"Wild and Free", "Weird and Wonderful" Family portraits that tell YOUR story!

fam·i·ly  fam(ə)lē/ 

1. people you love and love you back, not necessarily blood or biological, but you trust them and they trust you, and they take care of you and you take care of them.

Family looks different to each of us just like home looks different to each of us. The thing family has in common is that each is made up of the uniqueness of its design depending on the characters. Each family writes it's own story made up of these characters and adventures and each of those characters is writing their own story. So then family is the web of all this unique, wild, weird and wonderful group of characters come together to share life. They can make us laugh and drive us crazy. They lift us, inspire and encourage us and sometimes carry us through those hard spaces. They can break and bend and push us to our limits. Family can be hard and family can be pure JOY.

These characters are part of your story and it is my passion to tell stories through my art. 

I am a character in my own story and I am blessed to be a character in many families, through blood and by choice, through love. These families are my home and each character has played a vital role in shaping my character through their light and love. 

As we settle into the holiday season I am excited and inspired to photograph families and tell your stories through photographs and art.  Reach out by email or phone if you are interested in taking your family on a adventure with me and my camera (and my fantastic sidekick assistant Monet). We would love to create with you! 

Thanks to the Arnold family for allowing me to photography their story over the years. We've had a whole lot of fun together creating some wonderfully weird and wild family portraits. 

Here's a sample of this years photoshoot:

Schedule your shoot for the next month, choose from your proofs the next day. We can do the design or you can use the digital edit to create your own personal cards. I think everything is better with glitter, SO this year we have some glitter optioned for you. 

Please contact me at sarah@sarahpoephotography.com or by phone at 843 696 4404 with any questions or to commission your session. 

Peace and love, 



Spring will bring Natalie and Adam a blessing
