CELEBRATE the love!

The idea of "finding your person" is something most of us long for. The more I grow the more I know how powerful love is, how precious it is, how it can shape and change us, how we can change and create with it, how much it grows when we nurture it, how we need to BE love and BE grateful for love and how we need to share that love and express our love to one another. 

When two of your favorite people find each other in LOVE, the JOY you experience is so powerful you can't help but be affected by it, it's contagious, it's inspiring, it's beautiful and hopeful and so awesome to BE around! This is how I know many of us feel when we are around Ward and Danielle. Two of my most favorite humans found love together and they have been glowing ever since. A few months we gathered to celebrate these two and to be present with them as they said YES! I DO!! 

I've experienced my share of weddings and this one goes in the books at the top of my list! This was a celebration of love, of family and friends, of music and dancing and food and sharing time with your people! A weekend to camp out, cook out, tell stories, dance, sing and celebrate the LOVE with all your favorite people! No fancy venue, nothing extravagant, just simply.. friends and family celebrating two people who "found their person", just as it should be. 

I want to say how much I love you both Ward and Danielle! I am so grateful to have been present for this part of your story and I look forward to the many volumes to follow. All my love and best to your beautiful family! 


Bowie would be proud of our women!


Creative "studio" in the woods