What will you transform in 40 days?

What Will you Transform in 40 days?

Who will you become?

What will you transform over the next 40 days?

What will you decide to create over these 40 days?

Who will you BE in 40 days?


Here I am… 4 years ago, moments before my initiation into the next evolution of my soul.

Moments after I took this image, we shaved my head in a ceremony of death and rebirth.


I long for PEACE.

I devote my life to create PEACE.”

I had devoted my life to creating PEACE in the world. I was a devoted activist and even an organiser at that… and yet, I still carried so much internal conflict. I was still paralysed by fears and a victim to my past.

After my time at Standing Rock in 2016, living on the reservation and growing in my understanding of The Sacred and The Mother…

I had a profound realization that changed the course of my life and here it is….

We cannot create Peace in the world until we can cultivate Peace in ourselves.

WHOOOSH! Holy shift of consciousness!

In truth, this Peace begins in the womb..

So that is where we are going… into the womb, to connect with The Mother, to pray, to listen, to “build the Body Of Glory” as Richard Rudd shares in Gene Key 6.

“Peace is the reality that is experienced once all boundaries have dissolved. It is the TRUE NATURE of humanity” -RR


So what do I need to let go of to feel more peace…

more freedom, more love, more whole, more… me?

FEAR… our deepest fears hold the keys that unlock our greatest purpose and peace!

Anything that is holding you back is connected with fear.

“So…..what am I truly afraid of?” I asked myself.

And with that… I let go and let GOD move!



What am I willing to let go of to transform myself?

Over the years on my journey to transforming my pain into purpose, I have learned a lot about LETTING GO.

I had a choice.. stay paralysed in fear, enprisoned a victim to my perpetrators or become the Artist and Alchemist of my life!

Alchemy and Creativity for the win!!

Over and over, I have wanted to give up, and in those darkest nights, I would call on my Warrior Spirit and my Beloved Guides to show me the way, light the path, and reveal the fears I needed to move through to evolve into the woman I am called to be!

My Warrior Spirit and my most beloved co-creator and guide, my daughter Monet, have kept me focused, inspired and called me forward. Over the years I’ve let go over and over and over. And 4 years ago… I let go of my hair ( and a holy weight of baggage I’d carried around for far too long!!)


TRANSFORMATION is not accomplished by tentative wading on the edge.

Transformation requires Faith in action!

Alchemy IS Transformation

and Alchemy requires Faith, Action, Surrender, Devotion and Prayer!


I am sacred. I am whole. I am beautiful

For several years, I wanted to shave my head but FEAR held me back. I started to grey in high school. My first grey hairs came after rape and continued to sprout throughout my abuse in high school.

I lost a son, right before Monet, and two gray patches grew overnight. A few years later I started coloring my hair to cover my grays.. to hide my trauma.. my fears.

I continued to hear the voice of Mary Magnalene reminding me who I am and calling me forward to be brave and let go in order for me to hear the call for what comes next.

And so I listened, because this voice has never steered me wrong! Mary is the voice of The Mother that I hear the loudest. She knows us and loves us perfectly as we are! She is my Beloved guide and sister.

The morning of my ceremony, my old friend grief walked through the door and with him stood a room full of my most beloved Soul family! Here I was, standing at the edge of this cliff with Grief on one side and Holy Joy on the other. Mary Magnalene, Yesheua, White Buffalo women and a holy team of my most favorite souls stood here with me, smiling, radiant and ready to welcome me back Home to my True Self.

They had never forgot Her, they had held this prayer over me all these years. It was time for ME to Remember.

Our hair holds a lot of power. It is sacred. And my hair held my trauma, my addictions, my fears, my masks, my shame, my unworthiness.

I spent the day with my angels and guides praying, listening and I shared some special time with Monet. Then, at sunset, in the field, by the water, it began.

Grief moved through me, I felt heavy like a stone on the bottom of the ocean, nauseated like I was sea sick, and then as soon as the first hair fell

my whole being began to lighten

and I started laughing and crying simultaneously!



We can hold BOTH spectrums fully within us.

And a few hours later, my brother Ben and Monet both shaved my head.

I couldn’t remember feeling this light, this free. Something beautiful was being seeded in my heart.

Freedom, Truth, Authenticity, Hope…. Sarah.

Are you ready to remember who you are?

Are you ready to remember The Mother?

These past 4 years have been an invitation into a GREAT REMEMBERING, for me and for all of us! The Mother is calling us into the womb to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Divine and with our True Self.

I am a living miracle! The woman I see in the mirror each morning reminds me of this and I give thanks for all I have been through and transformed into something beautiful.

I am inspired to walk with you through these 40 Days because I know what is waiting on the other side of the wilderness we are walking into.

Yes, this is 40 Days to living with more purpose, cultivating peace, calling in our hearts truth, accepting prosperity as our birthright and opening to limitless possibilities… AND all of this comes through REMEMBERING WHO WE TRULY ARE.

The woman in this image has been on a journey of Remembering!

These past four years I have remembered and claimed my Souls True calling, and it is the call of LOVE. I know what is possible if we truly choose devotion and decide to listen to the voice of our Soul, calling us forward. I invite you to expect miracles!


These 40 days are for YOU

I felt called to hold space with you for 40 days but these 40 days are all about YOU. How you choose to love on yourself during this time is your choice.

~I encourage to make time to LISTEN~

RIGHT NOW, decide what time(s) each day you are setting aside to listen and devote to this calling.

What are you ready to LET GO OF ?

What fears are you ready to transform through FAITH?

What are your biggest dreams?

Who are you and what are you here for?

Its time to rise into more love, more faith, more creation, more prosperity and more peace!



Its time to reconnect with LOVE.

For the Love that you are now, and the Love that you becoming..

Let us rise up together.

We’re all just walking each other home


I see you

and as always,

come as you are,

all are welcome.

We love you,

Sarah and Monet

(Poes for Peace)

I am so grateful to walk with you through these

40 days of Peace, purpose, Prayer,

Possibility and prosperity!

If you have yet to send your information and share your prayer with me, please fill this out and send it along to me.


40 Days of Prayer ~ Day Two


A Total Eclipse of the Heart (Part 1)