Food is Medicine

Food is Medicine

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I love to cook, to garden, to harvest, to eat, to share food… One of the things in life that brings me the most joy is cooking up food to share around a table with friends! I’m a gal who loves to build a longer table and to share my love of food with others.

AND I KNOW FOOD AS MEDICINE! So I’m even happier that I can feed the ones I love delicious foods that are also good for their mind ~ body ~spirit balance.

We can prevent and heal so much illness by changing the way we relate to food. When we realize that Creator gave us plants and herbs to nourish our bodies and heal us when we’re sick, we begin to see our food system with fresh eyes!

I want to share some of my favorite recipes here with you. I will add to the page so check back for updates or

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All recipes will be gluten free, dairy free and free of processed sugars. I use all organic products when cooking to avoid round up (glyphosate) as much as possible. I also love to recreate my favorite foods in a healthy way so if you have a favorite food that you’d like help altering for your new healthstyle… let me know!

Might as well start with desserts!

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Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies


Just because they’re good for you doesn’t mean we should eat the whole batch in one sitting! tehehe!

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup coconut sugar

1/4 cup coconut brown sugar

one egg

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp vanilla

1/4 tsp baking soda

2 cups almond flour

1/2 cup DARK chocolate chips

1/2 cup Nuts of your choice

I add flax, hemp seeds… this is up to you

Bake 350 for 9-11 minutes

I double this recipe.. because.. yeah.. You’re gonna want more!

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Avocado Chocolate Paleo Muffins

Kid approved! Yummy for breakfast treat or dessert!

2 cups almond flour

1 cup avocado

1/2 cup maple syrup

6 TBSP cocoa powder

4 TBSP coconut oil

2 TBSP water

2 large eggs

1 tsp organic vanilla extract

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

350 degrees Grease your muffin pan with coconut oil

Blend all ingredients (except chocolate chips) in a food processor or vitamix.

Scoop into mini muffins or regular muffin pans.

Bake for 25-30 minutes


40 Days of Peace Day Twenty Five


40 Days of Peace Day Twenty Four