40 Days of Peace Day Thirty One


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“My awareness transforms my world.” _Deepak Chopra

If we’ve been relying on the ego for our power, its’ time to let go. Let go of our fears that are keeping us from our truth. Let go of anything that isn’t is alignment with our truth.

Deepak Chopra speaks of “Four Aspects of Total Empowerment”

Awareness ~ Attention ~ Alignment ~ Allowing

Our Awareness empowers us because we can only change that which we are aware of.

Attention is awareness with focus. By focusing our attention to what we want to change, our creative energy is strengthened. We become aware of habits, programs and behaviors that are not aligned with our truth and then we can focus on “changing the formula”. Our attention is weakened by worry, distractions, doubt or multi tasking.

Our dreams are possible! It’s time to focus our attention on our heart song!

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All of nature is in alignment with Creator’s purpose. The tree does not struggle to grow from seed to sapling. It simply desires to grow! The flower doesn’t fight or worry to bloom, its simply wants to bloom.. and…it.. blooms!

Alignment is finding the path of least effort in our journey. Nature is organized to use the least energy to go from A to B. No need for struggle.

You can think your thoughts all day but if your dreams are not aligned with your souls purpose, your thoughts will never manifest into reality. What you truly desire calls to you. A tree cannot be a bird and a bird cannot be a tree.

Allowing allows our unlimited power of our consciousness to flow in and organize our lives. It is a “non-doing”… a detachment from our ego where we are simply living in our natural flow.

“When we are AWARE, with ATTENTION, and ALIGNMENT, we ALLOW the best of ourselves to more forward.” Deepak Chopra

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“Ask and you shall receive…knock and it shall be opened for you”

-Jesus (Yeshua)

Scientific method says something similar… Ask ( experiment) and see what happens (record the results).

“Is it any wonder we discount answered prayers? We call is coincidence. We call it luck. We call it anything but what it is - the hand of God, or Creator, activated by our own hand when we act on behalf of our truest dreams, when we commit to our own soul.” -Julia Cameron

All things are possible.

“The Universe falls in with worthy plans” … it all begins with a dream. We may not know how it will unfold, but the dream is there, its alive and we’re here to create it. What we may not realize is, that the dream aligned with our soul path is completely supported. Our Creator wants us to create!

My creativity is a gift from God, and using my creativity is my gift back to God.

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Distractions are the enemy of attention. Energy flows where our attention goes so it is important that our energy be focused on our true desires.

Without clarity there is chaos.

I’m guilty of having my plate overflowing with projects. It’s not really the projects that are the problem, its the distractions I take that keep me from being focused on my projects. When I become clear about exactly what I want and I set my hearts eye on a goal, nothing can stop me. Everything just flows!

I’m guilty of the “good girl” distractions as well. I can allow my big heart to lead me here and there and everywhere, except where my purpose lies. I’ve realized that there’s no lack of projects or people that need a big heart like mine, but I’ll never accomplish my souls desires, which are my gift to the world, unless I get clarity and stay focused.

Asking for exactly what I desire is a good first step towards living my truth.

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“Time as we know it does not exist beyond the minds simulacra of time. What is Truth is energy. How quickly energy moves is how we’ve come up with this idea of time.

What is Truth is change.

We change speeds, change frequencies, change vibrations.

It’s why I’m not a huge believer in having 3- 5-10 year goals. It’s so limiting!

It places the minds simulacra into our destiny which inherently limits us. I often witness 5 year goals happen in 6 months or less. 1 Year goals happen in 3 months or less, the moment someone gets centered and aligned with what’s Truth.

Then clears out all the BS that disregards Truth because it’s glamorized by the simulacra of the mind. Purpose is something that is ever unfolding and expanding.

If we ask, What is my purpose right NOW? Then take the aligned action in this moment we will always be moving towards our greater life purpose without all the illusion of time and space bogging us down, pressuring us to figure something out that is truly ineffable.” Ahaumna AhMayah (Destiny MappingFearlessly Expressed )

May we be at peace with all that arises.

May we become clear on our hearts desires.

May we realize the dreams laid on our hearts.

May we leap into our dreams and enjoy the journey!

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Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 31

If you want to strengthen your faith, you will need to soften inside. For your faith to be rock solid, your heart needs to be as soft as a feather. Through an illness, accident, loss or fright, one way or another, we are all faced with incidents that teach us how to become less selfish and judgmental and more compassionate and generous. Yet some of us learn the lesson and manage to become milder, while some others end up becoming even harsher than before…


40 Days of Peace Day Thirty Two


40 Days of Peace Day Thirty