? What is coming up for you?

What is coming up from within, both shadow and light?

When I think of eclipses I imagine myself in a body thousands of year ago, sitting by a fire in the middle of the night watching, listening, humbled at the awe of the Stars. Even today, my heart remembers each Star, as we do with relatives.

I can feel myself lying on the earth in the early morning, eyes gazing upward in silence as the Moon moved slowly, intentionally across the face of the Sun, bringing the whole world into the darkness to meet the Mother and hear what she has to reveal to us.

An eclipse is an invitation to “bring forth that which is within..” and these eclipses gave us a powerful invitation to witness our Shadows, Surrender into the Light and Remember the Truth of who we are. Collectively we moved through the shadows of Conflict, Judgement and Opinions in order for us to rise into PEACE and be made “perfect” through alchemising our suffering.

Was there a specific wound or point of suffering that came up for you these past few weeks?

In the Gospel of Thomas ( a Gnostic script left out of the Bible) Thomas quotes Yesheua as saying.. If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

This teaching is very similar to “Know Thyself and you shall know God and the Universe”

We are all being invited to REMEMBER who we truly are! This is the Great Remerbering.

2023 marks the Great Turning Point of Time and these two eclipses have so much to teach us.

We are halfway through the Living Stars Living Christ Course and I knew that we would go through these two eclipses during our 7 weeks of Masterhearts. I prepared and planned for it, and yet how could I fully prepare, except to SURRENDER. As I was preparing the presentations for the course I was guided, as I always am, to let go of how I planned to teach this course and to let it all come through me as directed. I planned the course as a 7 week container and the very first week I was guided to extend the 7 weeks and break the teachings up in order to work with the planets more intimately. Love had a plan and I surrendered.

If you are surrendered to the Divine you must be willing to burn it all to the ground, start over, let go, get comfortably uncomfortable with the Void. Remember that death is nothing to fear but an opportunity to walk along side your fears and surrender into death and birth over and over and over again.

These two eclipses were an invitation to die to all that isn’t serving your highest good and be reborn into the True authenticity of your unique Souls purpose here now.

“I will teach you about what is hidden from you.” - Mary 6:3

The first eclipse on October 14th was a Solar Eclipse with the Sun and Moon in Virgo, the Divine Mother, the Virgin, the Pure Soul. According to Astrosophy the Sun and Moon activated Gene Key 6 on this day… It was called the Eclipses of the Archangels of Peace as this Genetic code is the Siddhi of Peace on Earth. The Shadow is Conflict and the Gift is Diplomacy. We see this conflict playing out in the world, in both our inner and outer world. War is not just happening in Palestine and Israel, it is happening in the collective and we are all called to go within to face the war waging within. We are called to create PEACE WITHIN. The ONLY way to Peace is within.

Back up a week and we can look at October 7/8 as Mars moved into Libra. We were feeling into this day as a possibly of war breaking out in the “Holy Land” (Jerusalem represents the Throat Chakra… and The true Holy Land is our Hearts). The moon was in Libra when Yesheua turned the tables over in the temple, his righteous rage against the corrupt Pharisees and injustice. Mars shows us our triggers and where we have room to grow. As we focus our hearts on Peace we have to face our deepest fears, wounds, sufferings and a great place to start is the places that trigger you.

It is no coincidence that the Sun and the Moon, the Heart and Root united on October 14th to marry and bring forth both shadow and light, conflict and peace. Can you see the hand of Mother~ Father God touching every aspect of our lives? Can you see the perfection in the imperfection?

I had considered hosting a gathering on the day of the Solar Eclipse of Peace. We are Poes for Peace and I felt some great responsibility to make a grand gesture of peace. I felt into preparing a ceremony and organising an event… but nothing felt true in my heart. I didn’t need a grand gesture. We never do. Its ALWAYS in the holy present moment of Surrender and Presence.

And then I received an invitation from a sister to come to the mountains for the weekend to celebrate her birthday and spend time in sisterhood. I felt a great resistance rise in me. The Trigger. Here it was, the call from Holy Mother I had been waiting for. I know its in saying YES to the uncomfortable triggers that my expansion awaits. I contracted and moved into all the fears and resistance coming up. I knew I had to move fully into whatever fears were coming up for me.


My mind made every excuse NOT to go. I was exhausted. I “needed” to work. My car is broke down. And of coarse, the old money excuse that is always here inviting me into freedom.

I followed each fear and at the end of the thread, there is was, the BIG FEAR, the BIG WOUND that wanted to be seen…


I won’t go into old stories here but I will share that I carry a deep, deep sister wound from abandonment, lying, stealing, cheating, back stabbing and even a sister who tried to sue me. Every wound I experienced has given me the greatest opportunities for Alchemy, Forgiveness and LOVE. My sister wound is simply another opportunity to experience Alchemy and LOVE through forgiveness and FAITH.

Since I couldn’t drive myself to the mountains I leaned into my first resistance, ASKING FOR HELP. I called my sister friend who was also going and asked if I could ride up with her. She of coarse said “YES! How fun will that be”. And so I surrendered and leaned in.

Monet drove me to meet her and when I got into the car we hugged and she said, “Hold up and let me listen to this one voicemail and then I’m all yours.” As she pressed play I got all the chills and my heart retracted in a sting. OUCH! That voice… a sister from my past who’s actions caused me great pain. For the next 10 minutes I sat in silence listening to the voice message and I let all my sadness come up, or at least what needed to come up in this moment. I didn’t cry. I didn’t get angry. I prayed and poured my love over her. And I poured Love over myself. “You’ve come so far Sarah. Look at how much you’ve learned from that experience. We get to call in a new experience now.”

I didn’t say a word to my friend about the voice or my pain. I surrendered and enjoyed the drive.

The next night we were sitting and visting and I decided to make supper for all the ladies. As I was chopping vegetables one of the ladies begins to ask me questions that inevitably brought up THE BIG WOUND that the voice on that call had played a part in. At first, I tried to hold back. I didn’t want to gossip or speak ill of this woman. I wanted to believe I was fully healed from that wound. I have done SO MUCH WORK around my sister wound. I didn’t want to feel it.

And then, I took a Breath in and exhaled. I SURRENDERED and it ALL came up. I’m standing with a knife in my hand bawling into the red peppers, shaking and feeling every ounce of how damn painful that wound has been in my life, and still is.

Why do I always see the good in people? How do I get screwed over.. over and over? Why am I so naive? Why did I trust so easily? Why do I trigger people so much? Why am too much for so many people? Why do I get abandoned? When will I be seen? How can I trust? Who will love me? Who will choose to stay?

Whoooosh there it was.

Can I TRUST in my heart enough to LIVE WITH A FULLY OPEN HEART?

This is my prayer and purpose. This is my promise as a Love Alchemist and medicine woman.

I let myself be seen and I opened my eyes to feel the arms of SISTERS holding me, witnessing me, SEEING ME. I felt safe. I felt seen. I felt loved.

And I remembered my own Siddhi, the one the Sun initiates me into… Quintessence, the 23rd Gene Key.

“I am able to see and touch the Gold hidden in human. I see and touch the core of your essence through my hearts eye, through Love embodied.” This is my superpower and why I ALWAYS see the Light and goodness in everyone I meet first. I don’t want to ever change that. I want to live fully in this Siddhi!

Your deepest suffering holds the alchemical keys to your greatest medicine and magick. All the things that you think are “wrong” with you are likely the very things that make up your unique Soul Magick!!

The next day I prepared my heart for the Solar Eclipse. I had planned to go into the woods alone and sit in prayer with the Angels. Instead, I was invited to hold a prayer circle with the sisters and I said yes. We were staying in a home on the top of a mountain and when we woke up Saturday the house was sitting in the clouds, literally!

We sat in a circle on the deck, in the clouds, nothing formal planned, no agenda but Love.

I dropped into my heart and opened up to The Mother to speak through me. Here, as the Sun and Moon communed together in Virgo, it was the Mother who had much to share with us. It is Her story, the wisdom of Sophia, Divine Creatrix of all life, who calls to each of us now. We have been ruled by the masculine principle for so long that many have forgotten The Love of the Mother. God the Good, as Mary of Magnalene calls Her.

I opened, we opened, and Her Love poured through us all. I felt Love as Home and Truth and The Only Way forward. I felt deep grief for the ways that our illusion of separateness has created so much pain, sickness and waged war on humanity and the Earth. I grieved for every child. For the children in adult bodies who’s illness of separateness creates war within and out. We held every child in our hearts, starting with our own inner child, then our Mothers, our Fathers, and theirs… and then we held every child, young and old, right here in our hearts. We loved them, forgave them, offered our peace. We cried. We smiled. We LOVED.

And we opened our eyes,

sitting in a circle of Sisters on the top of this wise mountain in a cloud,

there was one circle of blue skies

and the sun shined down from above us surrounded by clouds.

And with that, a car pulled into the driveway with two Earth Angels in it, two women that would become my new soul sisters! One was named Love, and they both were Love embodied.
In their eyes I saw my soul mirrored as we remembered one another. They saw me and I saw them. We danced with angels and laughed like little children high on the pure joy of being alive. In this divine meeting on the mountain, orchestrated by the Divine Mother, I expanded into so. much. gratitude. and. love.

If I would have stayed stuck and frozen in my resistance and fear instead of moving right into it, I would have missed out on the medicine, the Alchemy, the Love that is here for me, for us, in every moment.

Are you willing to meet your resistance, move through your fears and return to the Love that you are?

Its all here for us now.

Contract and Expand. Breathe in. Breathe out. YHWH.

Remember that LOVE is ALL there is and return to LOVE.

This is the Total Eclipse of the Heart,

an invitation to face our darkest shadows and resurrect them through the Light.

This is Love Alchemy. This is the heart and soul of my devotion. To Love.

I see you, for the Love that you are, and the Love you are Becoming.

Come as you are.

~ Sarah

@The.Love. Alchemist

Ps. I walked away from the first eclipse dancing with Angels, holding hands with several new Soul Sisters and carrying a deeper Love and knowing for myself and who I am here to be.


PSS… Part 2 coming ( the Lunar Eclipse that moved us into the places we judge ourselves and others)


What will you transform in 40 days?


The Divine Feminine Crowned