40 Days of Peace Day Thirty


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My awareness is unlimited

Are you a seeker or are you living inside a world of beliefs that you’ve created for yourself to give yourself a false sense of safety?

The seeker will continue to grow. The seeker knows there is always more to learn. The seeker sees all of life as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to evolve. The seeker believes that ALL things are possible.

Our consciousness can accomplish anything, but in order to find out what “more” lies here for us, we must take responsibility for ourselves. We must learn to seek first to understand ourselves before we can understand others.

Peace comes from understanding.

Peace comes from understanding ourselves so we can understand others.

Peace comes from our awareness and being able to step back and not take anything personally.

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The Second Agreement:

“Don’t take it personal”

“Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream, in their own mind; they are in a completely differing world from the one we live in. When we take something personally, we make the assumption that they know what is in our world, and we try to impose our world on their world.” -Don Miguel Ruiz

When someone insults us or imposes their beliefs on us, its best for us to take a step back and grab some perspective. Their point of view comes from their own beliefs, experiences and programming. We can see it for what it is and separate ourselves from it. We don’t need to take it personally.

The most loving act we can offer, is acceptance.

When you take something personally you are essentially agreeing with someone else and not listening to your own guide. Perhaps you’re excited about an idea you have and you decide to share it with someone. This person listens and then responds, “there’s no way you can do that, are you crazy, that’s impossible…”. You can only take it personally if you agree with this person. And if you agree, then these words become a poison and they can steal your dream. Taking something personally is a selfish act, believing “its all about me”, when in fact, we are all a part of the whole. Our purpose is part of the whole purpose. It’s not about me, its about us.


I am a highly sensitive, empathic being. A gift and a curse, depending on how I choose to experience it. As a child when someone was hurting, I hurt, so I learned to “please” others to protect myself from feeling so much pain. I didn’t know how to separate myself from the world or how to shield and protect my big heart. I wanted to make everyone happy, but at what cost? I was shrinking myself to fit into a world I didn’t belong in and that opened me up to be abused, and to believe I deserved it even. Remember that idea of being born a “sinner”? That idea alone can cause us to forget who we truly are, and ultimately, disconnects us from Divine infinite love.

For a long time I lived in hell, believing the poisonous words that were cast on me by my abuser in high school and others who wanted to limit me and didn’t believe in me. I spent a long time blaming my abuser and others because I couldn’t seem to heal the wounds that crippled me. I took on shame and guilt and lived in a tiny victim box where I limited my reality and shrunk my world to try to be something I was not. I lived in fear and let others words steal my power.

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Taking things personally can make us easy prey for predators to poison our minds and control us. You ingest their words as if they are truth and they become a sort of “black magic” infesting your mind and limiting your reality to theirs.

That said, if there are things about others that irritate us and bring up emotions of anger or frustration, perhaps we should look at ourselves and see if there is something reflected in us that we need to change. If we can have acceptance for others, no matter where they are on their journey, we can cultivate peace. We don’t need to believe their words or approve of their actions, but we can still love them and accept them. We also don’t need to be accepted by anyone.

Whether you say I am good or bad, it does not affect me, because I know who I am. I don’t need to be accepted. I know where my worth and value belongs

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Blaming the world for our problems it the ultimate act of taking things personally. If we find ourselves blaming others for our reality, we cage ourselves in the victim box. We may find ourselves complaining about work, family, politics, but what are we doing to change things?

We are not powerless to change things…

We are powerful and capable of changing our entire reality!

“Can I really make a difference in the world?”

YES! YES we can!

We are trained to hear the word No and just believe it, but every human has the FREEDOM of INDEPENDENT WILL (Free will). We have unlimited creative imaginations and with self- awareness we have the power to say YES ! To stop blaming and start creating!

Society presents “NO’s” in the name of order and conformity. We shrink our lives when we go into situations with “pre-formed beliefs”. To power to change things lies first in our awareness that we are capable and born to CREATE!

When we blame others, it blocks us from our own power. When we blame others, we can hide behind our mistakes and make everything about our outside world, instead of owning our own power to change everything.

Ultimately, I am responsible for me. I am responsible and capable of creating my world.

And if I want to change the world, if I want to create world peace… its starts with healing me, its starts with changing me!

From a place of peace and joy and infinite love… I shine peace, joy and infinite love!

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“Awareness empowers us because we can only change what we are aware of.

Pre-judgement and beliefs are the enemy of awareness.” -Deepak Chopra

When I hear someone say that their life has no meaning or that they have nothing to give, no purpose, it makes me so sad. Life cannot give you what you don’t believe you deserve. You limit yourself with your “beliefs” that you are small, poor, stupid, uncreative, incapable, weak… This thinking defines you and places you in the victim box.

Become aware of your thoughts and you can change them!

Become aware of your truth and the possibilities are endless!

Become aware of your Source, and you will come to know infinite love!

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“The greatest symphony’s are composed from the same handful of notes as a nursery song. Everything depends on how much potential you see in the handful of notes.

Make unbounded consciousness your beginning in everything. Limitations and boundaries are mental constructs.” -Deepak Chopa

You are literally made of stardust. You ARE the symphony! You are not a small insignificant being trying to grow into something. YOU are a powerful beautiful star with infinite creativity and possibilities who has been convinced that you are small. You are here to create! You are here to SHINE! You chose to be here, in this time, on this planet, to create the dreams that are laid on your heart.

You are supported. You are abundance. You are infinite. You are more than enough!

You are a symphony of stardust and the Universe is waiting to hear your song!

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Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 30

The true Sufi is such that even when he is unjustly accused, attacked and condemned from all sides, he patiently endures, uttering not a sing bad word about any of his critics. A Sufi never apportions blame. How can there be opponents or rivals or even “others” when there is no “self” in the first place? How can there be anyone to blame when there is only One?


40 Days of Peace Day Thirty One


40 Days of Peace Day Twenty Nine