40 Days of Peace Day Thirty Seven

All In Good Time

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Trust in Divine Timing…

You’re never too old to answer the call of the dreams laid on your heart. You’re never too old to learn something new. You’re not late to anything. You’re exactly where you are and exactly where you’re meant to be. Trust in the divine timing of your souls path.

You’re never to old to answer your calling and it can never be too late. The truth of the matter is that your soul is always calling, it was calling yesterday, it was calling today and it will be calling next week.

The answer to your souls calling, to following your dreams, is not a one time act… it’s a continuous journey, an unfolding in fact. It’s answering every tiny call along the way. It’s continuing to ask for guidance, to seek always and to take one step at a time… it is here in the journey of answering the call that we will find ourselves living the life we are meant to live.

One day, something magical seems to happen and everything falls into place. Or perhaps we experience a series of synchronicities that we cannot explain and then all of a sudden we’re living a dream even more beautiful than the one we imagined. When we step into our flow, the dream becomes our reality.

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How do we hear our Soul calling us?

I hear the calling of my Soul when I take time to listen, to meditate or sit in contemplative prayer. The longer I listen, the louder the voice. I started taking time each morning to start my time in quiet. Before I speak to anyone, or leave my room, I enter into silence to first give thanks and then to listen. When I start my day in this way, every day unfolds with more presence and peace.

It hasn’t always been this way. I felt lost a thousand times in this life. But every time I felt hopeless or lost there seem to come a sign mysteriously that would give me guidance assurance that I was not lost, nor was I alone.

The mysteries of the Universe are infinite. There are signs all around if our eyes are open. Even when we shut our eyes and turn our heads, even when we try to drown out the inner voice that calls us, its always there calling to us. It whispers to us every day and sometimes it screams to us. “You are not alone. I am with you. I will never leave you. You are here for a purpose. Remember, remember… wake up love… wake up.”

Are you carving out time each day to be still and listen?

If you want to know the end destination before you listen to the whispers calling you, you are not likely following the path laid before you and you’re most likely feeling anxious or fearful even. Do you read the end of the book before you decide to read the book? No use in reading the book if you already know the ending.

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Let go and LEAP!

Your Spirit knows what you are called here for. You aren’t meant to discover anything you don’t already know, you are only mean to uncover your truth.

Whatever is it that lights you up, THIS is your calling.

Whatever it is that brings you JOY and GIVES you energy. THIS is your purpose.

When you go against your purpose, you become tired and drained of energy. You become anxious, depressed even and if you fight it long enough, you’ll even become dis-eased.

The world needs to you LIGHT UP and follow your calling. We’re all meant to do the same and when we all LIGHT UP… just imagine the beauty of Creation we will witness!

You don’t need to know the ending of the story. You don’t need to know the whole plan or where you are going… you simply need to leap into your hearts calling and do the things that light your soul on fire. You know what it is. You have felt it before. Maybe its been a long time, maybe you haven’t felt it since you were a child… but you know it. Remember. Recall.

You don’t need anyone’s approval or permission. You don’t need a vision board or a spread sheet or a ceremony or the perfect starting date. There’s no right or wrong here. You shouldn’t feel pressure or fear or a weight of any kind. It may not make any sense at all but there’s just something inside of you that says, GO.

If I would have know how much time and energy the 40 days of peace would take me, would I have still committed to this calling? Probably not. I might have questioned it and told myself there was no way I could spend so much time each day just writing. But there was a deep longing in my soul that called me to do this and what I know from the journey I’ve led so far is TO LISTEN when Spirit calls me. No matter what.

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“Time as objective reality has never made much sense to me. It’s what happens that matters. How can minutes and years, devices of our own creation, mean the same thing to gnats and to cedars? two hundred years is young for the trees whose tops this morning are hung with mist. It’s an eye blink of time for the river and nothing at all for the rocks. The rocks and the river and these very same trees are likely to be here in another two hundred years, if we take good care. As for me, and that chipmunk, and the cloud of gnats milling in a shift of sunlight -we will have moved on.

If there is meaning in the past and in the imagined future, it is captured in the moment. When you have all the time in the world, you can spend it, not on going somewhere, but on being where you are.” -Robin Wall Kimmerer

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Along my journey I began to notice signs from my guides that brought me peace and reassured me that I’m never alone and that I’m on the right path. The hawks and eagles have watched over me with such care and love that I am eternally grateful to call them family. They give me feathers and visit when I need them.

EVERY single trip we made to Standing Rock, leaving and coming home, an eagle came to see us off on our journey. She would circle above our car and glide so gracefully still for long enough that my whole body would radiate in what I call the “Spirit chills”. One time we were leaving Green Grass to make our journey back east and two eagles met us on the driveway just before we got onto the road. It was snowing heavily and both eagles circled above and glided just barely above our car for what seemed like forever. In that moment, time didn’t exist and there was no separation between the eagles spirits and ours. We cried tears of both sadness as we were leaving friends we loved dearly, and also tears of peace and love, knowing we were exactly where we needed to be and meant to journey home at that time…. and we were never alone.

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We are Spiritual Beings living a human journey.

When we realize we are Spirit Beings we are able to step fully into our power as creators. I am not a servant or slave to anyone or anything. I am a creator of my path. I create my destiny. I am under the laws of the Spiritual world where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

In the Spiritual world, there is abundance. There is only love, only peace, only Light. When we remember who we are and why we are here, the veil is lifted and we can step fully into creation mode. When we realize our Souls purpose we can breathe with ease knowing everything is unfolding in divine timing. Our teachers will find us, the lessons will come, what we seek is seeking us.

Neither time or space are more powerful that Creator and just as Yeshua (Jesus) told us, “Believe me: I am in my Father and my Father is in me. If you can’t believe that, believe what you see—these works. The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things, because I, on my way to the Father, am giving you the same work to do that I’ve been doing. You can count on it. From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I’ll do it. That’s how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. I mean it. Whatever you request in this way, I’ll do.” The Message (MSG)

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From Rebecca Cambell

Your Soul has ALL the answers. The only way to hear them is to go within.

If you feel called.. answer these for yourself.

If I wasn’t afraid of what people would thing I would….

If I didn’t have to get permission I would…

If money were no object I would…

My secret dream is….

“You can loose your job BUT you can’t loose your calling.”_Marianne Williamson

Everything will unfold as is should… perfectly in divine timing!

The journey to finding your truth… your calling.. your Souls purpose starts with listening.

Then DO ONE THING EVERY DAY towards your calling that lights you up!

In one year you will have done 365 things.

In two years you will have done 730 things.

In five years you will have done 1,825 things.

In twenty years you will have done 7,300 things.

In fifty years you will have done 18,250 things.

Start before you’re ready. You don’t need to know where its going. You’ll figure it all out along the way!

… a song, for you Monet. Following Spirits calling is the greatest journey I could dream. Having you as my Souls sidekick to roll with it and waste time is the glitter icing on the cake!

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You’re Ready (Rebecca Cambell)

You’re ready.

That thing you’re called to do,

Do it.

That place your’e called to go,

Go there.

Those words you’re bursting to say,

Say them.

That dream you’ve always had,

Live it.

That call deep within your soul,

Answer it.

That thing that lights you up,

Lose yourself in it.

Don’t wait till all your ducks are in a row,

Go do it now.

Don’t wait to feel ready.

Just dance extra quick.

It’s time.

You’re ready.

Go DO.

The Universe is infinite. The Universe is within each of us.
That spark of madness may just be the stardust that makes up your DNA, your very being.

You ARE magic. Remember?

What is time when you are infinite and eternal Creations

but a playground to live the dreams on your heart.

Good morning loves… go out there and start creating! The time is now!

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Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 37

God is a meticulous dock maker. So precise is His order that everything on earth happens in its own time. Neither a minute late nor a minute early. And for everyone without exception, the clock works accurately. For each there is a time to love and a time to die.


40 Days of Peace Day Thirty Eight


40 Days of Peace Day Thirty Six