40 Days of Peace Day Thirty Five

Spiral and Flow

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The sacred hoop shares wisdom of all of life being

The sacred spiral guides us in lessons of awareness and natural growth. If nature is a teacher for us to look to for guidance, we are clearly called to the spiral as an important piece to the puzzle. We see the sacred spiral all around us, from the spiral of our

Perhaps the oldest symbol of spirituality as well as the symbol that is most found in nature, the spiral is clearly worth our attention… and awareness. The meanings cary from culture to culture over time, but we find this symbol in art and even stone etchings all throughout the time of humans.

Spirals have also been found at burial and ceremonial sites and in petroglyphs in various locations around the world. The oldest spiral symbols can be seen in Ireland at the megalithic site of Newgrange where these mysterious symbols date back to about 3,200 B.C.

When we spend time with the spiral we find the depth of meaning in unity, awareness and lessons in ascension.

“Spirals are believed to represent movement through experiences in life. The Celts in particularly viewed this symbol as one of progressive development, growth and expansion as we make our journey towards the center and towards the light. At the spiral’s center is where we find spiritual balance and realize our deep connection to the eternal forces of nature and the universe.” -Steve Beckow

The overall spiral represents the unbroken interconnectedness of all souls from our Beginnings in the Light.

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The Fibonacci Spiral

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, 144…

Each number equals the sum of the two numbers before it, and the difference of the two numbers succeeding it. The Fibonacci Spiral is an infinite sequence which goes on forever as it develops. “In nature, the golden ratio governs objects as large as galaxies and as small as the DNA. The golden ratio has for centuries represented perfect harmony, or the most attractive proportion in almost all things.”

The golden ratio creates a form which can increase in size indefinitely without altering its shape. This way, across size scale, from very small to very large, the same form arises again and again.

It seems incredible that the spiral symbol has appeared for thousands of years in almost every culture of the world. When referring to the spiritual meaning of the spiral, what a significant way to remind us of our journey from the center towards light and ascension. As we travel the course of our lives, spiraling outwards, we’re constantly growing and developing as light beings.

“Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe.” _Galileo

Artists, musicians, and philosophers have long evoked the power of sacred geometry in their work, from Da Vinci to Pythagoras. It’s quite probable that Mozart employed the Golden Ratio for his musical compositions. The sacred spiral (fibonacci sequence), for instance, is inherent in everything from a simple pine cone, to a snail shell, to the human body, to the Great Pyramids at Giza. Plato’s solids (platonic shapes) are said to form the basis for every design in the universe, even down to a molecular scale.

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Kundalini Spiral

Our Life Force Energy, known as Kundalini, is a Spiral that flows from the base of our spine.

“The Kundalini refers to the dormant power or energy present in every human being, and lying like a coiled serpent in the etheric body at the base of the spine. This coiled serpent has been biding its time for ages, waiting for the day when the soul would begin to take charge of its rightful domain—the personality, or the combination of the physical, astral and mental bodies.

This ‘spiritual’ force, while still asleep, is the static form of creative energy which serves to vitalise the whole body. When awakened and beginning to ‘uncoil’, this electric, fiery force proves to be of a spiral nature, and hence the symbolic description of ‘serpent power’.” _Esoteric Science and Philosophy

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Our journey towards healing is a spiral.

Everything you have been through, every struggle, every choice, every lesson… will come back to you again and again, in some form, until you learn the lesson. It’s not a race to the finish line and “salvation” isn’t a prayer you say that makes everything perfect. Our evolutionary journey towards “our highest self”, “enlightenment”, “salvation”, “ascension”… is a process of returning to something within ourselves that requires our attention, our awareness, our presence. We must be open to learning from every experience in order to “rise”.

“The stakes each time will be higher. Whatever you’ve learned will bear greater fruit. Whatever you’ve failed to learn will bear harsher consequences. Whatever didn’t work in your life before this point was a reflection of the fact that you hadn’t yet integrated the different parts of yourself. Where you didnt’ yet accept yourself, you attracted a lack of acceptance in other. Where you hadn’t yet dealt with your shadows, you manifested shadowy situation. Broken parts of you encountered broken parts of others. Now you know, That was then, this is now.” -Marianne Williamson

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“How many times must I learn the same lesson?”

Well clearly, as many times as it takes Sarah!

When I learned about the spiral of healing there was this moment of Aaaaaa!! It all made sense! The reason I kept facing the same things over and over. The reason I had the same results in relationships.. friendships, families, partners. It’s all a growing process. And guess what, the spiral has no end. The ego wants to attach itself to some goal of perfection but truly, loving ourselves is in total acceptance. Its OK if you don’t know how to forgive the person who abused you. It’s OK if you’re not where you think you should be in your career. It’s OK if you’re still addicted to sugar or smokes or facebook. It’s OK. It’ OK.

Step back and see the spiral, do your best to use the tools in your toolbox to face the challenge. Don’t judge yourself or the outcome. Just love yourself darlins!

From this space, “we begin to operate purely from our soul’s wisdom which naturally leads us into more fulfilling possibilities. The freedom to be exactly as we are and to feel about something exactly as we do is the catalyst of our ego to surrender into integration. When we love ourselves, we no longer require to make choices that align with an inferior or insecure ego structure.

These are the circumstances we find ourselves coming back to time and again, just to give us yet another opportunity to embrace authentic acceptance, which ultimately transcends the judgment and moves us out of the timeline in which similar situations need to manifest.

Healing will never take place from a standpoint of bullying ourselves into change, or shaming ourselves into doing something different.

This is how the cycles of adversity come back time and again. We can’t possibly imagine how (insert perceived problem here) is arriving in our reality to help us, so judgment of it as ‘wrong’ is our natural perspective. And that’s ok! The honest truth is where the acceptance is needed first. “It’s ok that I don’t know how to see … as a gift.”-Nikki Sap

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The Constructal Law..

shows the ultimate purpose of all life is to help energy flow and balance. The same laws of energy indicate that a meaning of your own life is to find how your energy flows best. While the 25 chemicals that comprise your body are the same as those in everyone else, the way energy is mixed with them is different in each of us. We all have bodies with similar brains with a similar number of nerves in each, but the way those nerves are connected is different in each of us. The experiences, learnings and resulting nerve connections are unique and are what makes you who you are - makes your character and personality.” -Fionacci Lifechart

We are energy bodies, correct? We are spiritual beings dwelling inside this high tech vessel we call a human body. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another. Energy flows where our attention goes.

When your energies are flowing together, focused in one direction, you may experience what in the psychological literature are called flow or peak experiences (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Maslow, 1964). This sensation is like being carried along by the flow of an effortless current of some type. The elements associated with the flow state can be classified into the three areas: Causes of Flow, Characteristics of Flow, and Consequences of Flow.

1. Causes of Flow

  • A clear goal

  • Immediate feedback on the success of attempts to reach that goal

  • A challenge you’re confident you have the skills to handle

2. Characteristics of Flow

  • Total concentration and focused attention

  • A sense of control over interactions

  • Openness to new things

  • Increased exploratory behavior

  • Increased learning

  • Positive feelings

3. Consequences of Flow

  • Loss of consciousness of self

  • Distortions in the perception of time

  • Activity is perceived as intrinsically rewarding

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“What does your energy enable you to do best? This can be as simple as discovering what you are truly passionate about or your individual talents. How you use energy best varies for everyone. When you sense your energy flowing well, this can provide a good indication of who you really are and what you do best—and your individual meaning in life. We each have unique energy patterns, as individual as your fingerprints. Science, and your own personal experience, shows that when your energy flows well you perform best, are happiest, most passionate, most content and even at your healthiest. This is your energy reinforcing your individual purpose in life.” -Fibonnaci Lifechart

"Nothing is lost, Sassenach; only changed."
"That's the first law of thermodynamics," I said, wiping my nose.
"No," he said. "That's faith.”

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As I meditated over the spiral and the Fibonacci Sequence, I started thinking about how I’ve personally journeyed through the spiral of my own healing, a journey that is eternal, no end or goal of perfection needed. Just like I don’t understand the idea of retirement, I intend to continue to spiral through this journey ever evolving and growing! I can look back over my journey and see where I’ve learned through deep suffering and now when something enters my field and I’m “triggered”, I no longer “fall apart” as I used to. I can face it and see it for what it is, a lesson. Yes, I may grieve, I may cry, I may feel angry or sad… but I relate to it all with more awareness now.

There were many times when the suffering I felt would drain every ounce of energy in my being. I’d “take to the bed” for days, even weeks. Instead of seeing an experience as an opportunity to learn and grow, I was stuck in my ego’s thinking of blame and self hatred. Then I learned that instead of thinking “Why is this happening to me?” , I could think, “How will I transfer ~ direct this energy in a good way?” “What can I learn from this?” “What do I need to let go of so I don’t attract this into my life again?”

Have you ever got into a relationship and months in you realize you’re dating the same person, just in a different body? Yep! We totally do it! UNTIL, we learn and grow and choose to magnetically align with something different. I no longer attract the same things or people as I did before.

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Now let’s look at the Fibonacci Sequence again. Let’s compare it to families and how we effect each other through generations. If we look at this diagram we can see how 144 people are connected the one at the start. To understand generational trauma we can look at this and clearly see how unhealed trauma from one person can effect a very large group.

BUT, if we look at it backwards, we can see how healing ourselves not only cultivates peace and love and positivity moving forward but it helps heals all that have come before. And if we can imagine how one person can effect 144 or even 144,000… its easy to understand how just ONE person can greatly impact the world!!

Heal yourself, heal the world.

Create peace within yourself, cultivate PEACE within the whole world!

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Imagine peace…

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” -Mother Teresa









-Mother Teresa

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Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 35

In this world, it is not similarities or regularities that take us a step forward, but blunt opposites. And all the opposites in the universe are present within each and every one of us. Therefore the believer needs to meet the unbeliever residing within. And the nonbeliever should get to know the silent faithful in him. Until the day one reaches the stage of Insane-I Kamil, the perfect human being, faith is a gradual process and one that necessitates its seeming opposite: disbelief.


Sarah Poe


40 Days of Peace Day Thirty Six


40 Days of Peace Day Thirty Four