40 Days of Peace DAY THREE

Reconnecting with the Sacred

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What is Sacred?

ALL of creation is Sacred and ALL of creation is a gift to be honored. Our Indigenous relatives knew this. They lived the Great Law of Peace. They lived the Honorable Harvest. They depended on their relationship with the land, the water, all beings and each other. Over time, we became disconnected from this sacredness, and in doing do, we began to see “Dis-Ease”.

“Dis- Ease” showed up civilizations. It showed up in our human bodies. It showed up in Nature. Our disconnection to the Sacred hoop has disconnected us from our Divine Truth.

“Look at the legacy of poor Eve’s exile from Eden: the land shows the bruises of an abusive relationship. It’s not just the land that is broken, but more importantly, our relationship to the land. .. we can’t meaningfully proceed with healing, with restoration, without “re-story-ation”. In other words, our relationship with land cannot heal until we hear its stories.” _Braiding Sweetgrass

And who holds these sacred stories?

Long before the Bible or any other books were written, there was TRUTH and this Truth was written on the hearts of all beings, the plants are our teachers.

The law of the land is written on the Heart.


If you spend enough time in Nature, you will find Truth. You don’t need any books to find your Truth or your Purpose. I believe this is what Jesus (Yeshua) was teaching us when he went into the wilderness for 40 days. And again with Buddha, when he fasted for 40 days under the Bohdi tree.

In Indigenous culture, there is a sacred ceremony called Sundance. The number FOUR being sacred. We pray in all FOUR DIRECTIONS, for all our relations in each direction. And in the Sundance ceremony, if you are led to do so, you go to the “hill” to sit in silence, fasting and listening for FOUR days. When we empty ourselves in a prayer of CLEANSING and PURGING, we open ourselves to be FILLED with TRUTH and LOVE.


Reconnecting to the Sacred

“In the Western world there is a recognized hierarchy of beings, with, of coarse, humans being on top.. and plants on the bottom. But in Native knowing, humans are known as the “younger brothers of Creation”. Humans have the least experience of how to live and thus the most to learn- we must look to our teachers among the species for guidance. Their wisdom is apparent in the way to live.

They (the plants) teach us by example. They’ve been on the Earth far longer than we have been, and have had time to figure things out. They live both above and below ground, joining Skyworld to the Earth. Plants know how to make food and medicine from light and water, AND THEN THEY GIVE IT AWAY.

I like to imagine that when Skywoman scattered her handful of seeds across Turtle Island, she was sowing sustenance for the body and also for the mind, emotion, and Spirit: She was leaving us TEACHERS.

The plants can tell us Her story; we need to learn to LISTEN.” -Braiding Sweetgrass


Food is Medicine

Just as the plants are our teachers and connect us the sacred, they are also our medicine. And just as we’ve become disconnected from nature, which has caused us dis-ease in society, we’ve become disconnected from nature as our medicine. And so we have great “Dis-ease” in human beings which effects the dis-ease in all the world. (remember.. when we heal ourselves.. we heal the world!)

I won’t go into statistics here.. but if you research the amount of humans, adults and children, with diabetes, auto immune, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, “mental illness”, cancer… its enough to bring you to your knees. Everyone we know is effected in some way by this disconnection and dis-ease.

The good news is …


Nature has medicine to heal our bodies if we choose to listen.

Our cells regrow at miraculous speeds and every 7 years we get a whole new body of cells!


Journal time

What is my relationship with food?

Does food give me energy or take my energy?

Do I listen to my body?

What could I change to honor my body and connect my Spirit to the sacred… mind, body and Spirit?


I will share my story over the next few days.. I have walked the road to healing my own “dis-ease” and what doctors diagnosed as “mental illness”. We also supported my dad in healing his Parkinsons through “food as medicine”. This knowledge is as old as time. We simply need to RECONNECT to it. I KNOW that food is our medicine and our medicine is our food. I KNOW that healing is possible!! Believe in miracles and take this journey to healing. You are LOVED and you deserve to live your dreams and feel joy and energy! I am here to listen and support you in any way I can.

In love and gratitude,


Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 3

You can study God through everything and everyone in the universe, because God is not confined in a mosque, synagogue or church. But if you are still in need of knowing where exactly His abode is, there is only one place to look for him: in the heart of a true lover.


40 Days of Peace DAY Four


40 Days of Peace DAY TWO