40 Days of Peace Day Twenty

Thanks for BE-ing YOU

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Thanks for BE-ing YOU!

Be still and listen

Be brave and believe

YOU are created to BE YOU and there is no other YOU in all the Universe. Be still and take that in… whoah! This thought alone brings me so much joy. I remember as a child learning that there were no two snowflakes alike and that blew my mind! HOW?! How can that be?

Looking at images of water molecules under a microscope will also blow your mind. Every single one.. unique.

This alone is a miracle, a miracle we take for granted most of the time. When I think about the dreams I have and doubt creeps in, I need to remind myself that that there is only one me and my unique gifts have purpose in the collective.

Jody may be really a really amazing chef but struggles with math and details. Navah may be a wiz and math who finds joy in details and organizing (and loves food). Together, the would be great a starting a restaurant maybe!

Each of our unique gifts serves a purpose in the Collective. Using our gifts in a good way together… has the power to change the world!

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Being taught to compete with each other and compare ourselves to one another happens early on in our development. Society has been obsessed with their skewed vision of success that honors competition over creativity and uniqueness.

Most of you know I homeschooled my daughter Monet. Over the years we would be asked the normal questions, like… “What grade are you in?”.. to which we respond, “we don’t do grades.”

In the beginning I felt a lot of outside pressure to keep Monet on grade level, but that wasn’t natural for us and it caused us to shed A LOT of tears. Let’s just say, I tried about every game, book, manipulative, program I found to try to teach Monet multiplication. We cried so much over 6x8 I don’t even want to think about it. We’re both dyslexic, which is just a way of saying our brains process the world uniquely and our brains are more creative and suited for other skills. One day, after watching Monet fall into a puddle of tears I had had enough. I couldn’t hear her say, “I’m stupid, I’m never going to graduate school. I’m terrible at school. …” We decided we we’re done with multiplication and we over the stupid system of “grades”. We would create our own school, our own rules, our own way to learn!

And then and there, Pixie Hollow School for the Arts was born. We only ever had one student, (well maybe two, seeing that I have a student along side her all the way). We still have to think really hard when it comes to multiplication but over the years we naturally got better at it, and at writing, which we also shed A LOT of tears over.

Monet started her first business when she was around 9. She made pipe cleaner bracelets and sold them for 5$ (quite the profit). She made her art and would set up in front of the house selling her creations. She started setting up at markets, face painting and selling her art, and she has always naturally excelled in this arena. She is courageous and leaps into each dream she follows. When she loves something and it sparks her curiosity, she DIVES IN and will study and learn everything there is to know about it. She’s never said, “I hate school” again.

We “unschool” because why define the gift of following our unique personal heart songs? Our entire life is the opportunity to learn and grow!!! Why would we reduce the experience of learning into grades and levels or a set timeline of 12 years? Monet didn’t fit into that box and they let us know early on. Their solution for Monet was aderall and special classes to help her catch up with the other students. I tried to change their minds about the education system as I made my stand for Monet but it wasn’t worth it. Instead of fighting it, we chose to see it as a gift. I chose to set her free to BE Monet! And thank heavens I did!

You do you and I’ll do me.

I’ll do you no harm. You do me no harm.

We can even agree to disagree and love each other equally.

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Created in the image of Creator, we are creations of the Divine.

Diving into this meditation, we begin to see that we are truly special and this existence is a beautiful gift. What shall we use it for?? How are we going to shine on the earth in this time where fear and love are on the battlefield? How is our unique being meant to participate in the collective ?

We are unique but we are not meant to walk alone. Our unique gifts fit into a puzzle somewhere and the adventure is in following our passions to see where we are called.

When we open our hearts and mind to Truth, when we ask for truth and seek our purpose, the journey just unfolds. We start to recognize synchronicities and people just start to show up in our path. Opportunities find us when we are faithful to find and follow our souls purpose. It’s magnetism and magic!

I continue to be in awe at the miracles of this existence and the more I surrender to the flow and trust, the more magical my life becomes. The more I let go of the things that serve my unique gifts and purpose, the more I am open to receive what it uniquely meant for Sarah. The more I leap in love, the lighter I feel and the more Light I am able to share!

BE YOU.. its who you came here to BE !

My niece, Josephine, revealed her unique gifts to us once again. This morning she had another heart cath to reopen her veins and fix her stent. The procedure was suppose to take all day but Mighty Jo pulled through in half the time and was off the breathing vent right after. No parent would choose to have a child born with a battle to fight day one. It wasn’t the dream we hoped for our sweet Josephine, but she is a unique creation, made in the image of our Creator, Divine and whole and perfect as she is. She is stardust and Light, magic and mystery. Her heart is tiny but powerful. Without ever speaking a word, she has healed hearts, mended fences, united family, united community, brought us together in prayer and love…. AND she’s revealed miracle after miracle. She’s taught us to be present, patient and playful. She loves us and we love her.

And today, we celebrate a victory for Lady Josephine, and give great thanks for another day for ALL of us, to live, to breath, to laugh, to cry, to forgive, to create, to love, to enJOY.

Thanks for BE-ing YOU.. You are loved!

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Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 20

We were all created in His image, and yet we were each created different and unique. No two people are alike. No hearts beat to the same rhythm. If God had wanted everyone to be the same, He would have made it so. Therefore, disrespecting differences and imposing your thoughts on others is an amount to disrespecting God’s holy scheme.


40 Days of Peace Day Twenty One


40 Days of Peace Day Nineteen