40 Days of Peace Day Twenty Nine

The Truth Will Set You Free

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What is my truth?

I asked that we all write down this question at the beginning of our journey together. It’s a rather large question in just 4 words, a question we must truly take a journey to find. What is my truth? What is my purpose?

At the heart of our hearts, we are all LOVE. We came from Divine Love and we return to Divine Love. But what is our destiny? What is our Soul’s purpose? Our truth here in this life?

The answer to these questions requires us to take off all our masks, to let go of our fears and expectations, to abandon our need for control, to stand naked in Spirit and listen. Emptying our minds to simply listen, we open the door to knowing ourselves. Getting to know ourselves, our true selves, is how we come to know our truth and how we truly come to know YahWeh~ Creator~ Great Spirit.

When we shed our false selves and take off all the masks we’ve made to protect ourselves or to “fit in” to the false world, we find our joy and purpose. In our alignment with our purpose we begin to see miracles and magic and synchronicities.

Perhaps your job causes a lot of stress and anxiety, and for years you’ve been dreaming about gardening. You are drawn to garden books and magazines, you pause at gardens and feel excitement when you plant seeds. You feel the most joy when you are caring for plants…

But fear whispers, “you could never make a living as a gardener”, so you suppress this desire. Then one day you bump into someone at the grocery store who strikes up a conversation about a class she’s getting ready to attend… a gardening class. It excites you, brings you joy, but, you ignore it. And a few days later, you’re at work and a client tells you how she’s looking to hire someone to work on her farm, tending the gardens. Coincidence? Or signs that you need to listen to YOUR hearts song?

You can put your soul purpose on the back burner for years, but it will continue to call you home… until you listen and make a choice to leap.

Art By Rita Loyd

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We are creators, here to create.

“We create our present day reality through our thoughts, emotions and intentions. What you create is your manifestation. There is a certain state of consciousness that helps you activate the tools that are within you that are needed to change and create new realities.” -Sheinata Carn-Hall

The answers you are seeking, are seeking you.

Self awareness opens the door to reveal to us our truth… that the Universe is within each of us… pure consciousness is unfolding through each of us.. right now, in this present moment.

Creation flows from the inside out, not the outside in. The more centered and grounded we become, the more we are called to our awareness, where we can witness and create our truth… our calling,

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“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash.” _Bruce Lee

When I empty my mind of the beliefs I was taught, the expectations that have been placed on me, the ideas I have of what my life should be, the negative imprints the false world gave me… I open myself up to receive Truth from the Source of Divine Love. When I ask for my truth, I am asking for my inner knowing. I am asking to remember who I am and why I am here.

I ask to be filled with the Spirit.. to be filled with Truth.. to know myself.

And when I arrive at this knowing, this truth within myself… I come to truly know YahWeh, God, Creator. At my core being, I AM. In my true heart, I AM.

My soul is divine and when I strip away the masks, I AM.

“Know thyself and you shall know God and the Universe” - Pythagoras

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I choose to live total empowerment

Sharavana Naham

My awareness is aligned with the creative power of the Universe.

When I become aware of my own power to create my reality, I realize that every single choice I make, even the smallest of choices, is so important.

I am a creator, a “manifestor” of my world. As I set out to know myself fully, I quickly realize I need to slow down and become aware of my world, my choices, what I eat, what I listen to, how I spend my energy… I’m literally building the world I want to live in.

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I believe that we attract the things we focus on. If we fill our minds with violent movies, violence fills our mind. If we fill our mind with pornography, we will have a false sense of sexuality and become disconnected from real intimacy and beauty. If we fill our minds with books and movies of an apocalypse, we’re going to live in fear and be more likely to project fear into our life and the lives of those around us.

If we want to attract peace and love, we should be filling our minds and hearts with peace and love. As above, so below. The kingdom of heaven is within. I suggest turning off the news and taking regular breaks from social media, phones and technology to sit with nature and allow the natural world to be the water that fills our cup. Perhaps, in the silence and stillness of nature, you may come to know yourself. You may come to find YOUR TRUTH.

Jesus (Yeshua) spent 40 days in the wilderness for a reason. Buddha spent 40 days under the bohdi tree for a purpose. Change takes time and what we fill our time with shapes us. There is something powerful about the number 40. There is something powerful about emptying ourselves in order to be filled again. And what we fill ourselves with does affect what we attract. Perhaps our awareness is more easily found in disconnecting from the system outside ourselves and connecting to the Universe within ourselves.

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Follow the Light.. it will lead you home

On my wall is one of my favorite quotes…

We’re all just walking each other home.” Ram Das

I believe this is true, and also, I believe that Great Spirit shines the brightest Light of all and if we follow this bright Divine Light we will find our way home, to remember who we are and why we are here.

Then its up to us, to live our purpose, and light the path, to walk each other home.

I love you,


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Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 29

Destiny doesn’t mean that your life has been strictly predetermined. Therefore, to live everything to the fate and to not actively contribute to the music of the universe is a sign of sheer ignorance. The music of the universe is all pervading and it is composed on 40 different levels. Your destiny is the level where you play your tune. You might not change your instrument but how well to play is entirely in your hands.


40 Days of Peace Day Thirty


40 Days of Peace Day Twenty Eight