40 Days of Peace DAY TWO

Our stories shape our vision of the world

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Our culture (or lack of) shapes

our view of the world

I barely got through the first page of Braiding Sweetgrass and the tears began to soak my face. I fell in love with Skywoman! And I’m not saying I don’t love Eve, but I have always felt heartache when I think of Eve, and in reading Skywomans story, I connected with every word. Her dance upon the Turtles back was felt in my soul. Her relationship with the animal relatives is my heart song!!

But this was not the Creation story I was told as a child.

Can a story shape our view of the world, even if it’s a parable? The answer is absolutely YES. Our stories absolutely shape us.


I grew up the daughter and granddaughter (and great grand-daugher) of preachers. Yep, you can call me a “PK”, (though I’ve retired that title). So from a very early age I was taught ALL the bible stories and like a good PK, I even memorized my bible verses and catechisms. There are lots of stories and parables that I loved in the bible, but the Creation story always puzzled me and caused me to question everything I was being taught.

I hurt for Eve. I couldn’t really connect with her and when I did, all I felt was shame and heartache. Why was the woman created AFTER the man, especially when all humans are created from the womb of a woman? And why is Eve pictured as a sex symbol who seduces Adam in storybooks? And how was Eve created from a bone in Adams body? And how did their sons have children? NONE of it made sense to me.

And so, when I open this book and read this beautiful love story of Skywoman and the mutual reciprocity between her and the winged and 4 legged and the earth.. and I sat their bawling my eyes out! I felt robbed. My whole life I could have held THIS Creation Story in my heart and how differently would I have seen myself as a girl… as a woman.. as a part of Creation? Would I have carried all the shame that poisoned my very being? Would I have allowed myself to hold the title of “Victim” for so long? I can’t say. But a story that connects me to nature in a good way, lays the groundwork for a similar relationship with Her.

I always loved nature. I always saw God in nature, even more so than in people unfortunately. And God was always holding me close when I was in nature. I am grateful that nature has always loved me back. I grew up in the woods of West Virginia. Literally, in the woods. My brothers and I spent our childhood playing in the acres of forest surrounding our little yellow house in the woods. My grandparents lived below us and my uncle and aunt above us.

My relationship with nature is the longest friendships I’ve had. And when I feel alone and disconnected from myself, I take a walk in the woods and find my way back HOME … to myself… to Source.. to Creator. The magic in the bloom of a flower, the moss on a tree, or a hawk that seems to know me by name, ALWAYS CALLS ME HOME. And for all of this I am grateful. I suppose I didn’t have Skywoman’s story as a child, but she found me in the woods. And maybe this is part of the magic. Maybe THIS is why Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. Maybe this is why Buddha spent 40 days under the Bodhi tree. Maybe there is something magical about going into nature alone to listen. Maybe there is something sacred about spending 40 days “listening”.

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We come from LOVE

We come from sacred, divine LOVE.

ANYTHING that separates us from this Divine Love… is fear and NOT our Truth.

Finding our way back to our Truth requires us to go into nature… to take TIME away from the “busy-ness” of life… to make SPACE for Magic. We have to quiet the fears and listen… and we will find the TRUTH there…. WE COME FROM LOVE.

However you choose to name the Great Source of Divine LOVE… God, Allah, Yahweh, Great Spirit, Tunkasila…. It is LOVE.
Fear not, I AM with you always.

We are created from LOVE .. TO LOVE… and we are ALL related.

Journal Time

What is my relationship with nature?

How do I honor this relationship?

Are there ways that I am disconnected from Her?

How did my Creation story effect my relationship with Nature?


Wellness LOVE

If you’re diving into the wellness love part of this journey.. Perhaps you’re chosen to take gluten, dairy or processed sugars out of your life… I’m proud of you!! Our grains in the US are sprayed with Round Up (glyphosate) and this chemical is wrecking havoc on our guts. If our guts are sick… our entire system is going to be sick. Our guts are our 2nd brain they say. I say its our FIRST BRAIN….

If our gut is sick, our brains can’t function, our hearts, our liver, our kidneys, our muscles… they can’t function if the gut isn’t sending the right nutrients and messages to the body. Glyphosate isn’t part of NATURE! It’s a dis-ease upon nature and therefore upon us.. as we are part of nature.

I suffered from leaky gut for over a decade, maybe longer. I was disconnected from nature and I’ll talk more about this over the coming weeks. But I wanted us to start thinking about our relationship to food and our bodies as we take time in nature.

How is our relationship to nature affecting our relationship to food and our diets?

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Paleo Double Chocolate Pumkin Muffins

FOOD IS MEDICINE and these muffins are AMAZING

1 cup almond butter

1/2 cup pumpkin (puree or organic in a can)

1/4 cup cocoa powder

2 eggs

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp sea salt ( i use pink salt)

1 tsp organic vanilla extract

1/2 cup coconut (or date ) sugar

1/4 cup maple syrup

1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


Preheat to 350 degrees

Mix it up and BAKE about 20 minutes

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Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 2

The path to the Truth is a labour of the heart, not of the head. Make your heart your primary guide! Not your mind. Meet, challenge and ultimately prevail over your nafs with your heart. Knowing your ego will lead you to the knowledge of God.


40 Days of Peace DAY THREE


40 Days of Peace DAY ONE