The Divine Feminine Crowned

“We should clothe ourselves with the perfect (true) human,

aquire it for ourselves as he commanded us to,

and announce the Good News.” Mary 10:11-13

Its the 11th hour.

Its the moment of Truth for us.

Its time to choose RADICAL FAITH over every tiny ounce of fear or doubt that is holding you back from the GOOD NEWS!

Its time to choose the LOVE THAT IS WITHIN US ALWAYS!

Its time to “clothe ourselves with the True Human”.

Its time to DECIDE who you are going to be and leap in full FAITH!

We are at a Turning Point in Time, a great shift is upon us and you are likely feeling the energy of this right now. There is an invitation for us all to REMEMBER WHO WE ARE and CHOOSE LOVE AND FAITH.



What fear or doubt or worry is coming up for you right now that is holding you back from the call of your Soul?

Why was Mary’s message silenced and hidden for almost 2000 years? Why did some of the apostles disbelieve Mary after Yeshuea died? Why did Pope Gregory rewrite Mary Magnalenes story into the prostitute in 591? Why were all the messages about empowering ourselves from within left out of the Bible by the Counsel of Nicaea?

It is time for Mary Magnalenes voice to be heard and received! She continues to guide me and encourage me to give voice to my heart and the wisdom that I have always known about her. Even before I studied every thing I could get my hands on about her life, I would feel waves of rage when anyone would speak negatively of her. I always wanted to protect her and speak for her. I love her so. I am so grateful for her. She has empowered me to question the narrative and trust my own beautiful heart! My medicine is based in her love and truth. If you are interested in connecting deeper with her please message me.

I also want to inspire you to continue to question the narrative, especially if it brings us fear!

When we question everything we’ve been taught, and choose to listen instead to what is right here within us, the Truth is felt and known. Its here in our hearts. We are both Human and Divine!

What does Mary Magnalene mean when she says “clothe ourselves in the perfect (true) human?

Marys teachings are all about returning to the power and truth of the Love that has always been within us. Her teachings are here to remind us of the True Human, anthropos, to be Human and Divine.

In the Gospel of Thomas, Yesheua teaches us….

“If you bring forth that which is within you it will redeem you (or save you, transform you).

If you do not bring forth that which is within you, it will destroy you.” _Yeshua in the Gospel of Thomas

Mary is reminding us of who we are! She is giving us the teachings Yeshuea gave to practice an awareness of what is already within us. Thomas is quoting one of the most powerful of Yesheuas teachings here. And I wonder why this book of Thomas was left out of the bible… you know why!

If you are feeling disillusioned about the world, about yourself, about life… I want to remind you that you get to co-create your life withe the divine and you must bring forth ALL that is within you! The light and the shadow must be brought out.

We are at a Turning Point of Time.

I experience it as A Great Remembering.


ANTHROPOS, meaning human + divine, is the foundation of my medicine in Anthroposophy.

Astrosophy is a new star wisdom aligned with the most ancient star wisdom aligned with the life of Christ. Connected with Yesheua, Mary Magnalene, the Essenes, the Magi and the Cosmic Christ. I know now that I came here to help share the wisdom of Astrosophy and I will be teaching the first course on Astrosophy starting THIS MONDAY!

100 years ago as the world faced a great Crisis Point in another Turning Point, Rudolph Steiner was birthing Anthroposophy, a spiritual philosophy which led to Astrosophy!

The stars used to speak to us all,

until many became too distracted to listen.

Humans who once depended upon the stars

for guidance are now ignorant of the great wisdom

we gain through our relationship with all of Nature.

"And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." - Revelation 12: 1

There are many signs in the heavens that are marking a Turning Point in time for us. I have been following them and I believe we can choose to see through the lens of fear or faith. Its been my experience that the tropical astrology system weaves a lot of fear into translations of the stars.

I DO NOT experience the frequency of fear at all when I sit and listen with the Stars as guides through Astrosophy!

Quite the opposite, I experience LOVE and miracles and experience the planets angelically.

This medicine is what I came here in this life to share!!!


Remember you chose to be here now! You carry a unique GENEius and have gifts to offer the world!

And right now we are at a Turning Point, the 11th hour…. the time to step deeper into faith that moves mountains! If you are doubting or thinking it will never work out.. that is the best time to choose faith that will create miracles!

The Sophia Christ/ Mary Magnalene connects us with God our Mother, Divine Daughter, Holy Soul where Yesheua connects us with God our Father, Divine Son, Holy Spirit.

If you are feeling doubt, fear, worry in this hour, I inspire you to allow it to move on through and to focus on your true hearts desires. Especially this weekend! Write out your hearts desires. Spend time in Nature. Connect with your heart. LISTEN TO VOICE OF YOUR SOUL... here is your home... here is where the LOVE WITHIN YOU WILL TRANSFORM YOU.

Your Divine Soul Blueprint is the fingerprint of God, a map of your Soul given to all of us a guiding map that reminds us of our unique "GENEius"!!! If you have had a reading with me you already know… and you know that its a lot to dive into which is why I want to offer INTEGRATION SESSIONS to guide you to go deeper and simplify the codes in your Souls Blueprint!

I'm also teaching a course on Astrosophy for the first time!!!

Living Stars Living Christ Astrosophy Course begins this Monday, September 25th! Join us for a 7 week journey through the stars unlike anything you've experienced before. Whether you are a beginner or an expert in Astrology I promise you will be in awe of the message, translations and activations through Astrosophy!

And if you want to stay connected with what is happening in the stars each month, the Living Stars membership if for you. Its only $37 and I share the transit reports for what lies ahead each month!

Your Soul is divinely connecting you to Source and this is terrifying I know! I know that when you come to my doorstep and leap into working with me, its terrifying, because the Soul is always leading you to change! to die to the old and be reborn. Your Soul is calling you towards growth, towards something new, something that you haven't done or experienced before but IT IS TIME!

Your Soul ( and mine) is calling you home to the truth of who you came to ber, to LOVE deeper, to have FAITH stronger than ever and to create miracles and magick with God.

TRUST and lean into the changes.

~ If you are ready for your Soul Blueprint reading I am here!

~ If you are ready to dive deeper into understand yourself, your purpose and INTEGRATE your Souls Blueprint I have a bundle of Integration Mentorship Sessions for you!!

~ If you are ready to learn Astrosophy ~ the language of the stars aligned with Christ~ we being Monday!

~ If you want to work with me 1:1 in devotion to your Sacred Heart and soul.... I see you and I'm here.

~ If you want to dive into a group mentorship space with me in devotion to Soul work aligned with Mary Magnalene message me.

The most powerful contribution you have to offer the world is the LOVE you are and the LOVE you becoming.

Are you devoted to bringing forth the LOVE within?

I AM!!!

I see you

I love you

Come as you are


A Total Eclipse of the Heart (Part 1)


Love mirrored from the inside out