What could you change in 40 days?

What could you change in 40 days?


Here comes 44!!

This year has been an evolutionary year of growth for me personally. It’s my 43rd year in this body and I decided last year that I was going to celebrate my 44th birthday this coming June with a big celebration! I was on the train to dive deep and let go of any fears I still had lingering on that were holding be back from the big dreams that were laid on my heart. I have been doing the work to heal my trauma for many years but the path to healing isn’t a sprint… it is a journey.

I will share more of my story as this 40 day journey together unfolds… but I want to share one part of my story that has called me to hold space for these 40 days with you.


I long for PEACE.

I give my life to create PEACE.

And this year as I dove into the HOW of creating PEACE in the world… I realized I couldn’t create Peace in the world if I couldn’t cultivate Peace in myself all the time. So what did I need to let go of to feel more freedom, more peace, more whole?

FEAR… Anything that was holding me back had to do with fear. So I dove into the questions that I had to answer for myself… what I am afraid of?


What am I willing to let go of to heal myself?

I will share more of my story as we take this 40 day journey but many of you know I survived serious trauma in high school that I kept a secret for over a decade. And when I reached out to doctors for help… they diagnosed me BiPolar and stuffed me full of pills. For more than 15 years I battled addiction and suicidal thoughts. I became a shell of the sweet Sarah that I was as a child…I was physically sick, emotionally sick and exhausted from the long hard road. I wanted to give up over and over… and then here comes Monet (my sweet daughter) and she helped saved my life. She continued to look at me with eyes that loved me exactly how I was. She never stopped holding up the mirror to show me Sweet Sarah still inside here. She’s my shero! We’ll share our story next week…


When we heal ourselves… we heal the world!

Over the years on my journey to healing, I have learned a lot about LETTING GO. What was I willing to let go of that didn’t serve my highest good? I realized in my 20’s that if I could heal from this trauma… this dis-ease… I could help others heal too. I gave my future self a name… Warrior Spirit. Anytime, I wanted to give up, I would call on my Warrior Spirit to RISE UP and take the reigns. Show me what I needed to let go of to heal and evolve into the woman I am called to be!

My Warrior Spirit and my magical sidekick Monet kept me focused on the goal and over the years I’ve let go over and over. I’ve let go of people that didn’t have my best interest at heart. I’ve let go of foods that didn’t feed my soul. I’ve let go of addictions. And this past week… I let go of my hair!


I am sacred. I am whole. I am beautiful

For several years, I have had times when I wanted to shave my head but FEAR held me back. I started to gray in high school. Trauma effects us all differently and for me I continued to get more gray hairs through trauma. I lost a child half way through a pregnancy, right before Monet, and two gray patches grew overnight. A few years later I started coloring my hair to match my hair color and cover my grays.. my trauma.. my fears…

But in my meditations, Spirit has been calling me to once again LET IT GO! “You are brave and beautiful exactly how I created you to be” Spirit kept saying. “Your silver hair will grow long and thick and will connect you to me even more”, She whispered to me in dreams.

And so I listened to Spirit, because She’s never steered me wrong! Creator knows us.. Creator created us and loves us perfectly as we are!! So I chose a date, the New Moon is Scorpio, a time for meditation and transformation. The morning of my ceremony, a lot of grief came up that I wasn’t expecting. Our hair holds a lot of power. It is sacred. And my hair held my trauma, my addictions, my fears, my mask. Of coarse I would grieve. Of coarse those feeling would rise up me.

I spent the day alone with Spirit and shared some special time with Monet and then at sunset, in the field, by the water, Monet cut off my long hair.

And a few hours later, my brother Ben and Monet both shaved my head.

Would you like to know how I feel?

FREE…. Beautiful…. Completely ME!!!


Are you ready for change?

We’re ALL ready for change!! We can’t turn on the news without seeing suffering, dis-ease, violence, fear, division, greed…

There is a disconnection from the SACRED.

This disconnection from the SACRED is visible in how we live, how we eat, how we shop, how we spend our time, how we see ourselves, how we see the world… It’s all in this man made “system” and the best part of this … is that we can totally break free from the “system”.

Anything that disconnects us from the SACRED is disconnecting us from our TRUE SELF.





These 40 days are for YOU

I felt called to hold space with you for 40 days but these 40 days are all about YOU. How you choose to love on yourself during this time is your choice. This week before we begin… I encourage to make time to LISTEN.

LISTEN to Spirit, to your higher self, to your guides..
What are you ready to LET GO OF in order to heal and feel better in your body?

What fears are you ready to release?

What are your biggest dreams?

Who are you and what are you here for?

You deserve to feel joy, have abundant energy, creativity, love…!


Its time to reconnect with our Divine Sacred Spirit… to heal and rise up in joy! When we heal ourselves, we heal the world.
When we create Peace within ourselves…

we will cultivate PEACE IN THE WORLD

Treat yourself to a NEW JOURNAL

If you’re not already a “journaler”… now is a perfect time to start!

Grab yourself a new journal this week and your favorite pen and get ready to dive into the art of journaling! Can you believe we are leaving a DECADE behind?

Yep… adios 2019… Aloha 2020~ !!

Over these 40 days we’re going to MAKE TIME FOR OURSELVES!
YES… its the “busiest season of the year” but that is a LIE… that is part of a broken system that has defined this time of year by commercialism and consumerism and we’re not playing that game NO MO’!

This season is going to be about LOVE and PEACE and a GIVING SPIRIT

We’re going to be letting go of negative patterns, habits and anything that isn’t TRUTH. Because FEAR is anything that separates us from our TRUTH. And the TRUTH is in our Sacred connection to Creator, to each other and all life.


Braiding Sweetgrass

Sweetgrass. Wiingaashk.

The sweet smelling hair of Mother Earth. “The fragrant, holy grass”. Breathe it in and you start to remember things you didn’t know you’d forgotton. Braiding Sweetgrass is a prayer, linked by Sweetgrass, there is reciprocity between the “holder” and the “braider”. “Will you hold the end of the bundle while I braid?”

Sweetgrass is a teacher of healing, a symbol of kindness and compassion, a symbol of our sacred relationship with Mother Earth.

It is not the land that has been broken…

but our relationship to her.

Healing the world… we must heal our relationship with Mother Earth and with ourselves. It’s time to reconnect to our Sacredness.. for our own healing, to heal our ancestors wounds, to walk toward the GREAT HEALING.

Over our 40 days if you feel called to read with us, we’ll be reading Braiding Sweetgrass.

There will be no formal assignments, simply spending time with Robin’s words and the great teachings in these pages that are calling us home… to remember who we are… where we came from.. how we got so disconnected… and how we can once again live the Great Law of Peace.

We can once again live in mutual reciprocity.

We can heal the wounds of the past, to bring lasting justice, peace and respect to all life.

”TRANSFORMATION is not accomplished by tentative wading on the edge”


Healing the “2nd brain”

70% of Americans are on 1 prescription pill 50% are on more than one 54% of American children have a cronic health condition In 2017, 425 million adults were living with Type 2 diabetes. 1 in 3 American have Pre-Diabetes

We are disconnected from our relationship with food and its causing us to be very ill with dis-ease… and its completely preventable and WE CAN HEAL!

They say our gut is the 2nd brain.. I would challenge that and say that it is our 1st brain… because without a healthy gut.. our brain won’t function properly. I know.. I lived with leaky gut for over 15 years, maybe longer. I just thought “this is how its going to be.. I’m sick”.

And then I woke up!!! I threw my pills out! I met God on my bathroom floor and begged for help to heal!! I couldn’t live another day without knowing that there was a way out of the hell I was in!

AND years later… I am living clean, full of energy, clear minded, creative, sleeping well, eating well and loving my life!!!


SUPERFOODS to the rescue!

Last summer my sister Katrina, who I met at Standing Rock, called me and told me about her new “job” working for this amazing organic superfoods company. She told me they were totally aligned with my hearts mission AND they had an organic plant based product that binds and pulls glyphosate out of the gut!

I’m listening!!!!

She nominated Monet and I for this amazing MILLION MOM MOVEMENT that the company started to empower moms with superfoods and economic abundance. And we won!! (I’ve never won a contest in my life… but this was DIVINE and part of Great Spirits plan for us!)

A few months ago, I went through the 40 day detox with Purium. I gave up coffee and alcohol and spent 40 days cleansing my gut. Two days into the cleanse I had so much energy and felt so good, I sat on the porch and just gave thanks. I had been eating vegan for a while but my energy was so low, I was still struggling with moods swings and relying on herbs to manage those and I had been having trouble sleeping. After my 40 days, I was ALL IN!

This company shares my heart is healing through plant based medicine AND they are healing the planet.. creating farms that are restoring the soil to its healthy abundant natural state AND next year, we’ll be 100% plastic free!

Remember these 40 days are all about YOU!

Transformation inside and out

Over these 40 days you may choose to give up gluten or alcohol or smokes. Whatever your Spirit is calling for.. LISTEN.

You may feel called to introduce some Superfoods into your diet to start healing your gut. I promise you’ll have more energy, better rest and start to feel “different”.
You may be ready for a deeper detox and if you’re thinking.. I can’t detox around the holidays… you are wrong! I’m going to share recipes everyday that are healthy, healing foods that will nourish your body and they are DELISH!!

I’ve been eating gluten free, processed sugar free for a while and I promise you won’t miss the gluten AND your body will thank you!

If you’re interested in this part of the 40 days to freedom…

Let’s talk today! I’ll email you a gift card for $50 off your first order.


During these 40 days I want us to nourish our body in all the ways.

Take a nap if your body calls for it.

Take a walk.

Practice yoga. Whether you are beginning or you want to dive deeper into your practice.

There are lots of local classes and if you feel more comfortable at home you can find free yoga on you tube or join www.Gaia.com for a variety of practices.

Honor your temple!


Look in the mirror and tell yourself … I love you! I’m grateful for you!

This is your body and every 7 years all our cells are replaced with new cells. YES! We get a whole new body… so love yours and


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The most important part of these 40 days…


Every morning you will start your day with writing the things you are grateful for. THIS ALONE will shift your day to JOY. Because the truth it, we ALL have so much to be grateful for. Even in our suffering, there is joy, there are lessons and to be grateful for the lessons is to honor our growth!

We grow through suffering and if we are brave enough to SEEK CHANGE…

if we are vulnerable enough to look at the things we need to change…

if we answer the call to heal our wounds..






Your BIG BEAUTIFUL DREAMS are waiting for you to believe in them and walk bravely towards them…. letting go of all the fear that holds you back! The only thing between you are YOUR TRUTH… who YOU really are… is FEAR.


When we heal ourselves.. we heal the world

When we create Peace within ourselves … We cultivate Peace in the World!

We’re all just walking each other home


We are so excited

to share these

40 days with you

We love you,

Sarah and Monet

(Poes for Peace)

Join us for 40 days to Peace

set up a wellness call for more information on Superfoods or to ask any questions


Preparing the space for 40 days of Peace


Culture, Creating and Quilling