40 Days of Peace Day Six

Let Nature Take the Lead

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The signs of our disconnection with nature and with ourselves are clearly evident. We see it in the news, and we feel it in our bodies. And this week, we’ve read the lessons that the trees and the strawberries are trying to teach us.

We aren’t meant to live in this much suffering and dis-ease.

Our natural state of BEing is “Of LOVE”… of nature.. of Creator. We are creative Beings born to create and play and live in abundance!

I believe that in order to heal ourselves and help heal Mother Nature.. we need to let NATURE TAKE THE LEAD.

Mother Nature would love for us to look in the mirror and see HER looking back. She would love for us to wake up and see that we ARE a part of the circle of nature. We are ALL created by the Great Creator… the “God Particle” lives in every organism in the cosmos. Science has proven it. We see the fingerprint of this Divine blueprint in all of Creation!

So what needs to happen to begin to heal ourselves

and our relationship with nature?

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Meditation by Deepak Chopra “I choose to live from the level of my TRUE Self”


Ego… get outta the way!

It’s time to drop into our heart space and find our way HOME to our TRUTH. On the first day, I asked us all to write on a piece of paper,


We may not have a clue what that is yet, but we’re on a journey to find it! This path takes courage and vulnerability and stepping out of our Ego.

How do we transform our blockages into blessings?

What holds us back from our TRUTH is fear and the desire to be in control all the time. Nature isn’t stressed out. Nature goes with the flow, in a sacred rhythm. I am living peace when I surrender to my natural state of BEING, here and now, in this moment, without any expectations of what is to be, without any fear of what has happened to me in the past… Nature doesn’t struggle. It just IS.

LOVE is who you are in your NATURAL state.

What did you LOVE to do as a child?

What brings you the most JOY?

We’re here to play and live out the dreams of our hearts. Nature isn’t working a 9-5… Nature is at play, dancing and singing and enjoying the moment.



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Our bodies are sacred vessels

Just as our soil and plants and water have been poisoned, so have our bodies. Changing the world is going to take time. In the meantime, detoxing our vessels should be a natural part of our routine. “Shedding our skin” is both a spiritual practice and a physical practice.

I spent years of my life numbing my suffering with foods and substances that definitely didn’t serve my highest good. I LOVE FOOD but my relationship with food was toxic just like my relationship with myself. I took care are everyone but me and it caught up with me. My gut was a train wreck. “Leaky gut” they call it. I lived with it for years, thinking that it was just part of my life and I was going to be sick at my stomach forever. How wrong was I?!! I realize now that my toxic gut was directly affecting my depression, mood swings, sleep, headaches, stomach aches, fatigue and even the pain in my body. Healing my gut CHANGED EVERYTHING!!

Many years ago I decided to do my first detox. My entire relationship with food AND my body shifted!!

From then on, I was on a mission to share what I had found out.

I wanted to learn more about plant based healing and I wanted to help people heal. I knew it was possible!!

AND I vowed to protect the planet with all my choices and to walk in a sacred friendship with the earth.

Life is more of a joyful dance now and I find magic at every corner!!


Healthy Restart Button!

Every season I push the reset button and cleanse my gut. I choose this time of year to clear my gut, to #ONE… BOOST MY IMMUNE SYSTEM!

A HEALTHY IMMUNE SYSTEM is vital this time of year. I’ve got tricks up my sleeve to help you super boost your system!!

#Two: I clean my gut to clear out craving for the holidays so I can enjoy all the gatherings and feel AWESOME without the old tummy aches I used to have.

#Three: BOOST MY ENERGY! With the time changes and shorter days, I used to fight seasonal blues, fatigue and creative loss… NOT ANYMORE! When I keep my system balanced naturally…. it helps keep my channel clear for a healthy flow of energy and creativity.

Healthy Holidays hear we come!!

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Miso Glazed Cauliflower Salad w Mango Dressing

Here’s a link to a website that has some amazing recipes I love!


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Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 6

Loneliness and solitude are two different things. When you are lonely, it is easy to delude yourself into believing that you are on the right path. Solitude is better for us, as it means being alone without feeling lonely. But eventually it is the best to find a person who will be your mirror. Remember only in another person’s heart can you truly see yourself and the presence of God within you.




40 Days of peace Day Five