LIVING STARS is far more than astrology…

Living Stars is a sacred space and community to support you in opening your heart, deepening your connection with your soul and connecting with a like hearted community.

Its time to Remember who you are and turn up the LIGHT!

You ARE a Living Star!

Connect with the Sacred Sciences of Astrosophy, the Gene Keys and Human Design in alignment to Sophia Christ.

Each month as we journey through the cycles of the stars and seasons you’ll be supported to deepen your relationship with The Mother, with your Soul and with the consciousness of Christ. We will contemplate how our relationship to God is connected to the Stars just as the Magi listened for guidance.

What is Living Stars?

This is a space for ALL to come together in curiosity and contemplation of the Living STARS to embody a living relationship with Sophia Christ.

Through contemplation with the cosmos you have the opportunity to participate fully in the rhythms of your inner and outer environments.

There is a Great Change upon us we all feel it. We chose to be here on Earth at a time of great transformation as some systems fall away and new ones are being created. As more is revealed, more awaken and REMEMBER why we are here. And, in devotion to LOVE and UNITY, the world becomes transformed.

This time of unveiling and rebirth has been foretold. Just as your story is written in the stars, OUR story is written in the stars. Our ancestors knew the stars. I imagine evenings around a fire where the starry skies were the most magical entertainment. We would watch the movements of the heavens reflected here on Earth.

As Above. So Below.

Living Stars is our invitation to reconnect with the Stars as guides, to know ourselves in relationship with ALL of Creation!

What is Astrosophy?

As a Living Star Member you Receive…

  • Monthly Calendar ~ overview of planetary alignments including the Gene Keys

  • Two LIVE calls each month ( 1st and 3rd Mondays at noon est)

  • Journal prompts to contemplate

  • Global Community of Living Stars (Private Telegram to connect)

  • Esoteric education aligned with each months transits

  • Astrosophy insights aligned with the Magi, the life of Yeshua and Sophia wisdom

  • Q & A after the Live Monthly Zoom

  • Access to Living Star Library for members

  • Bonus Calls connected to potent transits

  • Insight to support you in relationship with your Soul

2 Live Masterhearts each month on Zoom~ 1st and 3rd Mondays at noon est

Monthly Masterhearts are recorded and available for replay and archived in Living Star Library

Members receive access to Living Star Library which will include archived meetings and resources to support you.

Love notes and transmissions from Sarah in the Living Stars Telegram space.

Monthly calendar with all the transits for the month including the Sun, Moon, eclipses, conjunctions and the Gene Keys!

$55 gift towards your Immersive Soul Blueprint Session

Bonuses throughout the year

The Details …


Choose what you feel called to share and RECEIVE!

$22 each month or $244 per year

$33 each month or $366 per year

$55 each month or $555 each year

$111 each month or $1111 each year

*All donations are received through our Sacred Souls Ministry Trust and 100% tax deductible.

The Stars have always spoke to us, but somewhere along the way humanity stopped listening.

Our ancestors looked up to the Stars as a living calendar and guide,

but for thousands of years humanity has slowly become more and more disconnected

with Nature, the Stars, with God, ourselves and one another.

A time will come when ancient astrology will live again in a new form,

when we will remember ourselves as Living Stars on Earth

here to reflect our Christ Light into the darkness.

~That time in now~