Preparing the space for 40 days of Peace

You’ve been invited to share space together for 40 days starting next Monday

(or truly.. whenever YOUR 40 days chooses to begin)



I’m getting so excited about holding space with you for 40 days! And I know there are lots of friends who are feeling called to this but they keep asking me, “Sarah, why would you choose NOW? Why choose the “holiday season” to cleanse and detox our systems?”

Because NOW is always the right time to focus on our healing! AND the “holiday season” has been poisoned with commercialism, toxic foods, stress over the “perfect gift”, being the “perfect hostess”, the insanity of being busy… We’ve got so far off track and our systems go into overload this time of year. Many of us shut down or worse become depressed. We gain weight. We drink more. We spend money we don’t have to spend. We stress ourselves the frig out!

And this season… is about connecting to the Sacred! Our culture has created a culture that worships the “false self”. This is a season to slow down. The leaves falling from the trees are a sign from nature speaking TRUTH about what this season is about. This is a time of transformation and letting go. A time to connect with each other and ourselves on a deeper level.

The Sacred Circle

As we prepare to hold this space together I want us to meditate on the circle. I want us to envision a circle and our place in the circle.

We walk towards healing the sacred hoop. We walk towards our awakening.

We are ALL CONNECTED in this sacred circle. We are all related.

In Lakota, the phrase Mitakuya Oyasin, is spoken of this sacred relationship. These words means so much to me. They are translated… We are all related. OR. All my relations.

I believe that healing the world starts by healing ourselves. For one, how can we help others heal and help raise the next generations in a good way if we have not walked through the fires of our own Divine healing. And when we heal ourselves, and create peace within our Spirit… we SHINE this PEACE everywhere we go, to everyone we meet. Our TRUTH will lead the way instead of our ego and our fears.

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I chose this time to help us reconnect to the sacred within ourselves and within this beautiful world so that we can walk a little LIGHTER into this next decade.. into a new time on the earth… into a NEW YOU! We came with a purpose and the gifts to fulfill our purpose!! It’s time to ENJOY the journey a lot more and shake off the things that are not serving our highest good! This is a season of great changes and great JOY! I’m so excited to set sail with ya’ll!!


Treat yourself to a new journal..

Order your book and let’s get ready to take this journey TOGETHER!!

ALSO… Remember …


This is YOUR journey!

You don’t have to start Monday … you can start YOUR 40 days on a Wednesday or a Sunday now or 2 months from now. You can jump in ANYTIME!

And if you still want to order some Super Foods or schedule your WELLNESS CONSULTATION… send me a message and let’s talk!


Sarah and Monet


40 Days of Peace DAY ONE


What could you change in 40 days?