Tis' the season for giving....always.

We are made to love well and do good and to encourage others to do the same. 

As the time changes, the days get shorter and the holidays approach we can do our best to avoid the commercialism.... to slow down and focus on how we can love better, do more good in the world and GIVE back. 

I love being able to use my craft to lift others and I am inspired by the ONE for ONE projects of companies like Toms and Roma Boots who are helping to  "give poverty the boot" by giving one shoe or boot to a child in need for each boot purchased.   (

These businesses inspired me to do the same with my own work and starting with holiday portrait sessions,  I will be giving ONE to ONE sessions. I've chosen several local organizations to donate my services to and for each session that I am commissioned I will be able to give the gift of photography to someone who could not afford it otherwise. From homeless families, to women entrepreneurs getting started who are in need of head shots, to families facing a critical illness, I want to share my gift. 

To schedule your holiday portraits call or email....  

843 696 4404






"Wild and Free", "Weird and Wonderful" Family portraits that tell YOUR story!


Live, LOVE, Latch and be gentle with yourself new mama