Changing the world from the inside out

Let’s be real… we all want to CHANGE THE WORLD! Don’t we? But are we willing to do the real work that will actually bring real change?!!

For most of my life “Savior Sarah” was the ruling outer voice in my life. We (as in every version of Sarah) were set on changing the world. I was a fierce advocate and activist for most of my adult life. I marched, I volunteered, I led and organised and stood on the frontlines of change. My intentions were pure and true, to “make the world a better place”…. Even as a child there was always a very strong part of who I am that was here to make the world better. Then came the abuse and the years of ground shattering trials that gave me experiences and fire that fuelled my Warrior Spirit. I had been a victim and now I could save others. My wild (and wounded) heard fought for all injustice. I was good at it. Passionate about change. I loved helping people.

And then,

Spirit called Monet and I to Standing Rock.

And everything changed, including me.

Its been over 7 years since Monet and I were called to Standing Rock, and called it Home. We both had the same dream, the same night, and followed the magnetic pull on our hearts to go. We went with open hearts and an intention to help in any way we could. AND, we were set on changing the world by stopping the destruction of the sacred lands of the Lakota. We went to change the world. But it was us that was changed.

When I look back to 2016 and 2017 I see the seeds that were planted that are beginning to come into bloom now, not just in me but in the whole world. There was a reason humans around the world were called together for this moment that was Standing Rock. It was the seed of the REVOLUTION. The Inner Revolution!

Those 7 months living at camp on the sacred lands of the Lakota gave us the gift of community and being fully immersed in Nature. For the first few months there was no way to get cell service. I began to awaken to a freedom I hadn’t known since I was a little girl living in the woods of West Virginia. Even after we got “facebook hill”, a spot on the hill of main camp where you could get service at the media tent, most of us enjoyed the sanctuary from being away from wifi, social media and cell service. We were fully immersed in life that played out in early morning prayers around a fire, cooking and eating meals together, sipping coffee and sharing stories, building gardens and homes, playing with children, praying together, learning together and simply BEing Human.

But this wasn’t the only world we lived. There were two worlds playing out simultaneously. One was the “war” on the frontlines. The other, was the inner revolution growing in our hearts. Every day, groups of Water Protectors would stand together in prayer and song on the frontlines. Every day, we stood and knelt in peace and prayer. For 7 months, the police and DAPL authorities antagonised Water Protectors with rubber bullets, sound guns, chemical warfare, water cannons, peppers spray… and we stayed in peace and prayer.

If we would have reacted in violence one time, just one time, an all our war could have erupted here. There were so many days and nights that felt like the weight of 1000’s of years of oppression weighing down on us. We grieved together, for all the ancestors who died at the hands of oppressors. I sat and listened to hundreds of stories of my indigenous friends, grandmothers and grandfathers shared their oral history. We cried together. Prayed together. And called out for a revolution that will change us all in a good way.

Monet and I were among the ones who had decided to stay and call this place home. But on February 23, 2017, everything escalated into a battle scene and we were forcibly evicted. We took what we could fit into the car as Spirit called us forward to what came next…. the call to an Inner Revolution.

My time at Standing Rock brought up the shadows of my own “Victim” and “Saviour” aspects. I wasn’t there long before I saw that I wasn’t there to “save” anyone. I was there to stand beside these beautiful people. I was there to love them and myself. I was there to remember the way forward by remembering the almost forgotten ways. I was there to experience family ‘oyate’. We heard the call and stood beside the Lakota, not in front, not behind, but beside. We listened, we loved, we cried, we laughed, we danced, we sang, we dreamed.

I saw the shadows in my own story of victim / perpetrator / saviour… I came home and put down my sword. The fire for the frontlines was changing for me… I knew what I had to do. And I knew it would be the hardest and greatest revolution I could give the world… the one within my own heart… and my own family.

“Go home and heal the heart of your family, starting with you…” and so the next 7 year cycle of my life began.

The Saviour / Rescuer / Victim story has been played out for eons and its time to write a new story moving forward that has the power to actually bring change.

The change that only comes from the inside out.

Peace within me creates Peace in the world.

Praying for peace.

Nov. 16, 2016 ~ Water Protectors are beaten down with water cannons. It was 10 degrees below zero. We were standing singing prayer songs.

February 17, 2017. Eviction day. Monet and Egypt ride Girl out of camp

Today, March 6th, the Sun moved into the energy of the 49th Gene Key….

IChing 49 ~ Abolishing the Old

Gene Key 49 ~“Change the World from the Inside Out

Siddhi~ Rebirth

Gift ~ Revolution

Shadow ~ Reaction

If you feel an inner war within you rising up right now, you are not alone. If your closest relationships are triggering you, pay attention to the mirror and look at where you can cultivate more inner peace and awareness instead of reacting. The shadow of this Gene Key lays dormant in most of humanity… or at least it has, because most humans live in an emotionally reactive state. But, we are in the midst of the greatest revolution of our lifetime and this Gene Key is being triggered to awaken us to a Holy REBIRTH.

At the shadow of the Gene Key, your emotions run wild and rule your life. You either cower, repress or stay frozen with no fight in you… or you react in violence, push people away and let your emotional patterns rule your life.

Do you emotionally cut yourself off from others? Are you emotionally detached?

Do you reject others before they can reject you?

Do you freeze or cower in confrontation?

Do you love a good fight and create ways to add to the chaos and confrontation that adds to “war”?

Do you fight for change as an activist while ignoring your own inner wars?

Have you faced your inner world to transform your own emotional wounds and cultivate peace within?

What is keeping your stuck / blocked from evolving, growing, expanding?

When we think in Tribal mentality it becomes easier to emotionally detach from others. You operate from “my tribe vs your tribe”. You see, and experience, the world from “us vs them”. This GK at the shadow frequency has played a part in all war, especially religious wars. I cannot fathom how humans have literally killed each other in the name of “God”. But it wasn’t really in the name of “God” and that is what we are truly awakening to on a global consciousness level.

The more we become aware of the voice of Mother God/ the left hand path of Christ / the Divine Feminine way of Love… the more we are rising out of this Shadow which is calling us all inward… inward to face an internal war…. to choose an Inner Revolution. If you want to understand the War “out there”, you must take a radical look in the mirror and face the inner war within you. If you want to create peace in the world, you must cultivate it within yourself.

After Standing Rock, everything changed for me. Monet and I went to several marches in Washington, but we felt different, because we were different. I felt so much judgement towards the “keyboard warriors” and fare weathered activists who loved a good activist tshirt and made signs but changed no part of their actual life to “be the change” they were marching for. I came home and felt even more sick at the gross disproportion of wealth in the world. My heart was absolutely shattered and no one to understand or even want to listen, except for those who had lived through it with us. I wanted to retreat farther from the “colonised world” and found my only peace in the quiet of the woods or rare spots on the beach where few people came. I retreated deeper and deeper and cut myself off from the world.

During this time I began to look at all my judgements as a mirror. Where in me was this judgement reflected and how could I change it within myself?

After all, the only one you can change is yourself.

The Shadow of Reaction is rooted in our fear of rejection.

“At its source, all reaction comes from one-sided subjective belief founded upon the assumption of good and evil. As long as you see people as good and others as evil, you remain a prisoner of the 49th Gene Key.” -Richard Rudd

The more you become “awake” and aware of your own emotional patterns of reaction, the more you are likely to prevent yourself from acting out and reacting negatively or at all. You can feel the emotional charge and use your own awareness and tools to move the emotions through in a good way. Witnessing them, listening to them, moving them through the divine intelligence of the body.

At Standing Rock, I found a practice that allowed me to offer peace to the officers on the “other side” of the frontline. Every few weeks we would get a hotel room at the casino to be able to shower and send messages to our families and communities back home. Some of the DAPL officers would also stay there, because it was literally the only hotel in an hour radius. One morning I was up before the sun and found myself in the lobby pouring a cup of coffee beside two officers. A great peace washed over me and I asked them if I could pray for them. I placed my hand on the mans shoulder and offered him a prayer of peace and protection. When I looked up, tears streamed down his face. He shared that he only took the job for the money and because his fellow officers had signed up to come. He was clearly heartbroken and moved from the experience.

He was one of many men who stood on the opposite side of the frontline who were changed from the time at Standing Rock. Spirit moved in miracles through us all. The Spirit was so powerful there that you would have had to be very emotionally repressed to not be changed in a good way. We sang and prayed for every man and woman that stood, fully armoured and armed, across the frontline from us. Spirit was stronger there that anything I had ever experienced in my life (and I grew up fully emerged in church). This was a power that brought these men to tears. Some even quit their jobs because they couldn’t stand on that line anymore.

As we witness another horrific war on earth, I find myself deep in this practice again. I cry, somedays I wail somedays, I scream and grieve, for every child… the actual children and the wounded children in adult bodies who are imprisoned by fear and hate. For those who are dying and suffering and those so lost that they inflict violence on another. What can we do to change the world?

For me. I pray. With my tears, with my words, with my breath. I pray and I Love. And I look within to see where the war out there is still waging in me. Where do I still need to love on my wounded child? Where do I need to face my own reactionary patterns? Where can I cultivate more peace within? How can I be more filled with the Spirit? Where can I love more?!

When hate is faced with the power of LOVE, infinite possibilities open in the field. I have experienced this power over and over and over. It is real and true and holy.

Unity is experienced in our remembrance of the wider family. We are one tribe. One Family.

Mitakuye Oyasin ~All my relations / We are all related.

I experienced an Inner Revolution at Standing Rock that called me on a wild journey into my own inner wilderness these past 7 years. And prepared me for today…

We are in The Great Remembering… a time of Revolution that comes from within. The more we dive inward and do the inner work, alchemising our shadows into gift, transforming suffering to grace, moving out of victimisation to choosing radical responsibility…. the closer we move towards the “Heaven on Earth” we are here for!

HOW DO I CHANGE THE WORLD FROM THE INSIDE OUT? …. start excavating all that is within.

These were the words of Yeshua that were left out of the bible… and I have found to be incredibly powerful in my own inner revolution. If I want to “Know myself and Know God” I must bring forth my shadows and my gifts, bringing it all into the light. The true revolution brings the shadow to the surface to transform them for Good.

Radical responsibility. Radical awareness.Radical faith. Radical Love. These are the pillars I have been focusing on in my own Inner Revolution.

No, I cannot change you. I cannot change the way you treat me or speak to me or see me. But I can change how I react. I can change how I see me and how I embody the Love that has always been right here within me.

The purpose of the Gift of Revolution is to bring explosive radical new energy and awareness into the world! And right now, as we move toward the Eclipse of Grace in April, this Gene Key is a valuable one to contemplate and implement into your hearts awareness.

What is your Soul calling forward in you?

Where are you being triggered emotionally and how can you alchemise this in a good way?

What is your Inner Revolution calling forward in you?

If you have this Gene Key in a prominent place in your Hologenetic Profile, or you are just called to it, you may naturally “have a deep understanding of the limitation imposed upon civilisation by our emotional inability to see beyond tribal creeds. Your role is to assist in pulling down there old perspectives based upon fear and territory and to preserve certain ascpects of the past and nurture them to fulfilment.” (Paraphrased from The Gene Keys).

True Revolution that reveals Heaven on Earth will not come from reacting out of fear or anger, or your victimisation, but from a deep Remembering of WHO YOU ARE, as both divine and human. The root of Peace here comes from inner peace and love towards all beings. “Love thy neighbour as thyself”.

Poes for Peace was created at Standing Rock… Monet and I started calling ourselves Poes for Peace when we were starting our good news media. It was literally just our “Insta handle” that turned into a whole thing. The mission was simple… PEACE and GOOD NEWS! Spread love and hope and good news.

A few years later I found myself deep into the study of the Sacred Sciences and in my Soul Design guess what my purpose Gene Key is? …. the 49th Gene Key.

My purpose “To change the world from the inside out”. Maybe I’m just really close to this Genetic Key because I came with a design to birth this through me, maybe its being awakened in ALL of us and I’m passionate about it because I long for peace with every cell in my being. Either way, theres an invitation to focus our hearts on the Inner Revolution even more intentionally this week as the Sun moves through this genetic memory.

The Siddhi of this Gene Key is the REBIRTH calling us forward. When you devote yourself to the power of this Gene Key your life will unfold in death and rebirth over and over, as one shadow after the next becomes revealed within you. One by one, you are called to “bring to light that which is within you.” This GK works together with the 55th GK calling us towards FREEDOM.

REBIRTH will rebuild our world. We are being called to RISE INTO YOUR SOULS GIFTS. We are being called to choose Radical Responsibility for yourself.

“Rebirth is the flowering of the revolution.”

There is a possibility of quantum leaps right now… The feminine Christ, The Holy Mother, Great Spirit, your Soul is calling you. We are being called forward into a whole new reality… that begins in the Her Cosmic Womb. To enter is to die to everything that is holding you back from serving The Way of Love. This is an invitation of death.. and birth.

When I realised I wasn’t changing the world with my fist in the air on a frontline march, I put down my sword, slowly disarmoured the walls and barricades around my heart and surrendered within… and everything changed.

When I realised that the real change needed to come from within… I was called into the dark womb of The Mother where I witnessed all the parts of myself, both shadow and light. From here, my real Rebirth began. My frontline ended up being right here, in my own heart. The peace I was fighting for, was right here within me all along.

I am devoted to the Love I am, and the Love I am becoming.

What does your REVOLUTION and REBIRTH look like?
