2020 vision of Love

2020 Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit

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New Day ~ New Year ~ New Decade ~ New YOU

This year has been an incredible year of transformation, for me personally, and for the entire collective. We’ve been “in the cocoon” of metamorphosis, forced to look in the mirror and face our deepest fears and attachments head on. Over and over I was faced with the choice to be afraid, to give in to the triggers that sabotaged my path in the past or to rise up and face my deepest fears.

I chose to ask Spirit to empty me in order to fill me back up, to reveal Truth to me and to take the lead, and I would do my best to follow.

This year I was prepared to master my fears and release the pain and illness that were the after effects of my abuse in high school and the years of pharmaceutical damage done to this beautiful vessel. I had been doing the work for so long, but this year the past seemed to keep spiraling around to stare me in the face again.

I didn’t want to be the victim of my past, I was ready to be the goddess and love leader I came here to be. I was ready to rise up and balance my shadow and light, my masculine and feminine self, to integrate, to evolve, to purge and be reborn. I was ready to stop blaming and start taking responsibility FULLY for every aspect of my life. I was ready to truly forgive and to show up as my whole self so that I can get to work on the amazing dreams I have been dreaming!

With Great Spirit in and through us, ALL things are possible!


I surrendered fully this year and asked for the wisdom to know my truth when it showed up and to have the courage to know what I was called to release from my life in order to follow my souls true purpose.

The deeper I dove into meditation and daily practices of contemplative prayer, the more I heard Spirit calling me to love myself wholly and to integrate my Mind ~ Body and Spirit. I heard the call to surrender and to let go of a lot that was holding me back, including some habits and stories I had been telling myself.

Early in the year I asked for my Spirit to call all parts of me home. I was ready to face it all, to heal them and fully integrate the broken, the flawed, the traumatized, the wild heart, the generous spirit, the joyful, the creative, the old and the new. The shadow and the light needed to be fused into ONE and I was ready for whatever it would take.

My heart is full of love. I have loved all beings and this planet wholly but I forgot someone very important along the way… that person was me. I put everyone else above myself. I emptied myself into the world generously and willingly. Honestly, it gives me so much joy to help others that most of the time I don’t notice I’m emptying myself without being refilled.

This year I took off the masks and faced my deepest wounds and fears and I gave them up to Spirit.

I realize now that the most loving gift I can give the world is to dive fully into my traumas, my suffering and fears to heal them and rise up into my Souls purpose. I have something big and beautiful and divine that the world needs, a piece of the puzzle, a part of the whole. It’s up to me to follow my hearts calling so that I can support you in love and light as well!

You come from the one and only true Source of Divine Love…

You are a gift from the Creator, born with a unique purpose and gifts.

It is your gift back to the Creator to seek and listen, to use your gifts for your Soul’s Divine purpose.


Early in the year I felt called to stop coloring my hair. I was ready to take off any masks and free myself from any “addictions” that were keeping me from total wellness and freedom and healing in my mind ~ body ~spirit.

I chose to walk fully sober and I spent months detoxing my vessel. And this past fall I shaved my head and released yet another mask, another link in the chains that kept me from my purpose. In a prayer for rebirth, I LET GO.

I am still on the journey to detox my vessel and to heal. I realize that there is no destination, THIS IS the journey and I’m grateful for the past, the present and all that is to come. I am grateful for my sacred wounds, my suffering, tension and pain, because it in in the sacred wound that we have the power to create radical change, and I surrender to it all!

I have never felt more ready for what comes next!!


This year I learned one of hardest lessons… I can’t change the world, not alone and not without doing my own deep work. We are all connected and my empathetic heart has always been open to carrying the weight of the world. I have big dreams to help change the world… but I can’t do it alone, nor can I do it without first loving, healing and nurturing Sarah.

Healing myself, I HEAL THE WORLD.

Creating peace within myself, I cultivate PEACE IN THE WORLD.

And so we are all called in this same way… to “tune our own strings” (as my soul sister Ahuamna shared in her weekly divination). The violin has many strings but if one is out of tune, the song will not sound so lovely. We must each tune our strings so we can play the most beautiful symphony the world has heard!

We are called to “perfect our vehicles”, to clean our Sacred house, our temple.

What is your body telling you? Are you ready to “fine tune your physical instrument” in order to heal and rise up to live your purpose and feel your best? We know when our bodies are not at their best. We know there are foods and substances and habits that are not serving our highest good.

Are you ready to fully love yourself as we move forward, knowing that loving yourself IS loving the whole world!



This past summer I was honored (and surprised) to be chosen for the Million Mom Movement! My friend Katrina Skyweaver, who I met at Standing Rock in 2016, nominated me for this program because she knows my heart for transforming our food system back to its purity and reconnected us all to our sacred relationship with Food as Medicine.

I’m now an Agent of Change for an AWESOME Superfoods community!

In the past six months I have moved into a whole new relationship with plant medicine and the body ~ mind ~spirit. I am moving forward towards my certification as a traditional naturopath. AND I am extremely excited to be supporting the love offering of Ahaumna AhMaYah and apprenticing with her to support the collective through Destiny Mapping this spring!

I love supporting others in finding their Souls purpose, in following their hearts dreams and in reconnecting to the their sacred relationship with plants, the planet and each other. Peace is my hearts song.

If you are feeling called to make changes in your mind~body~spirit as we walk into 2020, I would be honored to support you in any way I can. I’m offering several ways to support the collective with my gifts over the next year.

I would also love to add your hearts prayers to my alter so please let me know how I can support you.

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To my mind, this intricate cognitive system that operates my imagination, my perception, language, memory…my consciousness, I love you. Beautiful brain I am grateful for you. Thank you for being the keeper of my memories and storing so much information so that I can thrive and create in the world. Thank you for doing the work to run this gorgeous system that houses my Spirit. I choose to fill you with positive thoughts, stories and visions. I choose to seek the truth with your guidance. I choose to fill you with more time in nature that with screens. I choose to use you to read and create more than I use you to numb and distract me from my real purpose. I choose to nourish you and honor you with my choices. I am grateful for my imagination, my ability to read and write and learn and store information. I know you are capable of far more than I even understand and I’m ready to receive the gifts you have to offer me so that I may serve the highest good with my life. I love you.

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To my body, this vessel that is the divine container for my Spirit, I love you. I vow to honor you and protect you with my choices. I choose to fill you with love, with foods that serve your highest good, with water that give us life. I choose to give you rest when you need it and to listen to you. I choose to stretch you and strengthen you everyday with movement and love. I choose to walk barefoot on the earth, connecting us with the divine and all of creation. I choose to let go of anything that isn’t serving our highest good in order to give this vessel a long, healthy, life free of dis-ease. I choose to honor my scared connection between my body and anything I consume. I choose to consume that which is also honored as sacred and loved as such. I choose to make time for you, my body, my “spacesuit”, my vessel that carries my heart and Soul. I choose to love you fully.

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Beautiful Spirit I love you. I am so grateful for your unconditional love and acceptance of me in all ways. I am so grateful for your guidance and nurturing, your voice within that always know what I need and how to love me. Holy loving Spirit give me faith without borders, give me love without conditions, give me peace that radiates in and through me. Where I have been afraid to let go, I am ready. Where I have been afraid to leap, give me courage. Where I have been ashamed, hold me and help me release anything that has kept me in chains. I know you love me fully and completely. I willingly integrate all the parts of my Spirit that have been shattered. I am ready to live fully in my truth, allowing anything that is not my authentic self to die away. I am ready to share my love and my light with the world so that we can all see and live in the Light and know the truth, we are ONE. We are love. As above, so below. Divine Spirit in and through us. I love you.

Happy New Year! New Decade! New Time!

To all of you who joined us in our first 40 days of peace these past few months, I am so grateful for your presence and patience and loving feedback. This was my first gift to the world in this way and a big leap of faith for me, especially in writing and sharing my heart as someone who has a dyslexic mind. It was not easy to share my story or to pour myself out with total vulnerability but I am so grateful that I leaped in love! I learned so much in those 40 days and I am excited to hold space for more groups this year who are feeling called towards transformation and peace. I look forward to the journey and all I will come to learn and grow through this trip around the sun. It will be a grand year of expansion and transformation! I wish you all joy in the journey, peace in your hearts and the courage to follow Spirit wherever it leads. I pray divine love in and through your mind, your entire vessel and your Spirit. I wish you not just happiness, but JOY. Joy that encompasses not only the highs but also the lows. Joy that you find on the other side of suffering and struggles. May you dance in the storms and see rainbows without the rain. You are loved!

In peace and gratitude,

Sarah Poe


Join us for 40 days of Peace and Transformation


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Begin this decade in LOVE

Loving yourself takes courage. Honoring your body and mind takes dedication and compassion. AND YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Starting January 11th I will be holding space for our next

40 day group transformation!!

If you are feeling called to either ADD SUPERFOODS to your life

OR to detox your body to start the new year…

Let’s schedule time to talk in the next few days.


40 Day Transformation


40 Days of Peace Day Forty